Tired of being a size - and a half

ok.. just wanted to rant a bit about SIZE
Im one of those odd-bodied ppl that are litterly one half size bigger then whatever Im trying to buy :grumble:
Buying a simple t-shirt is difficult for me, as a lot of Med shirts dont fit me, but a lot of Lg are too big..:grumble: "
Then there's the dredded washnshrink issue. "do I buy the Lg cause after a wash and dry it will be more like a med hopefully?" but what if it shrinks too much and I cant wear it...?:huh:
And even more of a hassel are the stores that make you wonder where in the world there making them to fit med. people..... Ive tried on some med's that my son could have worn..
We dont even have time to vent about jeans shopping.... :angry: I had 6 different pairs of jeans in the change room yesterday... 1 pair fit... but they were all the same size.. a few I couldnt even get half way up my legs.. I usually leave a store feeling more miserable...
Not to mention all the "fun" mirrors in the changerooms.. Walmarts the worst.. there's something about there mirrors that make me depressed when Im changing... lol

It may sound trivial... but its a shopping problem I have always had. It drives me nuts to shop for myself.. which is why my kids closets are overflowing!!!
Anyone else feelin my frustration with the clothing world?


    BUNNYB Posts: 91
    ok.. just wanted to rant a bit about SIZE
    Im one of those odd-bodied ppl that are litterly one half size bigger then whatever Im trying to buy :grumble:
    Buying a simple t-shirt is difficult for me, as a lot of Med shirts dont fit me, but a lot of Lg are too big..:grumble: "
    Then there's the dredded washnshrink issue. "do I buy the Lg cause after a wash and dry it will be more like a med hopefully?" but what if it shrinks too much and I cant wear it...?:huh:
    And even more of a hassel are the stores that make you wonder where in the world there making them to fit med. people..... Ive tried on some med's that my son could have worn..
    We dont even have time to vent about jeans shopping.... :angry: I had 6 different pairs of jeans in the change room yesterday... 1 pair fit... but they were all the same size.. a few I couldnt even get half way up my legs.. I usually leave a store feeling more miserable...
    Not to mention all the "fun" mirrors in the changerooms.. Walmarts the worst.. there's something about there mirrors that make me depressed when Im changing... lol

    It may sound trivial... but its a shopping problem I have always had. It drives me nuts to shop for myself.. which is why my kids closets are overflowing!!!
    Anyone else feelin my frustration with the clothing world?
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    OK jean shopping is the worse!!!!! I avoid it at all cost.....

    dd :angry:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Ugh, jeans. The bane of my very existence!:mad:

    The only place I can *sometimes* find jeans is Aeropostale, because they have short sizes. Being 5 feet tall and a hopeful bodybuilder makes shopping a real hassle. Oh look, a cute shirt! Oh...by my arms and shoulders are about to explode out of it like the Hulk. Oh, those pants are adorable! But I'd have to surgically remove my quadriceps muscles to get them on, or buy a larger size and have to cut a foot of fabric off the bottom. I have all of two pairs of jeans.:tongue:

    That's why I spend most of my time in workout clothing hehe...it's stretchy and comfy:bigsmile:
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Frustrating, one day you will find a store that suits your body shape and then you will feel good. We have a store in Canada called Jacob, I never used to go in it because it was out of my price range....then one day I said to heck with it.....I've been shopping there ever since; they design their clothes perfectly for my body. Keep truckin', keep searching!

  • tishawillliams2
    Yes, I can totally relate. I have problems with jeans fitting well. They are too low cut and look awful. I don't want the muffin top look. It is hard to find clothing that isn't made for teenagers, or that isn't too grandma looking!:grumble:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Yes, I can totally relate. I have problems with jeans fitting well. They are too low cut and look awful. I don't want the muffin top look. It is hard to find clothing that isn't made for teenagers, or that isn't too grandma looking!:grumble:

