Help with my scales

Hi there

I recently bought some new scale which measure weight, bmi, body fat and water. I've started weighing myself in the morning prior to eating and my scales are Reading as if I've lost a few pounds. The thing is, if the scales are moved to another position in the bathroom they will give me a different Reading and if I move them else where in the I get another Reading. I weighed myself at the gym yesterday and those scales read that I've only lost a pound then I weighed myself at work and that also says I've only lost a pound. The wishful side of me says to forget the other scales and continue to folllow mine but I'd rather be realistic. I'm not particulary bothered about only loosing a pound because I've not got much to lose and as long as it's coming off I'm happy but I want to know where I'm upto. Has anyone else falling into the trap of weighing themself on different scales. Do you think mine are dodgy or I need to move them somewhere else in the home?


  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    I have those type of scales & mine do that as well. They have these feet things so you can use them on carpet but I can put on a pound from weighing myself in the bedroom to weighing myself on the bathroom floor!

    Very very frustrating! I don't know which ones to believe! :grumble:
  • la4et
    la4et Posts: 134 Member
    Put a piece of tape on the floor to line up the scale on the same spot each day!
  • zatsdeb
    zatsdeb Posts: 20 Member
    I keep my scale in the same place all the time, and always weigh in the mornings before I eat or drink anything.
  • cldb
    cldb Posts: 21 Member
    I'm glad i'm not the only one having this trouble. I do tend to weigh myself on the same spot but move them the other day out of curiosity. So do you think I should believe my own scale and the few pounds it says I've lost.

    I stupidly threw away the extra feet because I didn't think I'd need them in the bathroom!
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    it should placed in hard floor. if its on carpet it will give you a diferent weight. at work and gym do you wiegh with clothing on or without? make sure that is the same at home as it is at those places. If you are wieghing in the nakie at home and with clothing on at work, you wont have as big of a difference. If it is all the same, perhapse you should get a new home scale.
  • cldb
    cldb Posts: 21 Member
    Forgot to say, there's no carpet in the bathroom.
    I weigh myself naked at home before eating and drinking. I don't think my collegues would appreciate me doing the same at work and I don't think the other gym members would either ha ha. Weighing at the gym is normally in the evening. Think I'll stick to my own scales fow a few more weeks. Thanks ladies x
  • AmeMahoney
    I wouldn't worry about a pound or two difference on different scales. It sounds like you're weighing yourself too much, which is going to lead to a lot of frustration. Body measurement is a much better indicator. Everyone should take their measurements at least once a month to see their REAL progress (as opposed to numbers on a scale).