Okay my goals this week:

Shred 5X
Pilates 2x
walk 3x and maybe if i have some energy left, i will do Cardio Tennis.

It is my son's Birthday on Saturday- so its the big party week (and next week again- with mine and my oldest sons!!) but i will work out so i can eat some birthday cake! maybe for my Birthday i can stick a candle in a n apple:grumble: :happy:

so my food goals- Fruit and veggies before/ with every mel and snack. And water!!


  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Okay my goals this week:

    Shred 5X
    Pilates 2x
    walk 3x and maybe if i have some energy left, i will do Cardio Tennis.

    It is my son's Birthday on Saturday- so its the big party week (and next week again- with mine and my oldest sons!!) but i will work out so i can eat some birthday cake! maybe for my Birthday i can stick a candle in a n apple:grumble: :happy:

    so my food goals- Fruit and veggies before/ with every mel and snack. And water!!
  • carlotta
    carlotta Posts: 46 Member
    Okay my goals this week:

    Shred 5X
    Pilates 2x
    walk 3x and maybe if i have some energy left, i will do Cardio Tennis.

    It is my son's Birthday on Saturday- so its the big party week (and next week again- with mine and my oldest sons!!) but i will work out so i can eat some birthday cake! maybe for my Birthday i can stick a candle in a n apple:grumble: :happy:

    so my food goals- Fruit and veggies before/ with every mel and snack. And water!!

    i admire you! i HATE shred! and you do it 5x a week! awesome.
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Good morning. :flowerforyou:

    Whew, gameset.....props to you for committing to the shred! I've heard the results are fabulous, a serious workout with great benefits. Please let us know how it goes!

    Today is strength training and yoga. A light day after my 20 mile bike ride yesterday. I expected to wake up sore, but so far so good *knock on wood*! I guess my body is getting used to this active lifestyle again. :wink:

    The rest of the week:
    Cardio 4x, Yoga/pilates 2x, strength 2x (includes push-up challenge)
    Stay within calorie range.
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Okay my goals this week:

    Shred 5X
    Pilates 2x
    walk 3x and maybe if i have some energy left, i will do Cardio Tennis.

    It is my son's Birthday on Saturday- so its the big party week (and next week again- with mine and my oldest sons!!) but i will work out so i can eat some birthday cake! maybe for my Birthday i can stick a candle in a n apple:grumble: :happy:

    so my food goals- Fruit and veggies before/ with every mel and snack. And water!!

    Sounds like a GREAT weekend! The one thing I miss about the Bay Area is being so far from my family...we had parties nearly every weekend!

    Happy Birthday to y'all! :bigsmile:
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    The hike was AWESOME Sunday! 3 hrs that felt like friend was impressed with my endurance. The best part is she invited me to Half-Dome next year with her and her father. Apparently, they are quite the hikers. Yosemite and the Grand Canyon. I ended up going to the gym too, which paid off, because I was CRAVING Haagen-Daz. I am a bit ashamed to admit I had 2 ice cream bars:embarassed: , but this isn't every week. :ohwell:

    I maybe moving back to SoCal at the end of the year, and live with my twin sister for a year. :huh: I don't know about living with her, but she can be my hiking buddy! We use to live next door to each other, and we would hike up Mt Rubidoux nearly every day (not a big mountain, but 6 miles round trip from our door).

    Yoga this afternoon. Cardio and then strength training
    Rest of the week: cardio Tues-Sat; strength training Mon-Thrus; long hike Sun

    I usually don't have trouble staying within the calories; however, I would like to attempt to have a 100 or so left over each day. Going to try that this week-no particular reason. :happy: Good news, as you may have noticed (or not) by my ticker I did lose 1 lb this week! Yeah! and coming off a Holiday weekend, if I can lay off the oven fries that I have been obessed with, then I will be consuming less salt and and lose a little water weight. One small hill at a time...

    Oh! I nearly forgot! :bigsmile: I pick up the Polar this afternoon at the Post Office! Can't wait to take with me on my next hike. Too bad I can't go by myself....I work this close to the trail...
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    hey everybody- we seem to have lost some people along the way- i guess its the great ones that are left!!!

    Thanks for the wishes Heart, Birthday week has started- my oldest son got his braces out today, so we took him out for ice cream- i planned ahead, and did double- count it- double shred tonight!!! Yay me!!! Then i ordered a small, no mixins- and ate half!! double yay me!!! :bigsmile: maybe that was because my arm was too tired to lift the spoon?:huh:

    so i even have some change, calorie wise!! Of course- i am not sure that i will even be able to make it down the stairs tomorrow to check in, let alone workout, but we'll see.

    Well done on your loss, heart- isn't this fun??

    Goodnight, see you in the am- i think...
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Ooooooo, the POLAR! I am soooooo jealous! :wink: That'll be a fun toy!

    Oh, gameset.....2 shred workouts in one day! :noway: OMG! I hope you CAN move tomorrow! :laugh:

    Yep, looks like the mighty few are left. I can't believe it's week 6! only 8 more days til I step on the scale.....:smokin:
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    well, i am anxiuosly awaiting your scale results, soup!!

    i am here- i can move- almost-

    have agood day everyone!
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Beautiful morning here for a nice, brisk walk! Then it's TaeBo time :bigsmile:

    I've got alil test in store for today: gonna make chocolate chip cookies for my SO.........and try NOT to lick the bowl. Then I'm making him take them to work...of course, I have to save a couple for me! :devil: But, I'm NOT eating half the batch, oh no! I can't completely deprive myself, now can I?!
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Gameset: 2x Shred?! Now, I have never tried the Shred, but the way y'all talk about it...that is hardcore! Very awesome! I am not a workout video girl, but since I have heard some much about it-I am tempted.

    Soup: did you say Chocolate Chip cookies?! Oh, man :love: I will be very intersted to know if you only eat a couple! You will be my hero!

    Now, I can control the sweets, but only if the said sweets are not in the house!:laugh:The bf bought the Trail Mix from Costco with the M&Ms, and I am having a terrilbe time. It is so yummy-nuts AND chocolate! My strength failed me last night, but I am resolved to be strong the rest of the week! (I am trying to get him to take it to work, and leave it there. It is not working, yet. But I am not giving up)

    Good news and bad news: the bad news is I was moved from my off with the rest of the Transistion Services staff to a completely different school squeezed between the Behavoiral Specialist and the SPED Department Chair. I will miss the girls...The good news is I am now at my largest school, I have easy access to everyone school offical I will need, I (seriously) walk 1/4-1/2 mile round trip to my car, and the head counselor in the student support center is real EYE CANDY. He has the nicest bottom, of course, I have to look! I am the biggest geek-he said hello to me and I was all tongue tied! I just smiled. Luckily, I am quite confident that I have a lovely smile.

    I firmly believe that you can window shop, but you can't try on the merchandise!
  • natalie424
    Hey guys... Sorry I haven't been checking in as much. The beginning of the school year is always so hectic! Today I worked over 12 hours... staff meeting, teaching, technology meeting, open house... I seriously thought the day would never end. I'm taking the day off exercise and enjoying some wine. Back to the grind tomorrow!

    Gameset... 2 levels of shred in one day... killer! I could barely make it through my Level 2 yesterday... I don't think I had enough water beforehand... plank jacks almost made me puke! Back to it tomorrow!
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Yay, Natalie's back! :drinker: Sounds like you really needed a break, too! Good to have ya back! :bigsmile:

    How'd you end up moving yesterday, gameset?

    heeehee :heart: shapdworld! Nothing like alil feast for the eyes, huh! :laugh: Kinda makes the job change bearable......

