annoyed at the gym ?

bosanka Posts: 336 Member
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
Ok... i don't know why but .. there's this pretty, nice, long-legs, pretty-blond- -long hair, always smiling girl at the gym.

She is teaching pilates. But she is always at the zumba class when i'm. She is annoying me. And we never spoke a word.
But when she is there infront of me in the zumba class.. i look in the mirror and see her .. with her endless-long -super skinny legs- no butt-no nothing body .. completely skin and bones.. and there is me.. with my 100 l bs extra fat.. trying to work out, huffing and puffing, doing my best - but she has this " p erfect p olite- no care in the world " smile on her face... all the time.
Just looking at her i can tell that girl had never an issue in her life- not with her looks or anything else.. she just looks so " well-taken care off " no worries .. no problems.. - and no this is not one of those " fake " smiles - that's why it's annoying ?!?
why is she always smiling.. and why is she dancing with us " fat girls ? " to make us look bad ? or to make her self look extra sexy .. why is she coming ?

I know i know.. people will throw all kind of comments at me now .. i'm prepared for that.. but i just had to vent.. s ince she was the reason for me leaving in tears today .. couldn't take it anymore.. at least stop smiling !?!? when i'm ready to burst in tears..

( this is a vent.. more like a " self talk " .. i'm not expecting anyone to understand me .. i know it makes no sense.. it's just one of those days ) ..

but - just curious.. are there any people at your gym that annoy you ? any one ? why ? :)


  • Make her your insparation!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    omg it makes total sense! of course there are people that annoy! its like "ugh, why not me??" but then you have to realize... there is a person behind YOU in zumba, with the 200 extra lbs they are trying to lose, looking at you saying "why not me??? why can she do that step and not me??" :) ever think of it that way?
  • cplpn
    cplpn Posts: 2 Member
    anyone skinner than me annoys me.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Maybe she doesnt have any friends. If everyone feels like you do maybe she doesnt have any friends and she feels comfortable there. Go say hi to her, maybe you'll get a surprise. And if she turns away well then its a different story.
  • I understand, it happens to me too. I think it's more of a jealousy thing for me though.
  • Hanzo44
    Hanzo44 Posts: 23 Member
    When I feel like you do I just turn the negative energy into reps. It's taking lemons and making lemonade. I think keeping an eye on your metal health is probably as important as your physical health. So maybe you should find some time to just chill and relax. It's probably a good thing that you vented, because keeping negative energy inside you is not going to help any part of your over all health...JMHO.
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    she needs to do it to maintain that perfect figure cos if she didn't she would pile on the lbs and in a few months time the roles would be reversed her behind you thinking that used to be me x
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    I go to Zumba in my area and help at the door for $ and sign in. One morning an overweight woman came and asked where all the fat women were:) Us thinner ones aren't there to annoy you or make you feel bad, we're just trying to stay thin and fit. I used to be about 50 lbs heavier when I joined this sight so I've been on both sides and it's a daily BATTLE just to not revert back and eat what I want to. Zumba or any other exercise for that matter is what helps me be able to eat and NOT gain all that weight back.

    I love where I Zumba because it is based on another warehouse where they have the lights off (just enough light to not get hurt) and NO MIRRORS!!! The first time I went to Zumba it wasn't in my area and there were bright lights, mirrors and the instructor was a pencil. I didn't love it either so I understand:) Just keep going and don't let her get to you. If it were me I'd probably be annoyed by the smile whether she was thin or fat just because I get annoyed easily:)

    Good luk and keep going!!! Someday you could be that skinny smiley girl and just remember age and metabolism usually catches up to everyone:)
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I won't beat yourself up over it too much. You're having a rough day, that's why it got to you. After a good cry and a bubble bath, you might see her at your next class and use her as motivation to keep going.

