special-k challenge

I'm considering doing the special k challenge for a couple weeks. Has anyone tried it? I'm mostly concerned about my protien and sugar levels...


  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    special k is very high in sugar..but have had friends that have done well on their eat 2 bowls a day plus a home cooked evening meal
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I tried it and almost fainted 4 days in. Theres just not enough calories in it. I'd never do it again nor recommend it to anyone!
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I was thinking high sugar as well where you would be eating it twice a day. I think it is classified as high on the GI scale so I can't see how it would be good for you. Anyone try the Activa one?
  • libertyj77
    I tried it and almost fainted 4 days in. Theres just not enough calories in it. I'd never do it again nor recommend it to anyone!

    I agree with her. It didnt work for me either. I do LOVE thier chocolate cereal though, now. Too much sugar and then my one meal a day I was starving and carving bad things like sweets. I wouldnt suggest it...
  • jcburroughs
    I tried it and found that I was hungry. You dont get enough calories in the day and end up overeating. Also there is a lot of sugar. You'll probably lose weight but as soon as you change youll put the weight back on. Its good for quick temporary weight loss not long term weight management.
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    I have it for breakfast 5 times a week. Any more than that and my body will revolt!
  • iambayd
    iambayd Posts: 235
    I have tried it a couple of times and felt like I was starving by just day 2. I really like their cereals though.
  • KateHumphrey
    I was thinking high sugar as well where you would be eating it twice a day. I think it is classified as high on the GI scale so I can't see how it would be good for you. Anyone try the Activa one?

    I haven't heard of that one... Was also considering slimfast, but thought it sounded pretty similar to what I'm already doing...
    No wonder you lose weight, if you just are going hungry!!
  • vbennett7
    vbennett7 Posts: 99 Member
    I heard somewhere that the cinnamon pecan kind is high in sugar/high-fructose corn syrup. So, its not really very healthy. I tried it for a while-you would have to be very disciplined to keep with it.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I have had slimfast once and a while before when I tried to lose weight. It is crazy high in sugar as well.
  • sarahaha
    well, they have really tasty and high fiber 90 calorie bars. they fill me up for an hour or two, a good snack. chocolate chip, yum! and i hear strawberry shortcake, too. :D but no, i wouldn't recommend trying to live off special k for any period of time.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    There's nothing magic about the Special K Challenge or Slim-Fast, etc.... all it does is get you to limit caloric intake and eat every few hours. And you can do that on your own with any foods that you choose! And yes, those products to contain a lot of sugar!
  • photogrypher8606
    ive been eating it as my breakfast but dont do the challenge.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i've done the special k challenge & it works because you're eating often to keep your metabolism up & you're controlling your caloric intake throughout the day. if you're logging on here, then it isn't really necessary, but if you want the structure of the set meals & snacks- go for it :o) i don't know if everyone on here went to the special k website & followed the directions... it doesn't sound like it.

    basically you get a bowl of cereal for breakfast & lunch (make sure you measure), two special k snacks during the day (i liked their granola bars & ate them mid morning & mid afternoon, but there are other options) & then a balanced dinner. i wasn't hungry or fainting during it & i had no problem meeting my caloric goals because it is about 600 calories minimum a day of special k products & the milk in your cereal alone before having your dinner. the website works it toward your lifestyle, & has suggestions & variations.