not loosing weight...

redhottxozk Posts: 28
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
if anyone can offer some advice it will be greatly appreciated.... definitely been under my calories and i work out every day :(


  • you may not being eating ENOUGH calories. happened to me
  • GURLLLL I know your struggle. In fact, I gained 10 pounds when I started working out every day and eating less. I lost my first pound this week! And I only worked out twice. Maybe you should work out less, keep your calories between 1200-1500 a day. Also, you may be gaining muscle.
    I know it sucks :(
  • hey - i've had the same problem and done 30days in a row at the gym and at least an hour a day!!!! I gained more muscle, i was religiously weighing myself everyday and seen my weight was going up and down and someone told me to start measuring myself and thats when it tells you, you've lost. mines is like half and inch here and there but a loss is a loss and if we keep at it then we will be where we want to. yeah, try to eat all your calories (even the ones that you burn off)
  • I agree! I think maybe you are not eating enough. Trying eating ALL your calories including exercise ones! :smile:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Your food diary isn't open so I can't see what you're eating, how much you're eating and how much you're burning, and I can't offer much advice. Maybe open up your diary so we can give you some advice based on your eating and exercise habits.
  • YES! Make your food diary public!
  • Have you been checked out for Hypothyroidism? I had been struggling to loose wait for a few years now and finally talked to my doctor last year and found out I have it. It makes it very hard for you to loose wait. I'm still struggling but now that I am on medicine (for the rest of my life) and am counting my calories AS WELL AS working out, I have lost 6 pounds in three weeks.
  • I agree you are probably not eating enough. Make sure you are eating most of your calories. If you are in a real deficit your body will go in starvation mode. I suggest measuring yourself too. You will probably see a difference there.
  • I don't understand how you can loose weight if you're eating the calories that you just burnt off.
  • Your body needs a certain amount of calories just to survive the day. You burn calories even when your sleeping. If you are doing big work outs you have to replenish that amount.
  • This is where its at. You can't go by the scale...don't weigh yourself everyday! Weigh in like once a month because you fluctuate to much from hour to hour minute to minute. A lot of things make your weight go up and down. The true measure is what are your body measurements (ie - chest, waist, hips, biceps, forearms, quads, and calves) and what is your body fat. If your clothes are getting looser your losing fat which is far more important than weight. If you want to a general idea of what your body fat is doing use this site ( to calculate it and you can just keep using it monthly to see where you are at. Increased muscle adds to increased fat burning and for the record most people when they start an exercise program usually gain a pound or two in the beginning because your body is in shock and trying to hold on to its fat as you are burning tons of calories. It will level out if you are eating correctly. I agree you need to open up your food log and let us see it so we an see what your eating. Also are you measuring your portions? You should do this for a month or so to get used to portion sizes. Most people over estimate portion sizes. Nutrition is more important then working out if you want the honest truth. Don't get me wrong working out is important but if you workout and have a diet that is incorrect well you wont make much progress. GL
  • Frylok81
    Frylok81 Posts: 12 Member
    The body adapts to whatever you adjust it to....if you have been consistently eating under your matinence caloric intake along with working out your metabolism will adjust to that. ...this is what typically is called the Plateau Effect. There are a few things you can try...1) Zig-zaging your caloric day eat a high amount...the next day eat a low amount. (keeping your workout routine the same)...this shocks the body because it is getting different amounts of calories all the time and it works harder to keep up and results in breaking the flatline. 2) Add more strength training.....women never seem to want to do this BUT working out more with weights kicks your metabolism into overdrive. The body burns fat for up to 72 hours after a strength training work out but only 24 hours after aerobic exercise. So I suggest you do at least 3 days of "lifting" a week along with your cardio and you will see a nice change I think :) Then again you may just be retaining water....happens to the best of us. Try a colon cleanse :P
  • how do you make diary public
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    how do you make diary public

    Go to Settings, then Food Diary, then scroll to the bottom and choose Public.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't understand how you can loose weight if you're eating the calories that you just burnt off.

    MFP already gives you a calorie deficit, not eating your exercise calories can give you too large of a deficit. Your body needs a certain amount of calories in order to function properly, getting less than you need can slow your metabolism and cause your body to start storing fat instead of burning it.
  • Ashtarot
    Ashtarot Posts: 52 Member
    Looks like you have been high on your sugar and sodium and then not getting enough water.
    I would try to get more whole foods in and less processed stuff.
    I need to work on that myself.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    First, you need to meet your calorie goal. Some days you're only getting 500 net calories and that isn't nearly enough. You need to meet your calorie goal, including eating your exercise calories.

    Then, you need to cut back on the processed foods. You're over on sodium and sugar most days and that will definitely hold you back. You need to be getting more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low fat dairy. Don't eat cereal for breakfast, it doesn't keep you full for very long. It's only refined carbs which get digested very quickly. Starting the day off with some protein is much better for you.

    Finally, you need to cut out all refined and added sugar. Eating sugar makes your body release insulin, which stops your body from burning fat.
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