Girl who hates to go lift with the guys!

Are there any other girls out there who hate to go to the "big guys" section of the gym? I feel so self-conscience because I feel like I don't really know what I'm doing and I'm afraid I'll do something wrong on one of the machines...eeek!


  • loriefolk
    No offense to the guys or anything but I wouldn't want to work out with them! LOL
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Don't be scared. If anything...the guys will help you out. Trust me...they'll find it attractive that a woman is even willing to go into 'their' area. I love the weights...that's what gets me to the gym (when I went...I now do p90x).
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    I'm a guy, and I feel this way, too. And the funny thing is that I'm actually fairly knowledgeable about weight training (proper form and all of that), but I'm still self-conscious about it. Oh well.

  • AmeMahoney
    I love working out at the gym and don't care if there are guys around. The only thing I hate is when they try to come over and tell me how to do something. I eventually started wearing ear phones even though I wasn't listening to anything, but the cord gets in the way. Now I have a home gym, but I do miss working out with guys around. I lift heavy, and most women don't, which I find annoying.
  • paulettac
    That's why I work out at home. I'm very lucky that my hubby has a lot of equipment and I've been able to add a couple items.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Just go in with your head high! Thats what I do xD Guys find it pretty funny actually :]

    like the guys that do curls in front of the mirror? yup i join them. with my itty bitty weights. they get a good laugh :D

    altho! watch out for the squat rack >.> if i need a spotter I swear i have 5 guys come running. rofl xD
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    I actually like lifting with the guys.. of course you can't do as much as them, but eventually you'll do better than most girls which gets me pumped up. Take some personal training sessions to learn how to do the machines, and how to lift correctly. Everyone has to start out somewhere! You can always try going at times that the gym is not busy and you'll have less people around. Plus I think those who can lift a lot, are too into their own workout than watching other people...
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Are you kidding, go in there and just walk up to someone that looks like they know what they are doing (Try not to interrupt their work out, catch them between sets) and tell them, hey I’m wanting to do some weight training to help get in shape can you help me with a few basic moves? Tell them you just want a simple routine that will hit the major muscle groups. Most men will be more than happy to help. Just try to be respectful of the equipment, (don’t hog a machine) but don’t let them push you around either.
  • jeebsah
    Lol. I recently joined a new gym -I felt that way too when I first joined. Try asking if one of the staffs can show you how to work the equipment - most gyms have staff members that are willing to help. Or try going around the time when there aren't many people there, that way you can familiarize yourself with the equipment without the fear of someone noticing. Or ask one of the big buff guys in there if you are unsure about how a machine works....they would be honored to show off their weight lifting me.
  • AmeMahoney
    Also, if you've joined a gym, they should have trainers and floor people there who will show you things for free. You should have gotten a basic tour of all the machines when you signed up. Many gyms offer one free session with a trainer, who can show you a routine with the free weights. If those don't work, Oxygen magazine is the best place to look for fitness and training info, especially about weight lifting.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    No offense to the guys or anything but I wouldn't want to work out with them! LOL

    aw are the big kid weights too scary :p
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    I've never really cared about it before but now I go to this gym that's a giant chain (it was cheap), and the cardio equipment all looks down on the weight lifters and they're all these GIANT guys, grunting more than any other gym i've ever been to. It's a gigantic weights section. I haven't been over there once and at other gyms I always did cardio+weights.

    I feel like I joined the wrong gym - most people there look perfect - no, really, perfect. Actually, I really hate my gym now that I think about it. I'd join a different one if I wouldn't have to pay a membership intro fee. Oh well looks like next Jan when there's all the incentives to join a new gym..
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I wasn't too excited about it when I first started lifting, either. Now, I couldn't care less. I work out with a trainer, so it does help that she is there. But for the most part, the guys go about their business, and I go about mine. I LOVE lifting. It makes me feel amazing... especially when I notice that I'm doing heavier weights than some of the guys... now THAT is a good feeling!
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Lol. I recently joined a new gym -I felt that way too when I first joined. Try asking if one of the staffs can show you how to work the equipment - most gyms have staff members that are willing to help. Or try going around the time when there aren't many people there, that way you can familiarize yourself with the equipment without the fear of someone noticing. Or ask one of the big buff guys in there if you are unsure about how a machine works....they would be honored to show off their weight lifting me.

    I go over to this other area where there's nobody around, and I got into this one thing, but I got into it wrong, apparently. I don't know where your arms and legs are supposed to go, so I just get in there and I just start moving stuff. This guy comes up: 'Hey buddy, would you mind getting out of the painters' scaffolding?'
    - Brian Regan
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    like the guys that do curls in front of the mirror? yup i join them. with my itty bitty weights. they get a good laugh :D

    Those guys who are laughing are doing you a disservice. No, not because of the tiny weights but because they haven't told you that curls are massively overrated and redundant for most people other than bodybuilders needing an isolation exercise.

    Leave them with their jaws on the floor after doing 8 chin ups with perfect form instead. That will teach 'em....
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I go over to this other area where there's nobody around, and I got into this one thing, but I got into it wrong, apparently. I don't know where your arms and legs are supposed to go, so I just get in there and I just start moving stuff. This guy comes up: 'Hey buddy, would you mind getting out of the painters' scaffolding?'
    - Brian Regan

    pmsl :laugh:

    I love the free weights area in my gym. It's very sociable and very friendly. And you're never short of someone to spot you.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    Yeah i like it when girls come into the weights area!!!

    I'm not a big guy, used to be self concious if thier were massive guys in the weights area. But now i dont care. It doesnt matter what they think.

    from my point of view, if i see someoe who is "weak" lifting near me, i'll never judge, or laugh, but i'll be impressed if they are putting in a good effort!!!

    With girls too, they can comfortably ask a bloke for help with something, like form, or a spot. MOST guys will help out.
    Heck i'd help Anyone who asked! guy or girl.

    If one bloke says no or is cold, go to the next one, the one who says yes will be making the other guys that declined look like total ****s. The serious guys would probably want to wait till they finished thier sets of the current exercise though, haha.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    oh yeah, and forget the curls.

    I probably do them once a a finisher. and only one set to fail.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    Are there any other girls out there who hate to go to the "big guys" section of the gym? I feel so self-conscience because I feel like I don't really know what I'm doing and I'm afraid I'll do something wrong on one of the machines...eeek!

    Good thread!

    Those big guys had to start out somewhere too, so don't feel self conscience. If they are "real" men they will keep an eye out for you and give you tips or suggestions.

    I'm a woman and enjoy lifting three times a week. I'm fortunate enough to be able to do it at home. I also find using some workout dvds for weight lifting is extremely helpful with correct form and to help count reps and speed. Right now I'm doing a combo of ChaLean Extreme and another workout. :glasses:
  • loriefolk
    No offense to the guys or anything but I wouldn't want to work out with them! LOL

    aw are the big kid weights too scary :p

    No, the guys are.