No Meat.....No Problem



  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    "Thank you.
    You don't see vegans and vegetarians jumping on the primal and atkins threads and bashing meat eaters. It's a personal choice and I'm the only one of my friends (in RL) that is a vegetarian. They don't push meat on me and I don't throw my beliefs on them. "

    Really? I guess you missed the meat dress Lady GAGA wore, or you have never heard of PETA, or any of the other millitant Vegans.

    I am aware of PETA....I'm a member...but I don't jump on MFP threads about it. So unless it was brought up on *this* site, I don't comment on it. Wow, you must think we're idiots, we just have a bit more class that to bash others for their choice to consume meat. I think you missed the point that I said that we don't get hyped up on MFP...that does not mean we are not vocal else where.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    "Thank you.
    You don't see vegans and vegetarians jumping on the primal and atkins threads and bashing meat eaters. It's a personal choice and I'm the only one of my friends (in RL) that is a vegetarian. They don't push meat on me and I don't throw my beliefs on them. "

    Really? I guess you missed the meat dress Lady GAGA wore, or you have never heard of PETA, or any of the other millitant Vegans.

    I am aware of PETA....I'm a member...but I don't jump on MFP threads about it. So unless it was brought up on *this* site, I don't comment on it. Wow, you must think we're idiots, we just have a bit more class that to bash others for their choice to consume meat. I think you missed the point that I said that we don't get hyped up on MFP...that does not mean we are not vocal else where.

    I "must" think you're an idiot? Thanks for letting me know what I'm thinking,,,,,,,, what am I thinking now? :wink:
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Wow, will somebody please give me a great eggplant recipe so I can try it?

    The OP has got me curious about it's benefits, and it sounds like it could be delicious.

    ... Because that's what this post is all about.
  • vfinkenstadt
    Hide it in casseroles!
  • YogiGirlLucy
    Sorry, but this makes no sense to me. You cut out meat and replaced it with eggplant? Eggplant has virtually no protein. I could understand if you said tempeh or tofu or even beans or quinoa.

    I for one did not cut out meat for eggplant. I include eggplant in my diet in addition to other proteins, not as a replacement. It is tasty and filling, so I am less likely to crave other things, such as carbs. I eat beans, cottage cheese, and eggs, etc. (I am not Vegan).

    Also, while I do believe being Vegetarian is healthy, it is not my reason for being a Vegetarian. Ever since I was a teenager, I have been opposed to eating the flesh of beautiful living, breathing, creatures. I find it repulsive. I don't care who says we are top of the food chain, or they are bred for our consumption, or that they don't feel like we do. I don't think any creature deserves to be led to slaughter just so we can satisfy our bellies. This is MY opinion, I don't judge those I sit across the dinner table from, but I personally find it gross.
  • VeganJamiOnAMission
    Sorry, but this makes no sense to me. You cut out meat and replaced it with eggplant? Eggplant has virtually no protein. I could understand if you said tempeh or tofu or even beans or quinoa.

    I for one did not cut out meat for eggplant. I include eggplant in my diet in addition to other proteins, not as a replacement. It is tasty and filling, so I am less likely to crave other things, such as carbs. I eat beans, cottage cheese, and eggs, etc. (I am not Vegan).

    Also, while I do believe being Vegetarian is healthy, it is not my reason for being a Vegetarian. Ever since I was a teenager, I have been opposed to eating the flesh of beautiful living, breathing, creatures. I find it repulsive. I don't care who says we are top of the food chain, or they are bred for our consumption, or that they don't feel like we do. I don't think any creature deserves to be led to slaughter just so we can satisfy our bellies. This is MY opinion, I don't judge those I sit across the dinner table from, but I personally find it gross.

    Well said. I feel exactly the same.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I saw several replies that were advising you not to replace meat with eggplant. Come on people, lets think for a minute. I think a lot of people just totally missed the point of your post.
    Well, 25% of people are retarded so it's not too surprising. Especially when taken into account that on the internet the statistics jump up by nearly 50%! So that's 75%-ish.

    Anyway, people should just be a bit less judgmental.

