Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 5



  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I can't weigh myself this a.m. so I am going with Sunday's weight of 157.
  • Baaah I stayed the same, yet again. I'm starting to think my scale might be broken! :laugh:
    Oh well, hopefully I'll see a change next week. Well done to everyone who lost!
  • 166 for me this week. I've not been doing well recently, so I'm lucky it's going in the right direction.
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    165.8 for me this week yaay! :smile: finally glad to be moving down again, 150s here I come!
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    136.2 ... thanks a lot, TOM! :grumble: Ah well, for the day after the Super Bowl AND mother nature not on my side, I suppose gaining only .8 of a pound back isn't so bad!

    Goals: +++H2O, workout 5x this week

    Have a great week, ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My weight's going the WRONG direction and has been for the last couple months. Hmpf.
  • punkrockmama
    punkrockmama Posts: 142 Member
    154.4 for me! Down a lb!!! Woooo!!!! I know it's "just a pound", but I've been struggling to get past that pound for a month!! The next lb will put me at my lowest in 3 years so I am EXCITED!!!!

    Plus I am super pumped for this week and some of my fitness goals!! Yay!!! I just KNOW I'll see the 1-5-3 next week!!!!

  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    148.4 for me this week. Biggest loss I've had in a long time so I'm a happy girl!!
    Good luck pin ups!! We can do this!
  • I'm in at 201.5 today.

    Down a pound from last week's weigh-in, but up 1/2 pound since Friday. Still, going in the right direction! FINALLY!!! Now, I just have to keep up the momentum!!!

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    Good morning!!!! My weight this AM is 196.8. Thats up .4 lbs since yesterday. Yesterday was tough AF is here the super bowl was happening, I had family in town. Im surprised I was under my calories (although yesterday I was under only 10!)

    This week is going to be better =D Starting today leaving for the gym now!

    Have a great week week ladies!
  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    Sad news for me... my weight this morning is 140.1, up 3.1 pounds from last week. TOM perhaps? I hope so... :cry:
  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm down 1.4 this week. current weight is 124.2. Hope this is in the right place. didn't see a posting yet for week 6. Hope everyone had awesome weigh-ins this morning!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I decided to say screw it, I'm not waiting any longer. I'm going to start using the fitness center at the apartments I'm moving to, even though we don't move in for almost 3 more weeks. :laugh:

    I'm at 177.....crept up from 170 last November and it has to stop. Packed my lunch for work today and brought 64oz or water with me. Time to dedicate. I have my goal set and there's no reason not to hit it. :angry:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Weights are coming in a little slower than usual. Did you guys party too hard last night?? :huh:

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Wahoo! Down 4 this week. A total of 21! Lovin it!!!

    21lbs already this year!? That's awesome!! :flowerforyou:
  • cocodp
    cocodp Posts: 164
    137.2 this week!

    woo hoo to me :)

    having me weekly schedule in front of me to drink water has helped. i realize now baby steps and patience is what works for me.
  • WriteNovels
    WriteNovels Posts: 56 Member
    I am down 1 lb this week. Down to 173. I guess that is something.

    Had a hard week. Wrecked my car, had to miss a day of work, thought my dog was hurt in the wreck, and my body is still really sore. It is also TOM, so I really hurt all over.

    This will be a better week!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    didn't lose anything this week, but i know why. i was majorly slacking on exercise & on my food choices. i'm determined to have a better week this week!

    CW: 224.4
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member

    Down another 2.2lbs!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Good morning!! I am down 1 lb. this week! Woohoo!! My weigh in is 136!
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