Others upset by my progress...

Yesterday, someone just asked me how much weight I just lost. So I told them. And when they thought I had left, that person was tearing me down saying they hate people like me because me being proud of my weight loss apparently is letting everyone around me know they're fat. I don't know where that logic came from because i certainly don't go around bragging about my progress. To me, 11 pounds is not enough to brag about! I am proud that I'm finally in the mental state to do what I'm doing because I yo yoed so much, but it just goes back to what I've expressed on here before. People around me or wherever I go (except here!) seem to want us weight losers to fail. And I don't understand it.


  • orchid100
    orchid100 Posts: 40 Member
    Jealousy is a terrible emotion and sadly many suffer from it .. you`ve taken control , they haven`t.

    This problem is theirs not yours so please don`t stress over it, be proud of yourself x
  • RLeighP
    RLeighP Posts: 232 Member
    Oh wow, I've never encountered anyone who was that brash to say it that way! I'm sure that people feel that way, but yikes. Be proud of what you've accomplished, it's not an easy feat to lose anything at all, much less 11 lbs! And if having pride in being healthy and happy with yourself is a problem to someone else, well that's not your fault.
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    Well perhaps this is just the New Jersey in me, but * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * em. (Feel free to fill in the blanks as you see fit. If they don't like it, well then it is just too bad for them. You have to do what you need to do for you. No one else will!!!
  • kkrupp
    kkrupp Posts: 20
    WOW. That is terrible! What is wrong with some people some times? Personally 11 pounds is totally great and brag worthy, I bragged to my friends when I lost 5 hahaha.
  • juliebrc1
    Keep your head up! You should be able to celebrate every pound lost! Just celebrate and be proud of yourself. Do worry about haters, YOU RULE!!
  • ultimategar
    ultimategar Posts: 96 Member
    11lbs is more than most people who need ot lose weight ever manage. be proud!
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Because if you don't fail....they no longer have an excuse not to try. As long as "everyone" is overweight it's the acceptable norm. Ignore them. Actually don't. Next time walk back up...in mid sentence and reply "I'm sorry. I didn't realize answering questions was bragging. The next time you ask me a question, I'll be sure not to answer it." THEN walk off and ignore them!
  • wiebernaut
    wiebernaut Posts: 8 Member
    Number one...if they didn't want to know, they shouldn't have asked!

    Number two...11 lbs is AWESOME and plenty to be proud of! You're doing great! I totally get the mindset thing...I've been fighting my wait my whole life and think I'm ready to tackle this.

    GOOD FOR YOU!! Keep it up!
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    It's not you, it's them. They obviously have low self-esteem and you losing weight is making it even lower. Keep doing what you're doing and congrats on the 11 pounds.
  • pammbroo
    pammbroo Posts: 550 Member
    I totally agree with Orchid. Its much easier to tear someone down than to look in the mirror and admit what you are NOT doing.

    Don't let people like this get you down. Your hard work and positive attitude are paying off for you.

    Wear it proud!!
  • reginabroyles
    sounds like a lazy *kitten* jerk to me! You go girl! let her "hate" on you some more when you keep on loosing!:laugh:
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Be proud. **** 'em.
  • HungryTuna
    Oh man, I've experienced this myself, but not to the extreme you have. It was a comment my old childhood best friend made on a MySpace picture many years ago when I lost 40lbs. She said I looked too skinny. THAT was her comment. I still weighed about 159lbs, (I'm tall, so I can see where that may have come from).. but still, that is not skinny. I lost the weight through practicing yoga for so many years, it was gradual, and I had good muscle tone. But, I can see she was jealous and instead of paying me a compliment like others did, she said I wasn't healthy looking. That seriously hurt my feelings, but I didn't allow her remarks to impact me in anyway. I still ran and did my yoga!

    Sadly, people will gossip.. especially the jealous ones. It's a shame, but that's how society works sometimes, especially in the workplace or shaky friendships.

    However, I think it's fantastic you've dropped 11 lbs already! Way to go! Don't let them bring you down, you're doing a wonderful job!
  • marniehodges
    I'm usually a pretty nice person but I gotta say I agree with ufasupa New Jersey up there! That is just blatantly rude. Ignore them; they are obviously not happy with themselves so they have to bring others down. Be proud and shout it from the roof tops if you feel like it! :drinker:
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    Wow. It's amazing the way people will express their insecurities. The fact is... you getting in shape DOES make them realize how out of shape they are. And they can either look at that positively, commend you and maybe do something for themselves or feel insecure and blame you for THEIR overweight body. But you just keep right on keepin on. Are you going to be worried about what he/she said when you're slipping into those smaller jeans yet again? I don't think so!! ;)
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Ignore it, I tell everyone about every lb lost :D Im proud and I can not be shut up.
  • racey114
    racey114 Posts: 2 Member
    If they're smart, and ready to make a change themselves, they'll look at your success as inspiration. If they're not, then let them be jealous. Your increased self-esteem and confidence from losing is worth way more than their opinions. Keep at it.
  • sooperdad
    A I know is a "skinny" person would'nt be saying that stuff..... Let em rot!

    And Great Job!!!
  • bparsont
    JEALOUSLY a really bad emotion. Don't take it to heart and turn your emotions around to being happy and proud of yourself. This is the only way you are gonna get rid of them and their opinions. Attract like minded people in your life and discard the ones that don't fit. They are mad at themselves that's why they act that way. Keep up the good work and concentrate on YOU not them!!
    I just have to say OMG. You are doing this for yourself and not them. Do not let their comments tear you down. You have made tremendous progress to a new you. I have never witnessed comments like this in my workplace, but I am sure there are some out there. I am not out there to please other people so I agree with several of the other posters. They need to not ask the question if they really do not want to know. :noway: