example of 6 meals a day

VanDeBreyn Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
i need a good example of what you would eat for each meal when your doing the eat every 2-3 hour thing. Also if youve had success doing this ide like to hear it please :) i need motivation


  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    i need a good example of what you would eat for each meal when your doing the eat every 2-3 hour thing. Also if youve had success doing this ide like to hear it please :) i need motivation


    6ish am - 1 brkfst. - english muffin with canadian bacon & soy cheese.

    9 a.m - 2 brkfst - 1 packet instant oatmeal (it's from trader joes)

    12 p.m. - lunch - pasta with veggies and pasta sauce

    230-3 pm - snack - almonds

    7 pm - dinner - grilled chicken with veggies and some EVOO.

    All within 1200 cals a day.
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    I'm interested in some more examples of this too!
  • are you trying the 3 hour rule? it worked for me to start off with. it helps boost the metabolism but over time youre body will get used to it. so try doing it for one week, then go back to 3meals a day, then go back to 6 meals a day ect. for the 3hour rule, you dont neccessarily have to have 6 meals. you may find it easier to have breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner, snack/desert.
  • Thank you :) Im confused/lost on how much to eat per meal though Ive heard as much that would fit into the palm of your hand. Is this true? Im new to all of this. I used to lose weight the unhealthy way. I just cant handle starving anymore so im doing it the right way but i have no idea what im doing lol I read the 3 hour diet is good, I just started it today but i feel like a pig . Ive eaten waaaaayyyy more the usual.
  • breakfast #1(7am): coffee & a piece of light wheat toast with 1 tsp peanut butter & half of a banana sliced on top

    breakfast #2(9:30am): quaker lower sugar oatmeal

    snack(11:30am): carrots & hummus

    lunch(1pm): pb&j or tuna fish sandwich or soup

    snack(3:30pm): apple with peanut butter

    dinner(6:30-7pm): side salad & some type of lean meat with steamed veggies & whole wheat pasta or sweet potato.. etc
  • 7:30 - 2 boiled egg whites, 1 beef sausage patty, 2-4 oz juice

    8:45-9:00 coffee w/ splenda and 2 creamers

    10:30 - Snack #1 (examples: 100 calorie yogurt, small piece of fruit, serving of almonds)

    12:00-12:30 - Lunch (examples: Frozen entree, 6 in sub, 1 can Progresso soup)

    3:00 - Snack #2 (same examples as above)

    6:00 - Snack #3 (my workout snack - usually a fruit smoothie, 1 slice whole wheat bread w/ tbs of peanut butter & banana, or 3 slices deli turkey around cheese stick)

    7:30-8:00 - Dinner (depends on how long I workout)
  • Standard rule of thumb - meat is typically 3 oz - size of a deck of cards or your palm. My doctor said to my dinner plate should be 50% veggies, 25% protein & 25% carbs. She also said to use the inner circle of your plate
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    so if you are eating six meals a day at 2-3 hours apart each, you need to eat 200 calories in each meal.
    for example:
    8:00- meal one- fast cook oatmeal and one boiled egg = 180 calories
    10:30- meal two- two pieces of toast with a teaspoon of peanut butter on each piece (so two teaspoons)= 200
    1:00- meal three- hard boiled egg, two cups of chopped luttuce, two teaspoons of ligh dressing= 180
    3:30- meal four- banana or a slim fast milk shake - 200
    6:00- meal five- fish fillet baked and none breaded, cup of green beans= 150 calories
    8:30- meal six- cup of grapes, orange, and apple= 215
    so in a day you have eaten: oatmeal, egg, two pieces of toast, a nice egg salad, banana or slim fast milk shake , fish fillet, cup of green beans, cup of grapes, an orange, and an apple. that seems like a good bit of food to mea and it is under 1200 calories. yes it does work. it just helps you stay fuller for longer. eating foods high in fiber and protien will help you stay fuller longer
  • i felt the exact same way. i thought i was eating too much. so i slimmed down my main meals a bit too. so my usual meals turned into half size meals, and then i didnt feel as if i was eating so much. by doing this, then sticking to just 3 meals the week after, i found my appetite had decreased aswell which was a bonus!
  • thank you all for you responses :) Im just hoping i get this right and not put on more LBS
  • Breakfast (8:30 - typically on the drive to work)
    dolce gusto skinny cappucino
    3 boiled egg whites
    whole wheat english muffin with 1 tbsp peanut butter or mini babybel and mini whole wheat bagel or bagel with laughing cow light spreadable swiss.