    Truthfully, I used to feel the same way, but then I realized that maybe even the impossible beautiful, sexy, skinny girls have to work out too and they probably have insecurities as well. Just take it in stride, you're at the gym for you. Totally know how that goes though :ohwell:
  • :flowerforyou: It's just her endorphins making her smile- can't fight biology... or maybe she's drunk haha! Good for you for going to class, good for you for crying it out. You can do this. And someone is going to eventually think of you as annoyingly happy and skinny.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Also... keep in mind... her problems don't show on the outside. Everyone has problems. even perfect-looking people have problems. Maybe working out with a smile on her face is how she gets through hers. Maybe her dad just died, and because she can't face it, so goes to the gym and works out with a smile. Maybe she has bad self esteem and sees herself as fat. Maybe she has an eating disorder. Maybe she lost her house and had to move back in with her mother and the gym is her escape.

    I'm not judging you, but maybe you should take the time to introduce yourself. Maybe she needs a friend.
  • jaduff
    jaduff Posts: 12
    I always feel like I'll appreciate and enjoy my thinner self more than someone who is naturally thin because I worked for it and I know what it feels like to be heavier.
  • Everyone has problems in their life, everyone. Even the pretty, thin blond girl in that class. People that we might look at with envy most likely have insecurities and problems just like the rest of us. I'm sorry that you are feeling upset though! Just remember that you're in that class for you and no one else. You're doing something great for your life and your health and you should be smiling about that!
  • Jlln_G1011
    Jlln_G1011 Posts: 13 Member
    you can't know her outside of the 1 instance you see her in. maybe she makes herself perfect on the outside because thats the one aspect of her life she can control. you don't know.

    just relax and do your thing. and try saying hi, you might be pleasantly surprised!
  • AngelUK1985
    AngelUK1985 Posts: 84 Member
    I see skinny people at the gym all the time too and im thinking if i was as thin as you i wouldnt bother being here but anyway i can see it from your side but maybe if she didnt do this kind of thing and ate what she did she wouldnt be so thin so maybe she feels like she needs to go there, and sometimes when people smile doesnt always mean they are happy you dont know whats going on inside people fake being happy sometimes plus most women are never happy with how they look alot of people always find flaws about themself even if theres nothing wrong with them, when i was thin i never looked in the mirror and seen a skinny person so maybe shes the same, or maybe shes just there to be annoying to everyone else and to make herself feel good who knows :)
  • What if she has Aspergers and enjoys the number of moves in her Zumba class and it's the only place she can hang out since she's kind of emotionally challenged and hence her utter joy of finding a place she can fit in without having to talk much and just 'be'?
    Probably not, but just saying, you really don't know. For all you know she's an orphan and her adoptive parents hate her. Or not and she has the perfect life, either way, you're there to be healthy right?

    Easier said than done but one thing I have learned is there is always someone faster, more beautiful, cleverer, a better gamer, better flirter blah could spend your whole life being annoyed by it.

    (I'm not criticizing your thought process here, I'm just saying that you have to kind of force yourself into more productive ways of thinking when we go down that road)
  • The only people who annoy me at the gym are people who talk on their cell phones, don't wipe down equipment after sweating all over it, or who have really *really* bad BO.

    Honestly, I'd rather have people who are polite, happy, and always smiling at the gym than grumpy people who pass judgment on others just because of the way they look.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    What if she used to be a fat chick? What if she's smiling because she's a success? If I dropped that much weight, I'd be grinning too. I catch myself doing it when I crank out reps at bigger weights than I was at before, or when I slam the treadmill at a new speed I never knew I could reach.
    And, dude, Zumba is FUN. I see skinny girls doing it all the time. There's a reason why they call it a party.

    Next time you see her, I challenge you to ask her why she's so happy. :)
  • SmileyJ23
    SmileyJ23 Posts: 349 Member
    :) I completely understand you... No one annoys me because I guess I just totally block everyone out and focus on me. I listen to music and go away in my own little workout land. I have felt this way in the past and had to learn that I'm doing everything I do for me and i try my very hardest not to compare myself or my progress to anyone else. Just let this be your one day and move forward. Good luck with everything!!!! I can't til the day you are able to do the moves just as good as the skinny chick!!!
  • P.S.
    I have a lot of weight to lose, but today when I was on the treadmill (twenty minutes ago) I was smiling the entire time.

    I'm a daydreamer :).
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