No Meat.....No Problem

Whitfield517 Posts: 7
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Well this week I agreed to go meat free with a co-worker. I was a little concerned that I would not have enough variety in my meatless week so I went to Trader Joe's to stock up on some good meatless fare. I decided to buy a fresh eggplant, having no idea what I was going to make with. After some research on the web I found a roasted eggplant recipe that was easy and fast. I simply poked the eggplant with a fork then placed it in a baking dish in the oven at 350 for 1 hour. I let it cool some then peeled the skin off. The cooked eggplant has a lovely squash like taste that can adapt to lots of flavors. I put a little salt on the eggplant and placed it in a dish with some tomato sauce, cooked rigatoni pasta, fresh basil, and fresh mozzarella cheese. It was so good. I had to stop myself from eating the whole dish! The eggplant is very filling and since I did not add any oil to it it was kinda healthy (ok, it was healthy before I added the cheese and sauce) I will definitely be adding eggplant to my meal plans even after my meatless week.


  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Keep it up with the meatless meals...try for 1-2 days a week where you keep it'll cut your grocery bill and improve your health. I've been a vegetarian my entire life and it's a wonderful lifestyle.

    *waits to get throttled by those on atkins or primal diets*
  • Eggplant is awesome. I sometimes make an eggplant parmesean (like lasagna). I also like eggplant meatballs and curried eggplant for an indian dinner.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I agree with going meatless one or two days a week. We used to do that and it was awesome. Now I just don't meal-plan well enough to think about it. :-/ But it can save money, and you get some good variety in your diet.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Just curious - but why are you going meatless? There is a lot of misinformation out there.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    *waits to get throttled by those on atkins or primal diets*

    #throttles sarah# lol

    i did this with my church for a month, well it was more than just meat it also included sweets, caffiene etc, now that its over i feel so much better, i still have days where i dont eat meat, i use to be addicted to caffiene now i dont crave it, i used to be a sugarholic now i dont crave sugar either. my biggest concern about no meats was protein but i found that even with out it i got more than enough protien in my diet.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Just curious - but why are you going meatless? There is a lot of misinformation out there.

    If you don't mind my asking...what kind of misinformation?
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    *waits to get throttled by those on atkins or primal diets*

    #throttles sarah# lol

    i did this with my church for a month, well it was more than just meat it also included sweets, caffiene etc, now that its over i feel so much better, i still have days where i dont eat meat, i use to be addicted to caffiene now i dont crave it, i used to be a sugarholic now i dont crave sugar either. my biggest concern about no meats was protein but i found that even with out it i got more than enough protien in my diet.

    Yeah yeah...pick on the vegetarian, lol.

    If it's about the protein...I eat my body weight in grams every day (and's not from faux meat crap), I watch very carefully what I eat...take a look at my's down to my butt and very healthy. I get in all my B vitamins, calcium, Iron, and other vital nutrients quite easily.
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    Well this week I agreed to go meat free with a co-worker. I was a little concerned that I would not have enough variety in my meatless week so I went to Trader Joe's to stock up on some good meatless fare. I decided to buy a fresh eggplant, having no idea what I was going to make with. After some research on the web I found a roasted eggplant recipe that was easy and fast. I simply poked the eggplant with a fork then placed it in a baking dish in the oven at 350 for 1 hour. I let it cool some then peeled the skin off. The cooked eggplant has a lovely squash like taste that can adapt to lots of flavors. I put a little salt on the eggplant and placed it in a dish with some tomato sauce, cooked rigatoni pasta, fresh basil, and fresh mozzarella cheese. It was so good. I had to stop myself from eating the whole dish! The eggplant is very filling and since I did not add any oil to it it was kinda healthy (ok, it was healthy before I added the cheese and sauce) I will definitely be adding eggplant to my meal plans even after my meatless week.
    As a vegan (for good health rather than moral reasons) I salute you in having a meat free time. The change to my diet has made a big difference to my health, weight and general well being. I have a wide variety of foods and do not miss meat at all
  • Yay for you! I'm a Vegetarian, and I love eggplant! I season it with a little sea salt and some other dry spices, and broil or bbq. It keeps for several days in the fridge and is a quick warm up for a snack, or as an appetizer. Works well if you are really hungry because it is filling and is totally low damage! You will end up eating less of the caloric stuff.
  • Oh, and BTW, I don't eat the fake meat stuff either. I am gluten free and it's all loaded up with soy (wheat).
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Oh - I just am amazed at how many people (both here and in real life) give advice based on nothing but what they heard in passing on a TV show 8 years ago (or whatever the source). There are some really excellent studies and books put together with sources sited that we can all easily research with the internet now.

    Personally, what I do doesn't matter - although I've found something that works for my goals, what I'm saying to (not just you - but all) people is - do the research! Read up on this stuff! :)

    Not only is reading up on it interesting and helpful, but it keeps you motivated. It's hard to jam a doughnut in your mouth when you're half way through reading "Good Calories, Bad Calories".

    I have clients all over that make declarations like, "I'm not going to eat red meat anymore!" based on just that they think it's healthy. However, through 3 years of study, I can't seem to find a single current study that shows it is bad. Some of my friends are vegan because they fundamentally don't believe in eating animal product - I applaud them for that choice! That's fantastic!

