Soda after 30 days without



  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    Good for you!

    I am a big fan of coke zero! But about 2 weeks before I started this diet, I decided, no more cokes. And my husband even helped out, he said, don't buy any more coke, I'll just drink it at work. I've been soda free for about a month now too, and I don't really miss it.

    Although, I must admit, I have not given up my morning cup of coffee. But I have cut back from a pot to 2-3 cups.
  • RickyN29
    RickyN29 Posts: 69 Member
    I never really drank soda a lot before, but I have basically cut it out altogether now. About once a month I do feel like a nice Diet Dr Pepper as a treat and do enjoy it.

    One important thing I wanted to say. Aspartame, used in the majority if diet sodas as the sweetener, is really bad for you. I watched an entire documentary about the stuff and there was direct correlation between its introduction into the food supply and a significant increase in brain tumors.

    I speak from unfortunate experience. My mother loved Diet Coke and drank it since it came out. She passed away this year at 59 years, from an inoperable brain tumor. Through my independent studies of research available, I strongly believe that her brain tumor was caused by aspartame.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I used to drink 4-6 cans a day of regular Pepsi. Then I switched to diet soda and don't like regular soda at all. I have tried to cut down on diet soda now. I have iton the weekends as a treat. I had half of a diet Coke the other day and thought it was too sweet. I was out at a friend's house today, and grabbed a Sprite Zero. It was good. After I finished, I remembered that I am trying to quit soda. :grumble: Shows you show strong my soda habit is when I do it without thinking! :explode:
  • time2move
    time2move Posts: 78 Member
    Valentine's Day will be 1 year pop free! Yay! My husband lives off of Mountain Dew. He doesn't rinse his cans, which leaves me to do it. I don't even like the smell of it anymore. I was drinking up to 4 cans a day. I won't say how many he drinks... (And yes, I've physically shown him how much sugar is in it, calories, etc, doesn't make a difference)
  • CowgirlHustle
    CowgirlHustle Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a Coke Zero Addict :( I have no other caffeine...and it feels like it's my only treat:( I don't feel good about the toxin consumption! Did you drink anything to replace it? I love water, but not to have with meals. Hate tea, coffee, can't drink milk...sometimes I have diet crangrape--pretty sure that's no better!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I'm a Coke Zero Addict :( I have no other caffeine...and it feels like it's my only treat:( I don't feel good about the toxin consumption! Did you drink anything to replace it? I love water, but not to have with meals. Hate tea, coffee, can't drink milk...sometimes I have diet crangrape--pretty sure that's no better!

    I really don't like tea or coffee either, so it was mostly just water the last month. I did drink some chocolate milk, and light OJ (less sugar), but it was mostly water.

    Thanks for the congrats, folks. I've read about other people saying that sodas were sweeter after being away, but I didn't think that would be my experience. I still have probably 5-6 days of soda supply left based on my old habits, but maybe a year long supply now. I'll probably just get rid of it or give 'em to co-workers since I seem to be fine without it.
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    it has been 3 wees for me and I have treated myself to a 16 ounze bottle and I was like you didn't taste good at all so it is all water for me :drinker:
  • EvilPirateJohn
    EvilPirateJohn Posts: 47 Member
    I'm going on 4 years without "pop" (I'm from MI). At first, I just gave up Cola's, and only drank clear pops like Sprite or 7-Up. Eventually I was able to give those up as well. With that being said, I still had the occasional Gatorade or other sports drink, but not too often.

    I didn't notice any weight loss or anything else after giving it up. Even though dropping pop from my diet didn't have any effect, I still haven't touched it other than in a mixed drink, but I don't count that since it's probably less than once a month. I crave Coke or 7-Up still, but won't drink it because I'm afraid of losing my streak of 4 years.
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