I am a college student and drinking on the weekends is a big part of going out. I want to partake in the fun and enjoy my college years, but heavily drinking two nights a week makes me feel like I will never lose the weight that I want to. I try and restrict my calories during the week to make up for the alcohol calories but I then end up eating less thant 1200 and am pretty hungry. Does anyone have advice about what they do? :drinker:


  • steph_vdweg
    steph_vdweg Posts: 1 Member
    i am having the same problems! I feel like any progress made during the week is completely ruined on the weekends.
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    Story of my I have the same problem :\
  • phipps
    phipps Posts: 7 Member
    Try not to ever go below 1200 calories because your body is going to go inot Starvation mode and your metabolism is going to slow way down...if your stomach is growling your body is probably eating muscle and not fat!! Go for light beer or wine....but in moderation....
  • mindyjag
    Drink the 55 select beer if you like beer that is what i do or miller light. or diet pop with a lighter alchol. Vodka and diet jucie.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    You are going to have to decide what is more important, and you shouldn't be going under 1200 calories at all, not even to make up for heavy drinking. That's not healthy at all. So maybe you should try doing it the healthy way and drinking in moderation?
  • chuckanderson
    That new Bud Light beer with 55 calories ain't bad. It's not good, but if you're like me in college I just drank a case of natty a night anyways so who's to complain about beer?

    Anyways.... yeah it might slow you down but you can still do it. FYI the thermogenic effect of ethanol is pretty high so it's really not that many calories if you can drink those low cal beers or vodka straight. The bigger problem is that it ties your liver up completely so you don't process fat for the 6-10-20 hours of alcohol worth that you consumed ;)

    It's fine, do it, but don't drink margaritas or bud heavy
  • AmeMahoney
    Volunteer to be the designated driver. Have non-alcoholic drinks that look alcoholic. Have one or two drinks (which is all that you are supposed to have), then change to non-alcoholic beverages or water. Drinking has become a major problem on campuses, and more and more students are having black-outs and other serious problems because of it. Count yourself lucky to have an excuse not to kill your brain cells and get involved in that.
  • martict
    Depends on what you're drinking... beer is easy, stay with light beer if possible. For hard alcohol, it's usually the mixer that gets you. Try to go sugar free whenever possible, diets soda's, things like that. And drink lots of water!! You'll wind up drinking less, plus, if you binge, the head won't hurt so bad the next day :)
  • Monicamarkt
    Monicamarkt Posts: 22 Member
    I will usually add in an extra workout either Friday or Saturday to help compensate and eat healthfully on the drinking days (as well as non drinking days but not soooo much). And LOL on the "drink in moderation". Have these people been to college? Nothing is in moderation except going to class!
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    I know it's not good for me, but I actually drink about 4 nights a week.. with one being usually being fairly heavy.. I've always been a vodka drinker, so I switched to diet soda.. each drink has about 60 calories.. and is about twice as strong as a 55 cal beer (as those have less alcohol!!!) I'm also former military and used to drink a lot heavier than too.. But I'd still be able to lose weight.. I say it's all about the exercise. I'll workout extra hard to earn a few extra drinks at the bar.. lol!
  • sbrossa
    sbrossa Posts: 2 Member
    I know from good friends who are fitness trainers, and VERY fit that alcohol will stop progress. It's just a fact that alcohol can put a stop to fat loss and muscle gains. It's toxic and although many Doctors recommend a glass of wine or whatever a day, it's just a physiologically depriving source of calories. There really is nothing good about it. I struggle with the same thing and coming to terms with it is very unsettling for me. Even in my 30's. I don't abuse alcohol, but I do binge drink a couple times of week-and that usually means any amount over 2 drinks. It's something I enjoy and probably always will but it doesn't run my life. If I drink I just make sure I'm still eating those 5-6 meals per day that are "clean" and if I slip up otherwise, I don't let it ruin my life. I move on and work out hard the next scheduled workout I have. I truly believe in balance. Do what makes you feel happy, but I wouldn't suggest skimping on calories because that could put your body into starvation mode causing you to hold on to those empty calories. I'm not a profession just speaking from experience. I have been able to lose weight AND see muscle gains along my journey while drinking in moderation...But the older I get I don't recuperate like I used to, so I am backing off more these days!
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    Luckily, I hate beer so it's easy for me to stay away from beers filled with calories. I just try to get a light or diet juice to mix with vodka and drink that :tongue:
  • katjohn83
    katjohn83 Posts: 119 Member
    Just stay away from alcohol period. It has far worse consequences than weight gain.
  • jlewis121186
    at some point, you have to decide whats more a college student and while i would LOVE to go drink and carry on, i dont because my health and weight loss is much more important to me...
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Blah... I asked this a few weeks back and I got everyone's "have one or two" answer... which, as a college student (or recent grad, working in the city now), going out is a BIG part of your social life and you want to enjoy it. Here's what I do... stick with lighter drinks (my favs = chardonnay (110 cals/glass), cosmos (150 cals/drink), flavored vodkas and soda water (about 100 cals/drink)). Also, make sure that you get in a really good work-out on Friday-Monday to help with any damage that you've done and stay away from pizza, cheeseburgers, and junk food after you've started drinking!!!! Best of luck!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    asking college students not to drink is ridiculous. it is part of the college experience....
    just make sure you are picking the best beverage options. 1. white wine 2. vodka soda.
    clear and without sugar.

