Did I really JUST find this tool. NEW HERE!

jasha13 Posts: 28 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone,
I am new here, and very excited about using this tool online. Ironically, I downloaded the app a while ago and never really used it until recently. I found that it was just like my WW app, but FREE! and much easier to actually see the calories I eat in number form and see the nutrients I take it....super excited

I am a new mom with a 5 month of baby boy, I have a goal of losing about 40lbs. Can't wait to jump right in posting and hope to talk with many of you along the way.



  • Reka2011
    Reka2011 Posts: 134 Member
    Welcom to MFP!! Feel free to add me! We need all the support we can get during this journey!! Good blessings to you along the way!
  • Hi Everyone. I'm new, too. :smile:
  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    glad to have you here!this site is super easy and seems fun even.i myself have only been a member for 8 days but ive lost 3 pounds so i know it works .once you can look at what you eat everyday you really start paying attention!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    Free is wonderful. This site will help you out a lot. Just make sure you log in ever day and log everything. Every lick, bite, and taste! every time you suck on a piece of candy it must be logged. Don't cut yourself short. IT will only hurt you. No one can love you the way you do so treat yourself like you are infatuated. JUST a little motivational quote.
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome and huge congrats on the new baby. This site has been wonderful and is super easy to use. Feel free to add me as a friend. I will encourage you and help lift you up on those "not so great days". Good luck.
  • Welcome aboard and good luck!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I am new to using the website, but have been using the iPhone app for almost three months and have lost 23 pounds between using MFP for iPhone, a household food scale and every other day elliptical workouts (on the advanced level now and it is kicking my A**!). I will echo other comments...don't short change what you enter, it's like cheating at solitaire. You only cheat yourself. Good luck, we all need it. Feel free to friend me. I will send a request. Peace.
  • Jess3Loves
    Jess3Loves Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome! I am new too and love it!
    Congrats on your new baby!
  • jasha13
    jasha13 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am really excited, this seems like a really good online community. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I hope to be pretty active on the boards, so the more friends the merrier, the more support the better.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
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