Advice for a newbie

So, I am 6.5 pounds down since Jan 4 with logging calories only. I really want to start working out, but I am not active whatsoever. I've never really been into sports or a workout junkie. I see all these posts about p90x and see some amazing results, but I dont want to set myself up for failure. I think I may need to start smaller!

I have access to a treadmill in my apt. complex as well as some weight machines that I don't understand. lol

So, any words of advice?

A little on me: I am a 26 yo teacher. 5'2" 154lbs


  • Lola_B
    Lola_B Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Dawn,

    I've never been an exercise lover, so I can really empathize. I have to do A LOT of self talk to get myself to go to the gym. One thing I find helpful is to make appointments (with a trainer or with a friend) where I know I have to meet someone at the gym. I find that once I'm there, I always end up working out ... it's the getting myself into my gym clothes and onto a machine thats hard.

    I would suggest setting a reasonable goal for yourself -- ie: 30 minutes 3x a week on the treadmill. You don't have to work out hard - that's something you can build up to. Just get yourself to do it and find ways to make it fun. It may be worth investing in getting a trainer to come to your apartment complex for one session to help you design a plan and show you how each machine works.
  • Dawnminuscupcakes
    Thanks Lola! I appreciate the help!