    _also, eat a meal before you go out drinking
    _don't get the burger or the chicken pita on the way home, if you have the munchies, have some natural yogurt when you get home
    _chug about a L of water before bed
    _the next day on a hangover your diet is probably going to be crap while you crave junk. mostly you are craving salt, so have something like instant soup, it satisfies the cravings but is not ridiculo high in calories as hamburgers.
    _return to healthy eating as soon as possible
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    Bud Light 4.2% 110 6.6g
    Bud Light Lime 4.2% 116 8.0g
    Budweiser 5.0% 145 10.6g
    Budweiser Select 4.3% 99 3.1g
    Budweiser Select 55 A 2.4% 55 1.9g

    The heavier the beer.. the higher the alcohol content.. So you have to drink 2 bud select 55 to get the same effect as a budweiser, while still slightly less calories, your drinking more liquid (which causes that nasty beer bloated effect). When I do drink beer, I stick to bud light... But I'd rather drink vodka diets when watching my calorie intake as they are 60 calories and the same strength as a full bud.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Definitely don't restrict the calories during the week to make up for it. You can't "bank" your calorie deficit. What your proposing will lower your metabolism without reducing your calorie intake = bad.

    A better approach is that if you know you're going out for a drink in the evening, make sure you get a big run in during the day, but also make sure you drink a lot of water so your not actually thirsty when you go out. You need to try to hit your target daily, not weekly. Of course its ok to have one day a week where you change your target to maintenance levels instead of loss levels if you're willing to accept a slightly slower weight loss.

    Second, drink a lot of water or diet coke between alcoholic drinks. That slows down your consumption rate. If you're at a pub sitting down its easy to get a beer and a water at the same time to avoid criticism from mates by getting a water only (if you alternate).

    Third, have a mind for the next day. Often drinking isn't what ruins your calorie target but being hung over sure can! If you crave greasy crap to get through a hangover, best to plan to avoid hangovers. Even if you eat healthily the next day, its easy to eat excessively.

    Remember, if you drink a lot, it slows your metabolism even if you stick to your calorie goal. That's ok if you're willing to accept that, but it will make it very hard to loose the last couple of pounds.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I agree with the vodka and diet soda, or captins and diet coke. Hard liquor is going to be the lo :)west calories. I was always a shot girl. Tequila shots and a glass of water :)
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    Workout more during the week or atleast one day on the weekend
    Drink Vodka and Zero Cal Mixers
    Try to incorparate something active with drinking, e.g. Frisbee Golf, Sloshball, etc.
    Eat a good early base to stay full and don't gorge at night