30 day shred

sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello, I have just ordered this dvd as reviews look good and i like the idea that you only workout for twenty minutes each day. Has anyone else tried this? If so was it a good experience? i plan to start it on monday morning.

Also do you need to buy any equipment, weights etc?


  • Hi, you need a set of hand weights. Good luck with the workout - I've had the DVD and believe me its a tough 20 minutes!!! :smile: But stick with it and you will get results!
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    it is a good workout really intense, im only on day 5 level 1 have yet to try the other 2 levels but it does work can definately feel the burn the day after i have day to take a 1 day break from it cuz i needed to let my muscles rest lol
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    5 lb hand weights and a mat depending on the surface you're working out on.
    Yes, it's a good DVD. You will see results if you stick with it.

    I did it a few months back and put it back on the shelf to change things up. I got it back out this week again. I forgot to take it easy and follow the "slower" one first. I'm paying for it with very sore muscles. Be prepared. :)
  • I completed day 2 yesterday. After Day 1 I was slightly sore, but after Day 2, I'm in so much pain, but it's good pain, it shows how many muscles I've worked. Apparently, you can gauge how unfit you are from when you feel pain, you are more unfit if you feel it after 2 days and not 1, hehe, I guess this workout is EXACTLY what I need.

    I love the workout so far! It's brilliant, I use 1.5kg hand weights, which are about 3.3lbs. I highly recommend it! If you are on a hard surface, you should get a mat too, but carpet is fine. I would also recommend getting an HRM to tell you how many calories you've burned, I love mine as I can check during the workout to see if I'm working hard enough or if I need to push myself!

    Good luck!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    ive just completed level 1 day 6. its a tough workout but my endurance level is sooo much better than day 1! so id reccommend it. i use 3lb weights! :)
  • habibti
    habibti Posts: 56 Member
    I just finished day 10/level 1 today, and so far I'm really liking it. My weight loss had slowed down for a couple of weeks (37 pounds so far!) so I got it to supplement my usual 60+ minutes in the gym. I have done it everyday, no breaks. I skip a couple days a week in the gym, but I can always get myself motivated to do this (*just* 20 minutes...!) The first few days were rough! I was so sore!! :sad: But I stuck with it, and after a few days my muscles quit hurting. I definitely feel stronger than before. Jillian can be a bit annoying, but I just tune her out and concentrate on giving my full effort.

    I hope you enjoy it too. Oh, and yes, you need hand weights, and maybe something to lay on . I started out with lighter weights and have moved up. Whatever works for you, good luck!
  • jgoff3003
    jgoff3003 Posts: 189 Member
    I am on my last day of level one and I can already see a massive difference (i lost 2.5 inches around my mid section is a week) I know some of that was bloating so prob about an inch and a hlaf but still super happy! i cant wait to move on, I pair my 30 day shred work out with a walk or some zumba 5 days a week and just do the shred on the weekends
  • Hey! I just ordered mine as well and plan on starting Monday!
    We should get a little support group goin!! x
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    I just started yesterday, getting ready to do my second workout now.

    I'm using 3 lb weights, too. And a yoga mat, and sneakers. I suggest wearing shoes while doing it since there is jumping and such for cardio.

    It's too early for me to talk about results, but it was definitely quite a workout yesterday!
  • sarah13f
    sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
    Yes lets do that it ill keep us motivated!
  • sarah13f
    sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
    thanks everyone for your advice I am really keen to start this on monday now let me know how you all get on with it!
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