New Guy on the Block

What's up everyone? I've been a member for a little over a week, and I must say that I am thoroughly impressed with the entire MFP Company. The website and mobile app or crisp, clean and extremely user-friendly. Unlike a lot of members on here, my goal is to gain about 10 pounds of muscle. I want to congratulate all of the members on here who have set goals for themselves and are striving to acheive them. A famous basketball coach once said, "Don't give up. Don't ever give up." I know he was referring to fighting cancer, but it also applies to life in general. Keep up the good work.

-- SurfCityBum


  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Welcome to the block. Eat more protein and strenght training for you.
  • B40FireGuy
    B40FireGuy Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Vicky!
  • justinej35
    Starting again although I can actually feel myself really wanting it this time. I just watched the tv show heavy last night. Its funny how I thought losing weight was unattainable but then seeing a show where the people really are losing it but werent in the gym all day like biggest loser.
    Worst part is feeling like i need sugar when I know I dont. Show put it into perspective when they said it is being addictive to food and once you start trying to lose weight you will feel like an alcoholic does and crave your addiction.
    its so true that weight lose is more then just losing weight. Its facing what caused it face on.
    Git r done!