    Oh, coooooookies :tongue: Yep, I had 2 - but NOOOO bowl licking! That's a victory for me! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sent the SO off this morning with half the batch, those lucky guys :glasses:

    Well, gonna do some cardio today, then a walk this evening. :flowerforyou:
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Soup-no bowl licking? Did you sneak a few chocolate chips at least? You are my hero! :laugh: I usually go through a bit of the bag before I get to adding the chocolate chips. I use to have chocolate chips as a snack..

    yeah, the Eye Candy. Now there is talk of moving me to the same building as him-like down the hall! I dont' know if I can bear that! :noway:
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    okay- i am typing really slowly, because i am so tired... I subbed today, working (at least for money) for the fist time since i was pregnant with my 8 year old. OMG. I am brain dead. I was in the early childhood classroom of special needs- one on one with autistic kids- my ask is killing me from bending over all day, and i can barely form a coherent thought BUT it was a great day!! those little guys are sooooo sweet. I have not stopped eating since i got home- i am starving- and i packed a lunch!!

    Anyway, assuming i don't fall asleep at the keyboard, i plan to shred tonight- after football practice for the rugrats. I did not yesterday, as i could not really move my arms, but i thought i deserved a day off.

    Hey Natalie, good to see you. Way to go, soup- no bowl licking and only 2 cookies, very impressive. mmmm, eye candy....
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Hello, hello.

    Not feeling as motivated today.....maybe it's just what this day represents. :brokenheart:
    It's almost as if I'll feel guilty for doing anything for myself. Maybe I'll turn today into a rest day. I don't know. :indifferent:
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    I tried out the Polar yesterday at the gym, and while the heartrate was nearly spot one with that of the cardio machine (ellipitcal and stairmaster) the caloric count was 100-in the negative-on each machine:grumble: ! It is any wonder that I have lost weight thus far as I eat all my exercise calories! :noway: Well, now, I aim to be exact!

    As for you all you working moms-gosh, I don't know how its done! Is this where the term Supermom comes from? Seriously, you all are my heros!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :frown: Soup-hope you feel better....It is okay to feel unmotivated sometimes, and to feel sadness. I recomend that you snuggle with your honey, and think about all the wonderful things in your life now.
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Polar up-date pt 2 (I hope this doesn't become an obession...:ohwell: )

    The Polar calculated 200 calories less than the ellipitcal; 60 calories less than the stairmaster; 50 calores less than the treadmill. However, the heart rate was still within a couple of degrees.

    I am wondering if I did the "test" wrong. You do this when you set-up the Polar. I think the idea is that it calculates your resting heartbeat and uses that measurement for the heart rate and thus the calorie burn. So if my resting heart rate is not accurately captured...I am going to re-do the test this weekend. When I did the test initaly it was after a 2 mile roundtrip walk to the post office-to pick up the Polar:laugh: I tried to relax, but I am not good at relaxing...

    See you all in the am...Happy Work-outs!

    BTW: yes, I did hella cardio. I overate-that is a whole other post. Needless to say it has been challenge for me to keep weight off. I have lost the same 10lbs over and over again, though I don't remeber being this low, weight wise, for several years...
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Hello my results orientated pals...

    Soup, i hope you get out of your funk soon- i know mine is just beginning- rain, rain, and more rain in the forecast- with 12 8- year olds coming over for tomorrows birhday party. Lovely.

    Heart- my HRM i think overestimates my calories- like my 45 minute walk on MFP is about 300 cals, my HRM says 450- so i log it as that, but try not to eat all those calories...

    let me know what you think...
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    how do you guys feel about changing the parameters of this thing- find a common goal- like eating more veggies, or leass alcohol, or something- and all follow that goal for a period of time- or being more accountable to one another?

    Let me know what y'all think!!
    Have a good weekend!!

    :drinker: B
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Hello my results orientated pals...

    Soup, i hope you get out of your funk soon- i know mine is just beginning- rain, rain, and more rain in the forecast- with 12 8- year olds coming over for tomorrows birhday party. Lovely.

    Heart- my HRM i think overestimates my calories- like my 45 minute walk on MFP is about 300 cals, my HRM says 450- so i log it as that, but try not to eat all those calories...

    let me know what you think...

    Well, if the HRM is overestimating, then I am in real trouble! :angry: