Hello, I am new :)

jamieskeeler Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone, my name is Jamie and I just joined this site. It really seems to be exactly what I want. Everything I need to track for my new life style change is right here. It is truely time for me to change. I am one of the people that tend to do the yo-yo dieting
and then get discouraged because these diets tend to say I can only have this and never that. I know what to do to have that healthy lifestyle and am here more for encouragement and support. I also love to encourage and support others with their journey. I would love to meet people that have the same goals ~ To better oneself, internally and externally. Hope you have a wonderful day and continue the road to your healthy lifestyle! Best Wishes to all! Looking forward to meeting some new friends along my journey :)


  • HI Jamie! Im Tabitha! i am here for the exact same thing! you are welcome to add me as a friend on here =] i have just started about 2 weeks ago and its going great! Best of Luck to you!
  • Add me a friend too. I have been using this app for a few months and just recently started using the website too (since being able to go back to the gym after back surgery). I find it really helpful and I'm always looking for more friends to keep me motivated.
  • Hi Jamie, you are right...everything you need is right here! But don't think of it as a "diet" but instead think of it as a new healthy lifestyle. Diets tend to get broken or discarded when the goal is met, I am using this site to learn to make more intelligent choices that I will continue with once I have met my goal.

    It is awfully handy to be able to look up the menu of the "quick stop" or chain restaurants and see just how much it costs (in calories!) to stop and eat. Now if we go out someplace I can plan ahead and make my choices based on what I have budgeted for the day.

    Just don't give up...everyday take one step more than the day before. And nothing motivates like a little success! Make reasonable goals and try to make them, but don't beat yourself up if you fall a little short...it isn't a contest but a learning experience.

    Good luck and when things start to happen post it because you can help motivate someone else down the road.
  • Hi, I just started a few days ago, you can add me as a friend if you want. And I know what you mean about the yo-yo dieting, I tend to do that too, but it all stops here!
    Welcome, and good luck!
  • mrskb
    mrskb Posts: 6
    im also new!!! doing well on my first few days i think this is a wonderful tool to help people like me who have no idea!!! LOL feel free to add me :)
  • Hi!! Just want to let you know you've hit the jack pot when it comes to lifestyle changing websites. I joined in January to help me push through a wall I couldn't get past. I lost 50 lbs in a year but have 25 left to loose and it's becoming much more difficult than before. I the supportiveness (sp?) of the other members is incredible!! Being able to track your calorie intake and burn is a big help. It's taught me to plan a head but at the same time be flexible. Feel free to add me too!!
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