    snack (10ish)
    carrots and celery dipped in tzatziki (garlic cucumber flavored greek yogurt) or cottage cheese with blueberries or fiber one bar

    tuna on a whole wheat and rye pita with more carrots/celery

    midafternoon snack
    flavored mini rice cakes or special K cracker chips with hummus

    Dinner -
    baked turkey tenderloin
    baked brussels sprouts
    potatoes tossed in flavor mix and a TINY amount of evoo and baked

    late night snack -
    blueberry greek yogurt

    comes in at about 1300 calories for the day.
  • I also can tell when I've not drank enough water b/c I feel really hungry. So if I'm in between meals and I feel like I'm really hungry, I drink 4-6 oz of water. Usually it does the trick b/c your body will confuse thirst with hunger.
  • Breakfast (8:30 - typically on the drive to work)
    dolce gusto skinny cappucino
    3 boiled egg whites
    whole wheat english muffin with 1 tbsp peanut butter or mini babybel and mini whole wheat bagel or bagel with laughing cow light spreadable swiss.

    snack (10ish)
    carrots and celery dipped in tzatziki (garlic cucumber flavored greek yogurt) or cottage cheese with blueberries or fiber one bar

    tuna on a whole wheat and rye pita with more carrots/celery

    midafternoon snack
    flavored mini rice cakes or special K cracker chips with hummus

    Dinner -
    baked turkey tenderloin
    baked brussels sprouts
    potatoes tossed in flavor mix and a TINY amount of evoo and baked

    late night snack -
    blueberry greek yogurt

    comes in at about 1300 calories for the day.

    Never thought about the Special K crackers & hummus. Yum!!
  • im trying to drink atleast 70 oz of water a day! its such a pain to remember
  • I have a higher intake of 1700 cal a day, but this can be trimmed down. You will see Pudding Snaks often as a choice if I need to skimp on calories. Protien Shakes are in there often - 1 a day for muscle maintenance or up to 2 if I hit the gym.

    5 am - (aim 200 Cal, with protien intake)
    Protien Shake w/ 2% Mik (on the go) or Honey Nut Cheerio's and Soy Milk (at home) - both roughly same calories. If I need to skimp - 100cal yogurt.

    9 am - (Aim 100-200cal with fruit/vegitable intake, extra priotien intake if gym day)
    100 Cal Yogurt or 60cal Sugar Free Pudding Snack or Protien shake (if gym day) or 100 cal chewy granola bar, usually with a piece of fruit.

    Noon - (Aim for 500 Cal with fruit/vegitable intake)
    Baked Chicken or Turkey Sandwitch or Spaghetti or Zatarans Jumbalya Mix (if I am tight on calories), Fruit Salad, 60 cal Pudding Pack

    4:00 pm - (Aim 100-200 cal
    Fruit or Yogurt (100 Cal) or Pudding Pack (60cal if calorie restricted) or Protien Shake (if gym day) or 100 cal chewy granola bar, usually with fruit or vegitable

    6:30pm - (Aim for 500-600 cal with vegitable or fruit intake)
    Whatever my familiy is eating - I just protion control and add fruit/ vegitable. I've had spaghetti, meatloaf, taco's, whatever is ont he menu.

    9:00 - (Aim 50cal only if needed or "hungry")
    Banana or Slices of Turkey or Pudding Pack

    I've been doing this for about 8mo now and it makes a huge difference. After about 2-3 weeks, you suddenly get hungry after the blue and ask "Damn, I just ate like an hour ago". When that happens, your body is used to the intake and ramps up your metabolism. I have had really good luck with it.
  • breakfast: 1/2 c oatmeal, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 banana

    snack: 1 c fat free plain yogurt, 1 chopped apple, 1/2 tsp honey

    lunch: 1-2 c spinach, 1/2 roma tomato, 1/8 cucumber, 1/8 bell pepper w/ topping (Either: 1 sliced low fat string cheese, 4 oz tuna, 3-4 oz chopped chicken breast, 2 tbsp salsa), apple or banana

    snack: 1 slice whole grain bread, 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1 tbsp all fruit preserve with 1 low fat string cheese

    dinner: possible spinach salad (see lunch) with chicken or 4 oz cooked cod, possibly a protein shake (8 oz skim milk, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 banana, frozen fruit)

    My snacks and lunch I pre-make on Sunday after grocery shopping and store in individual containers. Every morning, I use an empty container and measure my breakfast out, then take one of each container to work. Everything is grab-and-go and premeasured so I don't over-eat. I usually bring 2-3 pieces of fruit, also, in case I get hungry (due to a hard workout in the morning and/or a good walk during lunchtime). Oh, and I take bottles of water to work to help visualize how much I am drinking ...

    Good luck!
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