I feel like such a failure



  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Unfortunately, I can only sympathize with the fact that you're feeling that way. But eventually the pity party has to end. If you don't feel like doing anything about it for yourself, then nothing here that anyone says will force you to pick yourself up and start.

    I sympathize in the fact that I made the decisions I made to become morbidly obese and almost die from a diabetic coma and acute pancreatitis. I keep bringing up that story, not because I was scared to die, I just didn't feel like I was done living yet. I've made every decision in my life which led to my eventual downfall, and I don't regret a thing. It was all those decisions that formulated my mentality, hardened my resolve, and drove my motivation to do anything and everything my own way. I wasn't going to let a small thing like a near-death experience stop me.

    You take the initiative of your own actions. We all do. If it was so simple to ask someone to create motivation for you, we'd all be perfect in that aspect. There are times when we need a kick in the *kitten* to give us a moment of clarity. Whatever that kick may take the form of, you need to realize that it has to come from your own solid decision. Don't lie to yourself if you "know" you shouldn't be eating certain foods, yet do. That's like me telling myself that I'm really a shellfish living in a man's body, then trying to breathe underwater and grow an exoskeleton. The consequence is the same. You realize one way or another that it will affect you negatively.

    I'm not shaming you in any way, but there are times when people need to hear an unbiased opinion. I see you have photos of your family. It's your life. Live it the way you would like your family to live theirs.
  • Don't give up!

    Why do you feel so unmotivated? How miserable will you have to allow yourself to get before you decide finally do this? What baby steps can you take in order to slowly but surely re-frame your thoughts about this?

    Those are some of the many questions I ask myself; and have continued to ask myself when I allow things to get me off track. When I am off track I become a seriously emotional eater. When I become an emotional eater things get really bad. The food tastes really good; and is quite satisfying going down. However, the guilt I experience after wards just adds "salt to the wound" and makes me feel even worse. :grumble: I am convinced that I have some sort of addiction to food and am trying to find more productive ways of dealing with life things I am not happy with. Does this sound familiar? If so, there are so many tools and resources available to help you!

    Please love yourself enough to truly examine the real sources of your issues. There are plenty of us out there doing it too and we want you to overcome the things that are bothering you! Keep us posted so we can cheer you on!

    Be Well,
  • I struggle with staying motivated also. I take medication that makes losing weight very difficult. I was working out like crazy and did not see any results and I would give up. However, I noticed that even though I couldnt see any changes I could feel them. I had more energy and felt lighter. But like many people I would have a bad day and indulge in my weakness (cookies and cake). I awoke yesterday morning and decided to make a change. Instead of a bagel with butter for breakfast I had scrambled egg whites with spinach, a banana and yogurt. That small change made me feel better. I am not perfect and will make bad eating choices but I figure if I change slowly and plan my meals ahead Ill be able to stay on track. I havent started working out but I plan on incorporating walks into my daily routine. Whenever I feel like giving up I remember how greatI felt when I was making healthier choices. I wont let my outward appearance determine how well Im doing on my journey. How I feel on the inside mentally and physically will be my affirmation that I achieved my goals.
  • I wish I could relate and this probably isn't the answer your looking for but I believe when people want something bad enough they MAKE it happen.

    you might want it, but not as bad as you think.

    only you have the power to change your lifestyle
  • I would recommend reading Bethenny Frankel's book "Naturally Thin." It helps with how to think about food, how to keep in mind portion control, and how to give yourself what you want-- all in moderation.

    You obviously have a problem with self control. I don't mean that in a mean way; I'm not criticizing you. I'm simply stating facts. Plenty of these comments are of the "you can do it" mantra. I am a firm believer that honesty, though brutal, is the best policy. There are obviously issues and stressors that coincide with your diet and lifestyle. Though a book can help to shed light, you really have to decide FOR YOURSELF that this is what you want. If you actually want it, you'll do it. You'll make the sacrifices necessary. You'll compromise because the ends do justify the means. But none of that will happen unless you REALLY want it.

    So, don't whine. Don't hate yourself. Make a decision and stick to it.
    That's my two cents.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Ten years ago I decided to take my lifed back and stop eating my problems,I addressed it head on and shed 130 lbs but I was ready to make the change no matter the cost. You definitly have to be ready and have to understand what makes you eat and why,when you do this you take back the control that you feel you"ve lost.I remember feeling so liberated and strong and truly powerful as a women when I took me back.you can do this and your worth it!
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    I can feel your stress, pressure and anxiety bouncing off the screen at me. Why are you being so hard on yourself? Maybe this is not the right circumstances for you to embark on weight loss. Firstly this is about you and your health not your ability to do the right thing by the charity. I dont know too many people that could lose weight for a charity event. So be nice to yourself, stop beating yourself up over it. Maybe you wont be successful this time maybe you will. The main thing is that you are having a go at it. Keep trying is the key. One day you will find that you are in the right place mentally to embark on changing your life for your health and wellbeing. Best of Luck
  • xnattiex
    xnattiex Posts: 143 Member
    Thank you everyone for your coments.

    I am going to try and take some time out today to list why i want to do this and get into the right frame of mind! One of my main problems is that i worry about everything else all of the time and make myself second best....its obvious my weight loss wont work if im putting myself behind everything else.

    This is about me, i do want it, and i need to make sure i do whatever i need to do to get it, the only person i can blame is myself!

    I need to be stong...eugh! lol
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