Remainder of calories

mazman83 Posts: 12 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition

Could somebody advise me on the best way to consume my exercise calories.

My calorie goal is 1660

Today for example I ate 1428 calories before my gym session. I burned 1000 calories at the gym.

Now for my dinner I had a chicken and veg stirfry so now I have 636 calories in the green left.

It's late in the evening so I don't know how Im gonna get all that in.

What should I eat to consume the remaining calories?


  • jcat83
    jcat83 Posts: 10
    I don't usually worry about leftover calories, unless I'm starving and it's not bed time yet.

    I could be wrong, but I don't think it matters. As long as your under!
  • MFP advices that you eat back at least half of your exercise calories, which looks like you might have. If you're not hungry I wouldn't worry about. Just listen to your body. They say not to do this all the time because your body can go into "starvation mode" and actually lower your metabolism possibly halting the weight loss...I say drink a protein shake...
  • - A small bowl of oatmeal or cereal with low-fat milk
    - Yogurt with granola sprinkled on top
    - Half bagel or crackers with peanut butter, slice of cheese or a slice of deli turkey on top
    - Hummus on a whole-wheat pita or a rice cake topped with tomato and a slice of turkey breast
    - Sliced apple with a slice of cheese

    There have been no scientific studies showing that eating before bed will cause weight gain. Be smart and don’t overeat though, it’s supposed to be a snack.

    BUT I would think you're doing your weight loss goal a favor by leaving calories on the table as long as your not starving or you have yet to consume the proper amount of vitmins etc. your body needs. Drink some water and go to bed.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    It does matter quite a lot actually.

    For right now, tonight grab a glass of milk and an handful of nuts- anything calorie dense. In the future, if you know you are going to workout that intensely try to bump up each of your meals by about 1-200.

    This one time it won't hurt you to be that far under (though it is certainly less than kind to your body which ahs worked so hard!). If you have one night a week that is this intense on calories, consider making up part of the deficit the next day. If this is a regular thing though you are in danger of starving yourself if you do not make up the deficit.
  • mazman83
    mazman83 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the advice.
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