    Also, don't believe the hype that there's any social group who doesn't get uppity on this site! I've seen a lot of veggies attacked for their diet, unprovoked, but I've seen the same attitude toward meat eaters—with some even going so far as to declare eating meat unnatural, or declaring that early man didn't eat meat ... Silly things.

    Eat your dinner, whatever it may be, and shut up. :tongue:
  • SharonMarquiss
    Steve, as you are a personal trainer, I have a question for you; My daughter is sixteen, and has decided on moral grounds to give up meat and fish. She has done it for about 3 months now, and I gave up meat too, to go along with her. I do eat fish. I am worried because she is a teenager and still growing. Is there any advice you can give me, so that I can make sure she is getting the nutrients she needs. I get her meatless dinners from Whole Foods, and nuts, and she eats dairy, so consumes quite a lot of cheese and milk. She fills herself up with bread and I make sure its mostly wholegrain. I am doing my best but just wondered if there is anything I need to focus on in particular. Thanks!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Well, 25% of people are retarded so it's not too surprising. Especially when taken into account that on the internet the statistics jump up by nearly 50%! So that's 75%-ish.

    Well, quite frankly, that's why I felt the need to reply. Or next thing you know a bunch of sheeple will get the idea that eggplant is a meat substitute and excellent source of protein.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Well, quite frankly, that's why I felt the need to reply. Or next thing you know a bunch of sheeple will get the idea that eggplant is a meat substitute and excellent source of protein.
    I don't really think that anyone was going to come to that conclusion. It's not as though the OP hinted in any way that they intended to never eat meat again or that they were substituting eggplant for meat ... just that they had picked one up and enjoyed it. I don't know, seemed less like you were trying to inform people and more like you just hadn't read the post.
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member

    there are a few things you forgot to mention. all human beings have certain traits. we have strong vision with eyes in the front of our heads, we have sharp pointed teeth, we have claws, and we walk upright. all of these are biological traits of predators. when considering changes in diet this is a factor.

    for day to day you can get all that is necessary from vegetation, depending on how strict you get with animal by-products (eggs, milk, cheese, and the like) even then as little as the occasional fish can make a big difference. a vegetarian diet can be very healthy but animal based proteins are not easily replaced entirely it requires careful consideration and usually supplementation even then it is very difficult to truly satisfy the body.
    Will have to disagree here, as a vegan (no meat, fish, dairy or eggs).

    Gorillas have the same broad traits you mention humans have, they eat plant products almost exclusively.

    As for what I need, as a vegan, I can get without much drama from non animal sources. Vitamin B12 is probably the most difficult to get, but I get that from malt extracts (yeast) if I do not want to take a vitamin supplement. B12 is made exclusively by microbes.

    Amino acids (the 8 humans can not synthesize) I get from different plants (legumes, nuts, seed sprouts).

    Omega fatty acids I get from nuts and flax.

    It is not hard, I do not crave for meats, I am not undernourished or ill

    I do not, unless I want to, have to use supplements

    you know you just kind of proved my point here. by your own statement, you have to be careful about what you eat and take a supplement.

    second gorillas do eat meat, like most primates the base of there diet is fruit, however they do eat quite a bit of insects, as well as birds and small rodents, when they can get them.
  • Taytotot
    Taytotot Posts: 13 Member
    Well, 25% of people are retarded so it's not too surprising. Especially when taken into account that on the internet the statistics jump up by nearly 50%! So that's 75%-ish.

    Well, quite frankly, that's why I felt the need to reply. Or next thing you know a bunch of sheeple will get the idea that eggplant is a meat substitute and excellent source of protein.

    Legumes, however, are a great source of protein.

    I am a somewhat new vegetarian and I do not force it on anyone. Being vegetarian is actually quite easy for me. I do it because my body has a very hard time processing meat, it is quite painful. I also do not agree with the inhumane treatment of livestock. I believe humans are meat eaters and livestock was born and raised to be our dinner, however I do not agree with how they are treated when they are alive, so I won't eat it. If I lived near a free range farm, where the animals were allowed to roam, fed their natural diet instead of force fed corn, antibiotic free, pesticide free, organic...I would eat it. In fact, I LOVE turkey... There are many different reasons people choose a meat free diet...AND you can get just as much nutrition. I have no problems with that.

