misanthropypure Posts: 7
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
although i've only been on this site for a week, i've been trying to shift my spare tyre for god knows how long. i honestly eat well and exercise regularly. it's so disheartening to see no change and i really don't know what else i can do! HELP


  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    If it's just your first week, your body is still readjusting. Just keep at it!
  • thanks :) . if anything the sites encouraging me to eat more than i usually do, which seems strange to me, but fingers crossed if i do it all properly i'll see some results soon !
  • Give your body time to change, it's only been a week. Keep at it and you'll see results!
  • WELCOME:) i find tracking food helps can be discourage to not see or feel progress but don't give up.:flowerforyou:
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    As others said, one week isn't nearly enough time to see much difference, especially when you're pretty lean already. Give it time and be patient. And remember to measure - it will tell you a lot that the scale won't.

    Here's a thread that gives some good info to make sure you're calculating your goals/cals correctly. Good luck to you!
  • thanks for all the advice and the encouragement. time to find some self-discipline!
  • Sounds silly, but you might be surprised at what a big tall glass of water does first thing in the morning before anything else. I found for me 64oz just wasn't enough to jump start my metabolism. I took my weight/2 to get the #oz of water to drink each day.
  • Some areas are going to take longer to see a difference. All you can do is keep trying. It will slowly tone up and muscle will show through. I've struggled with saddle bags my whole adult life. I've been working out for over a month and eating pretty good. The bags are still there but I now have a little tuck before my butt goes into my thigh. Yeah! hard work does pay off.

    You can do this. The stomach is a battle for most of us. Keep incorporating stomach exercises into all of your work outs. Set realistic goal and take measurements every 4-6 weeks. You'll love seeing the inches melt off.
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