I look the same as yesterday, but why do I feel different?

TheNewJessieMae Posts: 767
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Why are there days where I feel pretty and some days that I feel frumpy????? lol GEEESH Anyone else have this? I mean there are some days I feel like I could control the world!!! But days like today where I feel pudgy and wear an oversized tshirt, pair of jeans and tennis shoes to hide myself and throw my hair in a pony and leave my jacket on instead of something cute.


  • yep, it happens. :tongue:
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    I know that's crazy, especially when it can be from one day to the next! We are women!!!
  • Stina_Marie13
    Stina_Marie13 Posts: 50 Member
    there are those days when you just have to relax, and feel comfortable.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    I definately have those days as well, you aren't alone!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I totally have that issue.... yesterday I was feeling especially skinny and hot, and then I went to the gym and weighed myself... and the scale told me I had gained 2 lbs.... which usually makes me instantly feel frumpier and fat, but I still felt pretty svelt afterwards, and I do this morning too! Maybe I'm building muscle... <snort> Or maybe I'm just having a happy few days. I bet it's all the endorphins from the increased exercise intensity! FEEL THE BURN!

    Anyway, your feelings are normal, I'm sure of it. Probably related to hormones or endorphins or one of those pesky brain chemicals that rule our emotions.
  • haha yes my husband doesn't understand what I mean when an ugly day rolls around.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I also haves those days..I believe we all do! Do something that can help you feel better like a mani&pedi, a bubble bath, or listen to your favorite song.
  • I think a multivitamin would help... I take one and i somewhat feel better lol. I think its normal though :grumble:
  • mresta
    mresta Posts: 33
    had one of those 3 days straight this week! It's the effing hormones, I tells ya!
  • Ok, your human. Oh, and female. I suspect that like most of us you simply have good and bad days. Also don't discount the effects of hormons, which fluctuate daily and are much more radical in women. Just because you may not yet see the obvious physical signs of their behaviour, does not mean they arent changing and swinging about.

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  • nvestli
    nvestli Posts: 38 Member
    It's def mood (and TOTM) dependant and while we all give in and wear those baggy trousers, tie our hair back etc, it's on these exact days that we need to put on one of our fave outfits....!

    I have tried this and it does seem to help/work but in my case I am often tired, frumpy and feeling "ugly" on days when just the effort of getting up and to work is too much so this is the last thing I want to do....

    Catch 22 I guess?!

    But, I have def had one of those days today as well - maybe it's the positioning of the moon or something?!!:happy:
  • I've heard that some days you can consume something that makes you feel bloated. Also, for me, it depends on my mood that day. Some days I'm awesome, and some days I don't want to leave the house.
  • I have had these days for months ever since I gained my weight back after this past summer. However, I have never forgotten what it felt like to feel svelte! And that keeps me going. That air, that sense of confidence I once had when I felt really good about myself, and really liked how I looked in the mirror. That can never be taken away from a person!
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Hormones. They affect SO much- emotions, the physical state, etc. Ride it out....and don't forget a feeling is not a fact. You are losing weight, that is a fact. You are getting healthier, fact. You are on the right path to success, FACT.

    Feeling frumpy? Just a feeling.

    What helps me: laughing, comedy shows, even just a few youtube clips. Friends, exercise, venting on MFP and getting good advice and support. (That last one is the best).

    HANG IN THERE! You're gorgeous!!
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Hormones. They affect SO much- emotions, the physical state, etc. Ride it out....and don't forget a feeling is not a fact. You are losing weight, that is a fact. You are getting healthier, fact. You are on the right path to success, FACT.

    Feeling frumpy? Just a feeling.

    What helps me: laughing, comedy shows, even just a few youtube clips. Friends, exercise, venting on MFP and getting good advice and support. (That last one is the best).

    HANG IN THERE! You're gorgeous!!
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    Definitely normal lol...I hate those days where you just feel ugly and fat no matter what
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I TOTALLY GET THIS! Sunday I felt fabulous. I was the lowest I had been in months. Then Monday happened. I woke up, weighed, and I had gained 5 lbs from super bowl. I feel like utter crap ALL day yesterday. I was bloated. I felt nasty. I had a salty taste in my mouth from having like a whole container in the food Sunday. Then TODAY happened. I woke up, weighed myself, and I had gained ANOTHER 3 lbs....seriously 8 lbs since Sunday. I SHOULD feel like utter and total crap today, but I'm wearing pants I haven't wore in years, and I don't feel bloated today. So, I feel better about myself.

    I wax and wane from day to day too. Totally normal. I just hope this 8 lbs in 2 days goes away JUST as fast as it came! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
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