    Eggplant is yummy! I grilled some with EVO and some portobello mushrooms, a couple other veggies mixed it with some omega 3 penne pasta and pasta sauce with no was delicious. :)
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164

    there are a few things you forgot to mention. all human beings have certain traits. we have strong vision with eyes in the front of our heads, we have sharp pointed teeth, we have claws, and we walk upright. all of these are biological traits of predators. when considering changes in diet this is a factor.

    for day to day you can get all that is necessary from vegetation, depending on how strict you get with animal by-products (eggs, milk, cheese, and the like) even then as little as the occasional fish can make a big difference. a vegetarian diet can be very healthy but animal based proteins are not easily replaced entirely it requires careful consideration and usually supplementation even then it is very difficult to truly satisfy the body.
    Will have to disagree here, as a vegan (no meat, fish, dairy or eggs).

    Gorillas have the same broad traits you mention humans have, they eat plant products almost exclusively.

    As for what I need, as a vegan, I can get without much drama from non animal sources. Vitamin B12 is probably the most difficult to get, but I get that from malt extracts (yeast) if I do not want to take a vitamin supplement. B12 is made exclusively by microbes.

    Amino acids (the 8 humans can not synthesize) I get from different plants (legumes, nuts, seed sprouts).

    Omega fatty acids I get from nuts and flax.

    It is not hard, I do not crave for meats, I am not undernourished or ill

    I do not, unless I want to, have to use supplements

    you know you just kind of proved my point here. by your own statement, you have to be careful about what you eat and take a supplement.

    second gorillas do eat meat, like most primates the base of there diet is fruit, however they do eat quite a bit of insects, as well as birds and small rodents, when they can get them.
    I did not say I have to take a supplement. I can get what I need from my food including my malt extract.. Unfortunately many "meat eaters" in the western world need to take supplements as they do not get the some key micronutrients they need (because of lack of fruit and veggies).

    BTW: Gorillas take in animal protein inadvertently, by consuming insects, insect eggs and the larvae that nest on the plants and fruits they eat. An adult male gorilla may consume more than 18 kg (40 lb) of vegetation per day. A typical gorilla's diet would be for instance,

    The western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) subspecies consumes parts of at least 97 plant species. About 67% of their diet is fruit, 17% is leaves, seeds and stems and 3% is termites and caterpillars.

    The mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) subspecies consumes parts of at least 142 plant species and only 3 types of fruit (there is hardly any fruit available due to the high altitude). About 86% of their diet is leaves, shoots, and stems, 7% is roots, 3% is flowers, 2% is fruit, and 2% ants, snails, and grubs.

    Gorillas i believe do not take birds or rodents, Chimps do to a small extent
  • SkierElle

    I believe you need to read more and educate yourself a little more about the claims or vits, iron, brain food, etc.

    And please educate yourself on crop growth. I live in the middle east where the vegetables and fruits are the most delicious I have eaten anywhere in the world. Saudi Arabia does not have fertile land, but what they do have is kilometers upon kilometers of green houses, less pest, and lots of produce. And if there weren't enough land to sustain produce then how do you propose we feed the animals that graze that you eat?

    2/3 of the worlds land used for agriculture is permanent pasture, filled with grass and shrubs (cellulose) which ruminants take and convert to muscle which feeds us. I've never seen a person munching on grass or shrubs. 60% of that pasture cannot be cultivated with crops. Lots of it is hilly or rocky and would be difficult or impossible to harvest crops from. That's great that there is plenty of greenhouses; I didn't say anything about vegetables being bad. of course they are great but won't be able to replace the high quality protein that we get from animal products.

    Thanks. I have educated myself, I have been studying about livestock production for 4 years in college and before that as well.
  • SkierElle
    Oh, and I love eggplant too!! Grill it right next to my steak ;-)

    If I were to go vegetarian, I'd have to go vegan. Eating dairy and eggs but not meat seems hypocritical to me. The poultry and dairy industries are much more confined and the animals suffer more. A dairy cow produces at least 80 lbs of milk per day and a hen produces almost an egg a day all year, all while on a diet that does not fit them biologically and in a pen or cage with too many other animals. Versus beef cattle who are on pasture for a good deal of their lives and have a quick, painless death. Which leads me to say, I'd rather be a beef cow than a dairy cow. Heaven sounds a lot better than the milking parlor.

