treadmill or elliptical

lhuber1105 Posts: 72 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay so my treadmill is starting to slowly die on me---decided to turn itself off after 35 min today at 4.3mph. I know ellipticals burn more calories faster--my sister has one but I have really bad knees from many years of playing soccer (college level really killed them) and running track. Also trying to motivate my husband to start working out and not real sure if he will do the elliptical ( he is by no means heavy just has high cholesterol and a family history of early heartattacks). Just looking for some opinions on the two of them:smile:


  • K3LLYSU3
    K3LLYSU3 Posts: 56 Member
    I have both & by no means do you get the workout you get from an eliptical. I use my eliptical everynight & feel like I got a good workout. I huff & puff after a minute and a half LOL... good luck deciding
  • the elliptical is WAY WAY WAY better for your knees. It is less stress on them. If you have bad knees then you shouldnt be on a treadmill, just on an elliptical.
  • I think it really depends on the intensity of your workout as to which burns calories faster. I've heard it is best to switch up your cardio (which get get really expensive if you are buying your equipment). Have you considered joining a gym? It could be something you and your husband do together, I love going to the gym with my fiance.
  • brewboy72
    brewboy72 Posts: 8 Member
    I bought an eliptical trainer - and find it quite easy to use. I have tried running machines at the gym, but always get sore legs. The eliptical trainer seems easier on my knees.
    you might also want to consider a rowing machine, as that seems to burn more calories for the same amount of time.
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member
    I personally prefer the elliptical or arc trainer. I sweat the most on those, don't get easily bored, and the arc trainer is really good for people with bad joints. It's all up to you guys though and what machine you'll actually use :) Hope this helps!
  • Boomerof51
    Boomerof51 Posts: 44 Member
    And suggestions for which brand of elliptical is the best but under $1000.
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    Hi there! Elliptical machines do not necessarily burn more calories than treadmills -- the calorie counters on both machines are infamous for being WAY off. The # calories you burn depends on your effort. For me. I find running on a treadmill harder than an elliptical because that's where I do my speed work if I'm not near a track.

    That said, the best bang for your buck is free -- walk briskly or jog outside instead of inside. Using an indoor machine does not take into account wind resistance and terrain change. That's why my old running coach advocated raising the incline on a treadmill 1 percent to mimic outdoor conditions.
  • I got an almost brand new elliptical on craigslist for $100 bucks!!! it has all the bells and whistles
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member

    low impact for joint troubled knees
    great programmed workouts
    range of motion is better than on a treadmill (I think)
  • I bought my elliptical last year and i am so glad i did. I have arthiritis in my knees and there is no stress on my kness at all when im working out. Yes I think the workout is amazing cuz I feel it after 5 min and once I get past the 10 min mark its a little easier. My body falls into the rythm and it is so easy to get in at least 20 - 30 min. Its really up to u tho. I personally prefer the elliptical. Hope this helps!! :c)
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    I will say that there are two advantages of an elliptical machine if your main goal is to lose weight and gain cardiovascular fitness (not necessarily train for races, like I do):

    1) Yes, ellipticals are easier on your knees!
    2) You get to work out your arms on an elliptical.
  • I busted my right knee and tore the ligaments in my right ankle playing softball back in the day (good times lol) and on my old treadmill, my knee and ankle would lock up and become very stiff, even after I stretched them out. I looooove my elliptical. It did hurt my knee in the beginning, but I shifted my feet in a very slight pigeon-toed stance, and now my knee doesn't hurt anymore on it. My ankle never hurt on it.

    My vote is for the treadmill.
  • I have a elipitcal ofcourse it is not getting used but my knees hurt on a treadmill but they feel better on a Elliptical, not as much stress on them.
  • I have both and pain in my knees. I rather use the elliptical because it works more muscles. I would like to suggest that you do what is best for your workout first. It is a long hard journey so do what is best for you first and after you achieve your goal then help your husband. He can only do it for himself. Smooches-DIVA:flowerforyou:
  • knighttrain74
    knighttrain74 Posts: 125 Member
    I love my elliptical... I use it almost everynight! It's much easier on your joints and burns a ton of calories. I bought one from Sears, it's a Nortic Trek and it was way under $1000... They start to go on sale now since most people are falling off their New Years resoluctions!
  • I've had both(as well as lots of other types of equipment), and much prefer my elliptical as it doesn't jar my knees like the treadmill did and I get an all round workout.
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    I hate ellipticals. The gate doesn't match mine at all. They are much easier on your knees then a treadmill though. Skating is a good alternative to running, if you have a local rink. It burns calories fast and it's a blast.
  • nph1960
    nph1960 Posts: 57 Member
    We invested in a gym quality elliptical in 2004 after I had major back surgery. We paid over 3K in order to get the same model as I had used at the gym (Precor) because I knew I could get a great, enjoyable workout without any back or joint discomfort. I am happy to say 7 years later that my machine has gotten consistent use and that it has been worth every penny. Cheaper machines tend to become clothes hangers because they are very uncomfortable to use. I figure, 3K could get eaten up very quickly by doctors bills and prescription meds. On the other hand, avoiding heart disease and diabetes: priceless!
  • xomakaxo
    xomakaxo Posts: 86 Member
    I own a Horizon Fitness EX-57 Elliptical Trainer, purchased for $500 on Amazon (the price has gone up $50). I like this one because the stride length isn't too short (a problem I'd been running across while shopping). I use it every other day or so (since March of last year), and it works fine for me. I don't know how accurate the calories burned function is, because it doesn't ask for my weight. However, it does give me a great workout.

    The perks:
    I can go backwards, which works different muscles.
    I can use my arms to tone my upper body.
    There are different resistance levels, and the higher you go the more of an incline there is.
    There are different programs, like manual (you adjust the resistance throughout the workout), hills, and random.
    Easy on the knees.
    Bottle holder, and a lip on the screen for magazines.

    The cons:
    Can't ever really get up to running speed like you can on a treadmill.
    The heartrate monitor is only on the stationary handlebars, not the swinging ones.
    Sometimes feels a little creaky, but at least I can tune it out with my music. :)

    Overall, I love my elliptical. If I had the money, I'd get a Precor, since they seem to be much higher quality and have more options/longer stride than others I've tried.
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