1st Weeks Result

SlimColin Posts: 89
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, I started a week ago with a weight of 197.4 and a target of 175 in 22 weeks time, and a fitness target of exercising 30 minutes every day. I started off really well the first few days by recognising when I was likely to have a high calorie intake and compensating by doing more exercise, and was down to 194.6 last Friday. Unfortunately at the weekend I consumed a lot of calories after 7:00 pm leaving myself little time to burn them off with more exercise. I am therefore a bit dissappointed with only getting down to 196.0 at the end of my first week even if it is 0.4 lbs better than my target? I will try to moderate my portion size this next week, cut out almost all the sweets and do more regular exercise.


  • Hi All,

    Really chuffed as I was down to 191.6 at the end of my second week, a loss of 5.8 lbs. Really starting to get the hang of this and managing to maintain and better my goal of 30 minutes exercise per day, and already feeling a whole lot better about myself!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Good work! I've decided that losing weight fast is just a waste of time as I have done this before and always put it back on again.
    Exercising regularly and eating right are the only way to go.
    Well done for sticking with it!
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    That is fantastic! :) Glad you are having a better week this time :)
  • I'm so pleased to read this! I started ok - over 3lb's in the first two weeks but this week I have struggled andcan't shift any more. I really needed to read about someone who was a little dejected but who got over it today!

    It will inspire me to watch what I am doing this weekend!
  • Thanks for the words of encouragement from Rubywell, glittersoul & meganroseD

    Feeling even better as at my weekly weigh in this morning I was 189.2, which means I have lost 8.2 lbs in my first 3 weeks on here. I do think it takes a while for the body to get used to the regime of a reduced calorie intake with less sugar and of course more exercise. Really looking forward to the journey, even though I know my progress will soon start to slow, but as long as I head in the right direction and I can erase my craving for sweet food and for pigging out when food is free or about to be waisted. Ha-Ha!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    well done! it does take a bit of time to get the hang of it. but it will become second nature soon. good luck :)
  • Well done - I think I am a bit more on track this week. I'll see at weigh in on Friday!
  • smoore85
    smoore85 Posts: 68 Member
    Well done to you, i have joined today and hope that i too can curb the craving for sweet food and i also have the trouble of pigging out when food is about to be thrown or is just free. lol,, keep up the good work,, xx
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    wow well done !
  • Hi All,

    Don't feel so bad today, really buckled down to serious calorie control during the day yesterday knowing I was going out for a Valentines Day meal, and did almost an hour of steady walking during the day. Managed to pull back 1 lb of the 2 lbs I put on over the weekend and finished up at 1.2 lbs over last weeks weigh in weight. So just gotta get back on track this week as I have another presentation dinner next Monday evening?
  • Dead chuffed Worked really hard yesterday to right the wrong of the weekend, and even though I didn't do a great deal of exercise, by and large I ate sensibly. I got rid of all the weekends escesses and got down to a mind boggling 188 lbs, the best since I started this program. Onwards and downwards I hope!
  • Groan!!!

    Put on 2 lbs this week, and all because of overeating at the weekend and at a presentation dinner last night. Not too downhearted though, as my overall weight loss of just under 8lbs in 5 weeks is still ahead of my target for loosing 22 lbs in 22 weeks. Just got to get back to more control and regular exercise, especially at the weekends!
  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    Hi All

    Dead chuffed, my weekend of moderation coupled with a 3 hour hike on Sunday certainly paid dividends! Even managed to limit myself to just 1 Chicken Enchilada last night and no alcohol last night as well as 35 minutes of powerwalking brought me in at avery respectful 185.2 lbs thats a loss of 12.2 lbs in the first 6 weeks of MFP.

    Thankyou everyone for your support!

    Can't wait to get down to 13st, just 3lbs to go and only 10.2 lbs to my target weight of 12st 7lb, really looking forward to the summer holidays and can't wait to get back to the doctors clinic to find out what my blood pressure is and hopefully finally brush off their threat of Statins! Ha-Ha
  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    Groan again? piggin weekends?

    Put on 2 lbs again over the weekend, and all because of overeating at the weekend, at friends for a dinner Friday night, and out with my Dad (celebrating his 92nd birthday) at the Toby Carvery (over a 1,000 calories for Saturday lunch). Didn't ease up much with Roast Chicken lunch on Sunday, followed by sandwiches and cakes for tea. Also drank far too much alcohol over the weekend, oh have I sinned. Really must get back to more control especially at the weekends!
  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    Really thought I had blew it having put on just over 2lb over the weekend!
    But set my stall out yesterday for a low cal intake and thanks to the "Mother of all Power Walks" last night 5.75 miles in 74 minutes, I got the result I needed, and hopefully kicked my body in to accepting I am going to achieve my goal!
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    That's fantastic. Stepping it up helps big time, wtg! Oh, and Happy late birthday to your Dad. I hope the longevity was passed on :)
  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    Hi All,

    Really thought I had messed up with yet another pigging weekend gaining 3lb from Friday to Monday morning, but yet again a low calorie Monday coupled with a "Brahma Burn" of over a 1000 calories (did a 24 minute Power Walk in the morning, and the biggie in the evening of 5.75 miles in 70 minutes which was 4 minutes off my previous time and 500 steps on the stepper last night) did the trick with a loss of 0.6 lbs since last Tuesday's weigh in, not a lot but a loss is a loss!!!

    If I could just control my weekends, I would achieve my goal much sooner and be able to be sure I won't spoil it by putting it back on with "piggin weekends"!
  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    I have just had yet another "piggin weekend" which actaully started on Thursday with a 4 course meal out, and didn't get a lot better Frid.Sat & Sunday, but you just have to record it, and then it makes you even more determined to do better and to try and turn it round today. I did 19,000 steps with long walks yesterday to try and counteract all the extra calories, and at the moment not sure it has worked as I am still some 3.8 lbs up on my all time lowest weight last week? Groan, we shall see. Need to keep up my resolve and if the worst comes to the worst I will just convince myself that one step back isn't the end of the world!
  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    Double Groan!!!
    THE SCALES FIGHT BACK with an "I Told You So Statement" all the piggin weekends finally paid the toll. This mornings weigh in was 184.2 a gain of 0.8 lbs since last week, and the first reverse in 9 weeks of MFP. I am devastated, as I thought I would have done enough exercise the last few days to have overcome the excesses (perhaps I built more heavier muscle? Ha-Ha) Just a lesson that you can only cheat so much in overeating and then it will find you out. Given myself 1,000 lines "Discipline is the only Way"
  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    Hi All

    Really struggling to get down to the end of month target of 182 lbs was 182.6 this morning and only 1 day to go? That Pink_Princess has a lot to answer for not only has she put me through agony in March, now she wants me to do it all again in April, and she has introduced the dreaded "SHRED" as an additional challenge? Groan

    I didn't think this was for me, but I managed to download the video yesterday and did my first session at Level 1 last night and think I might have got the bug, was absolutely knackered after such an intensive session. Came in to work this morning and knowing what I have to loose today decided to do another 30 minutes of Level 1 of the SHRED routine (I have certainly got the bug) Although I was knackered, I feel great about it and think I can actually feel that my body is a little more toned! so just hope I can keep it up. Just hope my wife sees a difference when she returns from Oman where she has been visiting the granchildren and daughter and son in law (luoky thing basking in 30 deg of sunshine and eating all those lovely icecreams (stop it for goodness sake!)

    Have even downloaded the other Jillian Michael video "Banish Fat Boos Metabolism" hope I am not becoming obsessive? Ha-Ha only kidding cos I know healthy means good for you!
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