What is your biggest motivation?

Karleyyy Posts: 857
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
A lot of people have different reasons, but the biggest one for me is to actually look good in clothes, and THINK that I look good. I don't want to think that guys won't like me because I am a bit bigger, or go into the grocery store and think I am being judged. I want to feel good about my body. What about you? What motivates you?


  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    hi karleyyy

    A bit ike you, i want to get to te point that when people sat to me 'you look good' - i believe it! I am getting married in May so for me, that really helped me focus, however I wont stop mfp after - Im in this for the long term. I want to lose weight to be healthy and look better, and to be to improve my fitness too. I enjoy feeling and seeing muscle, not just fat!
    Getting there and good luck i your loss :-)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I want to be one of those women that you see at the store and think, "There is no way that those are her kids! She must be the nanny." I love being a mother to 4, but I don't want to look like one!:laugh:
  • Viviana02
    Viviana02 Posts: 7 Member
    I too, would like to look nice in clothes!! Right now I am going through the stage where I will buy clothes a size larger so that it can hide my "muffin top!" My husband says I look great. But I don't feel like I look great. U know?!
  • Mine is to be able to fit into my 'skinny' EXPENSIVE clothes that I can't wear anymore because I gained weight!! lol And my sister is getting married in June, so I wanna look good in the bridesmaid dress :)
  • etron
    etron Posts: 33
    I want to eliminate the stress of low self-esteem. I am about to be engaged, and I am embarrassed for my soon-to-be-fiancee to introduce me to people. I overheard him talking to someone that he bumped into at Target as I was about to meet back up with him, so I quickly dove into another aisle so that they wouldn't see me or try to meet me. It was humiliating. I decided to take weight loss seriously at that point. I gained 35lbs in about half a year because of birth control so it was a huge shock to my body. I just want to lose that weight and feel like myself again. I want to feel confident in my clothes.
  • jovon_84
    jovon_84 Posts: 7 Member
    I want to be a healthy mommy to my son, he is 14 months, and any kids dh and I have in the future.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i have many but biggest is getting off blood pressure meds
  • I can say health, and my kids, and they are motivation but not my biggest.

    I want to look and feel great in my clothes, I want to be able to wear jeans all day long without feeling the need to change into my comfy clothes the second I get home, I want to be told I look nice.
  • Having the teenager bagging my groceries blush is my main motivation.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    So I can be healthy. I want to teach my kids healthy habits by example, not just words. That and I want to be here to be able to see my kids grow up. At my current weight there are so many health issues that I potentially face that I feel like I am committing slow suicide.
  • dgallienne
    dgallienne Posts: 30 Member
    My motivation is that after treating my body like crap for years, I've finally realised that if I don't lose this weight and look after myself, I will probably become Diabetic, which runs in the family unfortunately and also most likely will die early! Morbid but true.

    I want my beautiful wife and I to have a long happy and healthy life together and I don't want her having to worry about having a fat unhealthy husband that may be one step away from a heart attack from being so overweight.

    I want to have children and I don't want to be a fat dad who sits on the park bench, whilst the kids are playing, too unfit to be able to participate. I want to see those children grow up and have children of their own and I want to be healthy enough to be there for them too.

    That is my motivation and anytime I slip up, I think about those things and pick myself up and get right back on track.
    It's a long journey, but I'm determined to get there.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I do it for my knees... being able to run faster and longer by carrying less weight is my motivator! I also did not like being the largest size in my favorite jeans but now I no longer am!
  • My son, Ethan. :)
  • My daughters, hubby and health! I have prediabietes. OF course, to look nice in a swimsuit this summer. We all can reach our goals and stay healthy!:blushing:
  • samrockrocks
    samrockrocks Posts: 251 Member
    i want to be a role model to my kid brother and my little cousins.. but i think my biggest motivator is that i just want to be healthy for ME. i don't want to look like that underfed model on the cover of magazines, i just want to be a weight that is appropriate for my own body. i don't care how other people think i look, i just want to be comfortable in my own skin
  • kyliedurnan
    kyliedurnan Posts: 58 Member
    my biggest motivations are going to hollister and seeing all the small clothes that i will fit into eventually. also, another motivation is the jerks at school who dont have to worry about weight, yet they still seem to worry about MY WEIGHT and how I LOOK. yeah, theyre jerks who call me names, but this time next year, they willl be regretting it majorly when they will try to be my frienddd ust cuz im skinny haha syke . haha
  • I want to look Great in my clothes that is with out question!!!! But the BIGGEST for my HEALTH!!! I started out 3 years ago on my weight lost mission and never finished started @ 278 still on my 200. which is the first goal to get out of the 200s. 29 pounds to go!! But with that said My Doctor want to put my on 3 different meds Colesterol, High Bood pressure ,and sugar!!! I am draing the line !! SHE SAID IT was my weight !!!!!! SO I ENDED UP HERE, on MFP!!!
  • my biggest motivation was watching cancer take my fathers life and watching it try to take my momthers life. i want to be as healthy as i can be!
    and i to want to look good and feel good in clothes :) i want to get a tattoo on the inside of my upper arm and i am too vain to go get it when i have the jiggly under arm stuff!
  • My biggest motivation is my family ... I lost my Mum 2 years ago and gave up smoking 18 months ago and have gained approximately 15 kgs since then, on top of my already overweight frame! I gave up smoking to get healthier and now I am eating myself into an early grave. I am determined that this time I will lose the weight, and I WILL see my children and grandchildren grow up.
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    To feel (and look!) fabulous in the clothes that are currently in my "thin" suitcase up in the loft. I used to love being slim and the freedom it gave me in clothes shops, not to mention the confidence too!

    I want to NOT be the fattest girl in the exercise class at the gym, while everyone is giving me those "awww a really fat girl" sympathy smile/look. I want to be able to buy normal size work out gear that actually fits the way it's meant to!

    Most of all, i want to lead by example and be healthy for my daughter. :)
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