Zumba - Wii

I finally broke the seal on the Zumba for the Wii today and after about 5 minutes I was so out of breath and sweating like a cow! Has anyone tried this workout for the Wii and if so, how long before you could make it through an entire workout? I'm wondering if I'm just being a punk and need to suck it up or if you have to work your way up to making through an entire workout. Also, I couldn't figure out how to put the Wii remote in the belt without if falling out. It was so tight that by the time I got it halfway in the slot, I'd missed out on about a minute of the workout :-( I'm thinking of just purchasing a heart monitor.


  • MommyOfThree260
    I just bought mine last week..and within 5 minutes, my calves were hurting! I think it is a great workout though! I watched some youtube reviews and I saw the remote part is suppose to go on your hip. Mine didn't fall out, although I only did it for a couple minutes, but hopefully I'll go at it again tonight. I have a heart rate/calorie counter monitor, so I'm really curious to see how many calories I'll actually burn through a 20 min workout.
  • KaylatheChristian
    I have it and love it! I was able to keep moving for the easy workout after about a week. I've been doing it for a month now and I just now feel comfortable enough with the moves to try the intermediate. It's a great workout for me!
  • blakecody
    blakecody Posts: 11 Member
    I just got done with this game. Ater a few min. I'm sweating like a pig, but I love it! Takes some time to get thru it though. I'm at about 20 min. and I'm worn out!!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    did you do the beginner work out? I don't really feel much of anything with the beginner work out until about 1/2 way through. I haven't done any of the other modes though.

    My belt is fine, and the holder area is more than big enough for my remote. The belt does tell you to take the jacket off though, so if you didn't do that, that is why it isn't fitting correctly.

    good luck!
  • MrsKelly73
    you are funny!
    I don't have the Wii Zumba...I have the DVD from zumba fitness and it kicks my *kitten*!! there are several different combos for the dvd you can do...and the longest I've been able to make it is 25 minutes. Today I'm actually thinking of walking for 20 minutes after I'm done to try and get a longer workout in.
    For me it's a combination of lack of endurance and ankle/foot pain. I inverted both ankles and broke my foot a year ago and haven't been the same since.
    I have a heart rate monitor...but haven't used it with zumba yet. I should dust if off and see what it does. I say stick with it...a little is better than none!!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    do you need the wii fit board to do zumba??
  • vjenkins5321
    I love zumba for wii!!! I burned 280 cal doing the 20min begginer board, according to my hrm. Its a great workout!
  • bren101283
    I love my Zumba. I got it for Christmas and am doing the 45 min intermediate at the medium level and it kicks my butt. I have been doing Zumba for quite sometime though so it was easy for me to pick back up where I left off with the old VHS tapes my mom had. It's a great work out no matter what level your on!
  • KeenaAdams
    KeenaAdams Posts: 16 Member
    WOW!!! I guess that's what happens when you don't read...haha. I didn't take the jacket off of my remote which is why I was having a hard time with it staying in the belt. I'm going to try it again today, but it is good to know that I'm not the only one that is having a hard time getting through one workout. I guess I'll just have to build up my stamina just like with anything else.

    Thanks for the feedback!!

    @ mrsbuzz, no you don't need the board for zumba. You just need the remote and the belt that they provide you with when you purchase the game.

    @ MrsKelly73, that's a good idea to walk after the workout. Even if I can only get through 10 minutes right now, I could take a nice walk after to burn additional calories. I will go out and get the heart rate monitor too so that I know how many calories to record in the excersise journal. See, love my struggle buddies :-)
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Thanks I will look into it. I have heard so much about it and maybe it would change this up.
  • Ballay
    Ballay Posts: 52 Member
    How do you know how many calories you burn? Is there something else you have to buy that keeps track of that?
  • KeenaAdams
    KeenaAdams Posts: 16 Member
    @Ballay - from what I'm hearing you should purchase a heart rate monitor to calculate the calories you burn. The game provides a belt, but it's just to monitor your hip movement. It doesn't track calories.
  • Ballay
    Ballay Posts: 52 Member
    wow. I've learned a lot today. Thanks
  • daniellemarieme
    I bought this the other day. I was so dead after 15 mins. I just keep at it and do a little each day. Its amazing!!
  • stopandsayuloveme
    I just did my Zumba for the Wii the first time yesterday. I did the beginner 20 minute class. It is so much fun but boy does it make you sweat! I was also wondering how many calories you burn on it. I read on Yahoo that Zumba can burn 500 calories but it doesn't say how many minutes you have to do it for. I would wear my pedometer but you can shake it and it'll jump the steps so I don't count it as being accurate for counting my calories burned. I hope you can find out soon so we can all know. Thanks for asking that question. Have a blessed day!
  • mayday529691
    When you do the Wii Zumba it says to make sure to drink your water. I pause the game by hitting the home button which can be pushed through the mesh holder for the remote, after each song and take a few drinks of water, and then go back to doing the routine. Does anyone know if that is ok, or are you suppose to suck it up and suffer through the full 20 minutes with no pauses for water? I want to make sure I am getting the full benefit of doing the Zumba, so if I am not suppose to pause for water, want to know exactly when it's ok or how to be drinking water when the game does not stop.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I got thw Zumba for the Wii for christmas ! I love it ! It takes a while to make it through a workout though. I am doing the 45 minute intermedeate class now ! I do the Zumba at least 5 days a week ! Such a great workout !
  • monicaP413
    Haha! Wow, now I want the Zumba for my Wii!!
  • RAEMTI911
    According to Fitness blender:
    "Wii Zumba Fitness burns roughly 200-250 calories in 30 minutes. That’s 400-500 cals burned playing the Zumba video game in an hour. That’s roughly 25% higher than most people expend after an hour on an elliptical machine."

  • teaqueen11
    I don't have the game yet. I'm looking at getting it soon. I do the Zumba DVD's and my HRM says I'm burning 500 calories for the 45 minute sessions (there are 2 45 minute DVDs in the transformation series). I'm hoping the game will give me some different routines to mix it up a bit.