    And the funny thing about all this is, I am hoping to get into a career of dairy cow genetics, but not necessarily for the purpose of making them produce more.
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member

    there are a few things you forgot to mention. all human beings have certain traits. we have strong vision with eyes in the front of our heads, we have sharp pointed teeth, we have claws, and we walk upright. all of these are biological traits of predators. when considering changes in diet this is a factor.

    for day to day you can get all that is necessary from vegetation, depending on how strict you get with animal by-products (eggs, milk, cheese, and the like) even then as little as the occasional fish can make a big difference. a vegetarian diet can be very healthy but animal based proteins are not easily replaced entirely it requires careful consideration and usually supplementation even then it is very difficult to truly satisfy the body.
    Will have to disagree here, as a vegan (no meat, fish, dairy or eggs).

    Gorillas have the same broad traits you mention humans have, they eat plant products almost exclusively.

    As for what I need, as a vegan, I can get without much drama from non animal sources. Vitamin B12 is probably the most difficult to get, but I get that from malt extracts (yeast) if I do not want to take a vitamin supplement. B12 is made exclusively by microbes.

    Amino acids (the 8 humans can not synthesize) I get from different plants (legumes, nuts, seed sprouts).

    Omega fatty acids I get from nuts and flax.

    It is not hard, I do not crave for meats, I am not undernourished or ill

    I do not, unless I want to, have to use supplements

    you know you just kind of proved my point here. by your own statement, you have to be careful about what you eat and take a supplement.

    second gorillas do eat meat, like most primates the base of there diet is fruit, however they do eat quite a bit of insects, as well as birds and small rodents, when they can get them.
    I did not say I have to take a supplement. I can get what I need from my food including my malt extract.. Unfortunately many "meat eaters" in the western world need to take supplements as they do not get the some key micronutrients they need (because of lack of fruit and veggies).

    BTW: Gorillas take in animal protein inadvertently, by consuming insects, insect eggs and the larvae that nest on the plants and fruits they eat. An adult male gorilla may consume more than 18 kg (40 lb) of vegetation per day. A typical gorilla's diet would be for instance,

    The western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) subspecies consumes parts of at least 97 plant species. About 67% of their diet is fruit, 17% is leaves, seeds and stems and 3% is termites and caterpillars.

    The mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) subspecies consumes parts of at least 142 plant species and only 3 types of fruit (there is hardly any fruit available due to the high altitude). About 86% of their diet is leaves, shoots, and stems, 7% is roots, 3% is flowers, 2% is fruit, and 2% ants, snails, and grubs.

    Gorillas i believe do not take birds or rodents, Chimps do to a small extent

    gorillas are scavengers if they come across a fresh dead animal they will eat it. they also have an odd habit of ignoring perfectly good vegetation for some that is infested with bugs of some type or another.

    supplement: Something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole.

    a supplement does not have to be in pill form, including malt extract into your diet to get more B12 is still a supplement.
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164

    gorillas are scavengers if they come across a fresh dead animal they will eat it. they also have an odd habit of ignoring perfectly good vegetation for some that is infested with bugs of some type or another.

    supplement: Something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole.

    a supplement does not have to be in pill form, including malt extract into your diet to get more B12 is still a supplement.
    I bow to your superior Gorilla knowledge, I did not realize your area of research was such. However my original reference to them was in relation to your position on human form (eyes forward etc) meaning they had to be predators / carnivores, but as you mention Gorillas (with similar features) scavenge / eat insects.

    As for my malt extract I take it to flavor my porridge as it is a sweetener (I do not use refined sugar), I treat it the same way I eat an orange to get my vitamin C. But thank you for taking the time to explain what a supplement was in case I was unaware of its use in the English language
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I love how you can clearly be uninformed and yet still try to be condescending. Masterful.
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    I love how you can clearly be uninformed and yet still try to be condescending. Masterful.
    It's a gift, but thank you for your recognition of it, praise is always welcome
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    This thread ... made me crave turnip. Good, old-fashioned, mashed turnip and potatoes like Mom used to make.