Hot Yoga?

Hey Everyone,
I was wondering if anyone has tried or participates in Hot Yoga and if so what your thoughts on it are. I personally have not yet tried it nor have ever taken a yoga session in my life however a friend of mine takes classes once a week and raves about it. She invited me to try it out tomorrow and I am really excited to see what its all about.


  • kimbabcock
    kimbabcock Posts: 6 Member
    My daughter did it. No one was allowed to leave. It made her pretty sick and she HAD to leave. Try it! I have a hard time doing regular Yoga so I personally wouldn't.
  • Lulu2929
    My experience with yoga is that it is pretty intense and heat producing already. I can't imagine doing yoga in a heated room. Why don't you try a regular yoga class and if you like it - make it a regular practice and then decide if you want to try the hot yoga. I usually sweat like crazy at my regular temp. yoga class and I try to take it easy.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    hydrate!!!!! This is so important, you are going to SWEAT like you have never sweat before. So drink up!!!

    Take a break if you need to.

    Don't push it too hard. You get more flexible in the heat but when you cool down, if you have overdone it, you're going to feel it! So be careful.

    HYDRATE!! Did I say that already? It's most important!
  • eannes
    eannes Posts: 11
    There is a hot yoga place right next to my gym and it seems really popular.
    I thought I'd try it on a 1 week trial and ended up going twice, but decided that it wasn't for me,
    You sure do sweat a lot, but so does everyone else and it was kinda gross watching the sweat drip off of people while they were in their poses. Overall it was uncomfortable (I like to have some air movement when I work out) & the whole thing seemed unsanitary.
    As I said though, lots of people seem to like it, so I guess you won't know until you try it. Good luck!
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    Make sure you are hydrated. Don't wear more than a t-shirt and shorts. Don't push too hard, sit down if you need to. I felt refreshed but worn out afterwards. It is very intense.
  • ryanmelissa09
    Thanks for the input everyone, I appreciate it. My friend was telling me that it is pretty intense and you do sweat an enormous amount so I should drink a lot of water before going. I will give it a go this once to see what its about and ill let you all know if I make it out alive..haha
  • jagonthedestroyr
    jagonthedestroyr Posts: 8 Member
    The poster that said about not letting her daughter leave is half true. It basically works like this, the session will be 90 minutes that is divided into 3 sets. The first set is 30mins which is the MOST intense where you will be completely on your feet the whole time. You are not allowed either to drink water during this set. After every 30minutes you are given a small break to 'rest.'

    You are encouraged NEVER to leave the room, although sometimes you had a bad day or whatever and you have to. My brother actually had to do this and he is super in shape. Whenever I get too tired, I just lay on my back and face opposite way of the class which is OK and what you are taught to do in those times.

    For me, I absolutely HATE the gym and I feel I get nothing out of it. With the Bikram Yoga (Hot Yoga), I get the same intensity as when I was playing sports as a teen. I have not done it the last month, but I am a firm, firm believer in doing the Bikram Yoga. It is more of a lifestyle and will help in so many other aspects of your life.

    I would highly highly recommend doing it.
  • ryanmelissa09
    Awesome! Im definitely excited to see how I manage today. Im sure I will be coated in sweat head to toe by the end. As far as taking a break or leaving the class. I asked my friend and she said that you are able to leave the room if you need a break or you can lay down. I guess it all depends on the instructor?
  • abbracadabra
    I love yoga and hot yoga. It's all about finding a great instructor who is motivating and understanding of everyone's level. I've never been to a hot yoga class where no one has been able to leave or not allowed to drink throughout the 60-90 min session. With yoga and pilates as well, you just need to take it slow, pay attention to your body, and relax. Yoga is great for stress relief and can be an awesome workout (especially bikram, vinyasa and flow).

    Also, hot yoga makes you sweat a lot, but that does not necessarily mean you're burning many more calories. The heat makes your joints more flexible and easier to get into poses and work a little harder or stretch a little further.

    Good luck! As someone suggested try an unheated class so you know what you're getting yourself into
  • adm88
    adm88 Posts: 78 Member
    I agree that hydrating is very very important. I do yoga regularly and hot Pilates too, but the Bikram yoga classes I am taking now are much more intense. I noticed that I get a bad headache if I don't drink a lot before class and I got dizzy once from not eating enough during the day. Granted you shouldn't eat in the two hours before class but have something to eat before that period so you don't get sick.
    If you're prepared for it that way it will be a very rewarding experience. And take breaks if you need to. Any good yoga teacher will allow you to follow your own body's needs.