Unconditional Support Group - February



  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    Hey Deb,

    I am with you - is this a Challenge?

  • Sure, why not ...

    Challenge extended. Lose xxlbs in 9 weeks. You state how much ...

    Who is in?

    Debi - 11lbs
    Maggs - 10lbs
  • Why are we all so quiet these days?!

    I did alright yesterday on my new challenge. It was a struggle because I wanted to eat ... but wasn't hungry. I held my own though. I tell myself "just make it for today, deal with tomorrow when it gets here".

    How was your day yesterday?
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Yesterday I gave in to my "poor me" feelings and ate too much. I'm heading back to the doctors again ... hopefully tomorrow ... my feet have been very sore ... gotta take care of it. I love hiking and Zumba and my job. My feet are important for all of those things ... and right now ... ouchy ouchy.

  • I just joined today.Really need motivation and support but i am not usually online all the time :(
    But i hope that we will stay in touch through this topic.

    Lose weight and feel great ! :)
  • Welcome!! Support is a big key to success, so try to get on as much as you can!!

    We are glad you are here :)
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    I'm in! Trying for 10 pounds in 9 weeks. Maybe we can all do this together. I have been trying very hard to stick with the program, and so far I'm doing ok. I seem to always be hungry!! I am working on planning the meals better. When I do that it works well. Ann, thanks for the idea of the small plate. I have heard that many times, but never tried it. I am not using my treadmill or other exercise equipment due to the work we are doing in our basement. Should be put back together within a week, so I'll get back to it. I am trying to take walks but it is either too snowy, too frigid cold, too windy, or plain old nasty out! I do some of the indoor walking dvds and they are pretty good. How is everyone doing??? I am glad to have this outlet. I thank you all!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Debi - 100 lbs lost!! Wow, you are totally amazing! You will get to 175 in no time!

    Magglett - You have been working so hard, even exercising while you are still sick. Where are you hiking in the winter? I like the places we usually go to but I thought the trails would be covered.

    Dubord - Just refocus and know that you can forgive yourself for the occassional slip. Your profile pic is very pretty, you have gorgeous hair.

    Profjan - If you feel tempted some people say exercise instead. I hate exercise so I just make a point of logging into MFP and get inspired by everyone and there is tons of support.

    shogatt - I am at my heaviest as well. I hope you get inspired and motivated by the people you meet on MFP. They are really an amazing bunch of people. Setting goals is the best way to get started so you are off to a great start.

    Everyone - Welcome and I wish you the best in working towards and acheiving your goals.

    AFM (And for me) - Have a sinus/head cold that has spread to my chest so most of my calories are liquid ones right now since I always feel too ucky to eat when I am sick. Other than that things are going slowly but surely. Once I commit and am on track like I am now, I rarely give into temptation. I just don't want junk food anymore. When I crash though, I crash and burn...lol.. but I am not going to let that happen. Last time I went 6 months without eating any junk at all. Things went to hell in a handbasket then though and I was off work for a few months sick so I just ate what I wanted and gained it all back. A couple off weeks ago I found I was finally in a place where I could start again and really commit.

    Take care all,

    P.S. For those new to MFP if you see the acronym DH or DD or DS it means Dear Husband, Dear Daughter, or Dear Son. I know when I first started I cuoldn't figure it out...lol.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Its half way through the week, I have the winter dole drums ... ugh!!! My mother always said ... just "act" in the way you want to be and soon you won't be "acting" any more ... it will just be. So I'm going to pretend I'm energized and motivated and see how long it takes to be real. Hope you're all doing well my friends. Drop in and give us an update.

    Datenshi: I'm sorry you're feeling crappy ... hope it passes really soon. I've hiked part of the Queenston trail and Woodend and they're beaten down okay ... it's amazing how many still hike in the winter time. Usually I walk from Dufferin Island to the Table Rock. It's a nice walk along the Falls and it’s so pretty.
  • i wont mind some support
  • Hello Friends!

    Well, today is another snow day here in DFW. I probably could have made it in to work if I'd tried really hard but I'm afraid of getting into an accident so I just play it safe.

    I'm so glad to see we have a few on board for our challenge! Each day for me is getting a little bit easier. I just keep reminding myself that I can do it, I'm not going to starve to death (no matter how I feel), and it will be worth it.

    Stay warm everyone!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    i wont mind some support
  • Thankyou so much. I hope we all will achieve our goals :)
    Good Luck everybody!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Okay ... went back to the doctors to see if it's normal to be feeling so yucky with the antibiotics and she said that’s just what antibiotics do ... they wreak havoc on the digestive system ... so I'll suck it up and I'll be done with them on Monday. I've decided to give myself a break for now. My tummy feels better when there's something in it and I'll get back to fighting the fight starting on Tuesday. Sometimes you just have to roll with it.

    I’ve also had terribly sore feet for a couple of months now. I was told by a doctor years ago that I have arthritis in my feet. They hurt sometimes and then it will stop and so on and so on. But this time it’s just getting worse all the time … so my doctor that I have now is telling me it probably isn’t arthritis … she says it’s rare that arthritis will hit the feet. Really??? Anyway … I’m off to see a Dr. tomorrow who specializes in the treatment of feet. Hopefully we’ll get all this fixed up and next week I’ll be back to my full force healthy life mission. Woo Hoo!!!!!

  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hope you feel better soon Magglett and it isn't anything serious with your feet. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Take care all and have a happy, healthy day!

    ~ Datenshi ~
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    Ok. I am in 9 lbs for the 9 weeks.
  • This sounds like a great group. We all need support sometimes. Personally I started on here and lost 4 pounds and then fell off the wagon and gained like 10. (my depression got the best of me) So now I've been less depressed and have gotten back to the same weight I was when I started here but now the stress from work is getting to me and all I want is comfort food. It wouldn't be so bad if I could still bike commute like I did all summer but the weather has been so bad here in NY that I don't feel safe out there on my bike. Spring needs to hurry up and get here! :sad:
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    HI Skinnyspirit,

    The weather has been a downer for everyone. Even here in Texas it is so COLD. I am a snacker at nite, so I try to keep my hands busy. And always have a bottle of water with me to drink. Keep a journal and when you feel like eating write why you want to keep, maybe venting will help. Or log on and just vent or just scream let it out.

    I know stress can get the better of us.

    Hope today is better.

    Have a Great Day Everyone.

  • Wow, I was HORRIBLE yesterday. OK, maybe not horrible. But certainly not great. I went to dinner w/ a friend at a Mexican restaurant (Joe T Garcia's for anyone who might be familiar w/ it in the DFW area). We had the cheese enchiladas. Which really is just one cheese enchilada. It comes with rice and beans and a "nacho" (read: a large tortilla chip with melted cheese on it) and beef tacos. I didn't have any of the tacos, had 1 enchilada, some rice and beans, 1 nacho and a whole bunch of chips with salsa or guacamole. But not a ton of guacamole. Then ... I had some flan. It was delicious! I had oatmeal for breakfast and a special k bar for lunch along with some crackers. I guess after writing it down it doesn't sound that bad after all. I haven't logged it all yet, guess I should do that now huh?

    Yesterday my husband and I were watching some TV and the guy on the show had been shot so they put him in a medically induced coma so he could heal. My husband says "I need to get me one of those medically induced coma's! Talk about weight loss potential!" I cracked up laughing :) He's crazy!

    How is everyone doing today?
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
This discussion has been closed.