    My advice to my personal training clients is always the same. Before you swear off red meat/chicken/fat/protein or whatever they claim is bad for you - swear off missing a day of exercise and swear off that cheat cookie. :) It'll go a lot further!

    Some reading examples that I like - I'm sure other people will disagree - again, I'm not saying do each one - Just to learn about it!

    The Anabolic Diet
    The Primal Blueprint
    The New Atkins Revolution - which has a vegetarian section in each chapter now
    Protein Power
    The Zone Diet (33/33/33)
    Good Calories, Bad Calories

    All good stuff and worth the read.

  • I wanted a way to make eating healthier easier for me. I thought that by not allowing myself to eat meat I would force myself to find new food that is both filling and has fewer calories then meat dishes. I totally plan to eat poultry and seafood again (no pork or red meat if I can help it) So for example today I ate a great and filling lunch and dinner and ate less than 1200 calories!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Oh - I just am amazed at how many people (both here and in real life) give advice based on nothing but what they heard in passing on a TV show 8 years ago (or whatever the source). There are some really excellent studies and books put together with sources sited that we can all easily research with the internet now.

    Personally, what I do doesn't matter - although I've found something that works for my goals, what I'm saying to (not just you - but all) people is - do the research! Read up on this stuff! :)

    Not only is reading up on it interesting and helpful, but it keeps you motivated. It's hard to jam a doughnut in your mouth when you're half way through reading "Good Calories, Bad Calories".

    I have clients all over that make declarations like, "I'm not going to eat red meat anymore!" based on just that they think it's healthy. However, through 3 years of study, I can't seem to find a single current study that shows it is bad. Some of my friends are vegan because they fundamentally don't believe in eating animal product - I applaud them for that choice! That's fantastic!

    My advice to my personal training clients is always the same. Before you swear off red meat/chicken/fat/protein or whatever they claim is bad for you - swear off missing a day of exercise and swear off that cheat cookie. :) It'll go a lot further!

    Some reading examples that I like - I'm sure other people will disagree - again, I'm not saying do each one - Just to learn about it!

    The Anabolic Diet
    The Primal Blueprint
    The New Atkins Revolution - which has a vegetarian section in each chapter now
    Protein Power
    The Zone Diet (33/33/33)
    Good Calories, Bad Calories

    All good stuff and worth the read.


    I've read them and and none of them would ever convince me to switch. I don't eat meat because it's a morally and ethically wrong thing. I was a vegan for a number of years and would go back to it if my daughter chose to do so. She is not a vegetarian and it's her personal choice. We do eat as healthfully as possible. We eat 'clean', we grow a lot of what we eat, and when she eats meat it is organic and free range from a local butcher...not processed crap.
  • #throttles sarah# lol

    i did this with my church for a month
    You throttled people for a month? At church??
  • miranda0910
    miranda0910 Posts: 5 Member
    I LOVE eggplant, but my family hates. What can I do?
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    I find that there are MANY MANY delicious vegetarian recipes out there. Just take some time and scour the internet. You'll get the feel for meat-free recipes :-)
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    #throttles sarah# lol

    i did this with my church for a month
    You throttled people for a month? At church??

    I love this :)
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    god i am craving eggplant!! but its expensive here..
  • Oh - I just am amazed at how many people (both here and in real life) give advice based on nothing but what they heard in passing on a TV show 8 years ago (or whatever the source). There are some really excellent studies and books put together with sources sited that we can all easily research with the internet now.

    Personally, what I do doesn't matter - although I've found something that works for my goals, what I'm saying to (not just you - but all) people is - do the research! Read up on this stuff! :)

    Not only is reading up on it interesting and helpful, but it keeps you motivated. It's hard to jam a doughnut in your mouth when you're half way through reading "Good Calories, Bad Calories".

    I have clients all over that make declarations like, "I'm not going to eat red meat anymore!" based on just that they think it's healthy. However, through 3 years of study, I can't seem to find a single current study that shows it is bad. Some of my friends are vegan because they fundamentally don't believe in eating animal product - I applaud them for that choice! That's fantastic!

    My advice to my personal training clients is always the same. Before you swear off red meat/chicken/fat/protein or whatever they claim is bad for you - swear off missing a day of exercise and swear off that cheat cookie. :) It'll go a lot further!

    Some reading examples that I like - I'm sure other people will disagree - again, I'm not saying do each one - Just to learn about it!

    The Anabolic Diet
    The Primal Blueprint
    The New Atkins Revolution - which has a vegetarian section in each chapter now
    Protein Power
    The Zone Diet (33/33/33)
    Good Calories, Bad Calories

    All good stuff and worth the read.


    You're quite handsome btw..
    So why can't I just read some Pollan and get it over with?
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    Some reading examples that I like - I'm sure other people will disagree - again, I'm not saying do each one - Just to learn about it!

    The Anabolic Diet
    The Primal Blueprint
    The New Atkins Revolution - which has a vegetarian section in each chapter now
    Protein Power
    The Zone Diet (33/33/33)
    Good Calories, Bad Calories

    All good stuff and worth the read.

    <Deleted as posted twice... damn computer....>
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