Heyya ppl! i'm Bex..hope u all add me and give me inspiratio

Xibe Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
:happy: Hiya guys..decided to start the dreaded diet again, for maybe the fifth time, im 28 and this time round i have brand new determination..hope all you guys can add me for some laughs and some inspiration, hopefully we can kick eachother in the butt when times get tough:D


  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Don't think of this as a "DIET". Think of this journey as a lifestyle change. The word "DIET" means what you eat not what you don't eat. Make healthier food chooses and it will all come together. Welcome to the family. There is lots of help here.
  • By you keep coming back it shows you are not willing to give up, when you set out to do something , or reach your goal, you have to want to do it, you may know you need to but you have to have the right Mind set ,this is not easy, it is a challenge, but with the support of everyone here and you wanting to do it can be done, check out my Blog perhaps that will help you as well
  • Welcome.....
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