    Ugh, yea. That's why I don't like having to shop at Aero. I'm almost 21 now, so some of that stuff is a little juvenile to me. And those low cut pants....I would consistently have the top inch of my bum showing! I get them on, turn around, and :noway:
  • PammyB3130
    I absolutely hate going shopping for clothes!! I've always been a plus size since high school and I get so frustrated trying to find anything that doesn't make me look like a tent! Every year for christmas I have to tell everyone not to get me clothes because they never fit! I have probably 20 shirts and sweaters that my mother-in-law has bought for me over the past 4 years and I can't fit into any of them. i have them all sitting at the bottom of my closet! so one of my goals now is to finally fit into those shirts!!!!
    BUNNYB Posts: 91
    lmao!!! ahhhhh the natorious Muffin Top!! I thought I was the only one who uses that word!!
    Its my thang' cause its the one place on my body for years Ive been trying to get rid of.. and CANT!
    Yes, Im in Canada, and know of Jacob Anex.... bought a pair of pants there long ago, but like you deanea, I probably dont go in there that often due to price!
    Honestly, I buy 90% of my jeans at Value Village.. I love that store!! and with my weight upsy-downsy.. and hopefully a lot more downsy... its great!! I see no point in spending $40+ on jeans I wont fit into in 2 months.. Its not a grundgy place at all, at least ours isn't, Im in Ont. :wink:
    Thanks girls... ahhhh JEANS.... there def. the :devil:
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    Guy's Frenchy's in Nova Scotia practically has a bed in the back for me I'm there so much...
    I find it VERY hard to find clothes for myself lately....but I see all sorts of sizes that I USED to be!! lol I'm hoping that I'll find more ME stuff once I lose this lovely ring around my belly!
    I'm usually in the middle of clothing sizes too...it can be very depressing.

    I went to hmmm (I think it was cotton ginny) and they have the plus size side of the store and the regular sizes.
    The regular sizes went up to a 14 and those 14's were WAY tooooo tight and the plus size *14* was huge. Can't win!
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    Yeah it is either the plumber butt look or the over the belly "lady" look no Perfect jean no matter what they say.....my favorite pair are about ready to be used as rags...one day I will conquer the jeans...LOL

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Ok, ladies who live in the states. Try "myshape.com" or "zafu.com". They both really work. They take your measurements, your height, your body type and pick out clothes that will fit and flatter you. And, at zafu, I found the perfect pair of jeans for my hard-to-fit-self for $20.

  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    My husband and I refer to it as a popped can of biscuits, but muffin top is good too! :laugh:

    sizes used to be regulated, but now the US has changed it sizing over the last 15 years so now it depends on where its made, what its made of, what kind of dye etc etc. I am still big enough that I have to go to Lane Giant for my clothes and they have changed their jean sizing system and they have to measure your waist but they told me to get a certain size and color code and they fit great. I know where the lighter ladies get frustrated though, my daughter is long and lean and she wears anywhere from a size 2 to a size 9 depending on the maker.
  • klabritz
    OK. I am now forced to share one of my deepest secrets. Sometimes, I shop in the MEN's department - not for shirts or tops, but for jeans and other pants. First, they come in a much larger variety of sizes and lengths, they are usually better made AND they usually cost less.

    I kid you not, ladies, the men's department at The Gap is fabulous. Now, you're not going to find anything that makes you look especially sexy, but I guarantee you can find jeans or khakis that fit properly and are the correct length. In addition, surprisingly, they do NOT make you look like a man! I am a very girlie looking woman and, although I cannot say why it is so, it is still quite clear when I wear my "man jeans" that I am absolutely a woman! Hint: for those of you with feet that are a woman's size 9 or larger, you can buy shoes in the men's department, too!

    My fondest dream is to one day shop in the department for BOYS!!!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    OK. I am now forced to share one of my deepest secrets. Sometimes, I shop in the MEN's department - not for shirts or tops, but for jeans and other pants. First, they come in a much larger variety of sizes and lengths, they are usually better made AND they usually cost less.

    I kid you not, ladies, the men's department at The Gap is fabulous. Now, you're not going to find anything that makes you look especially sexy, but I guarantee you can find jeans or khakis that fit properly and are the correct length. In addition, surprisingly, they do NOT make you look like a man! I am a very girlie looking woman and, although I cannot say why it is so, it is still quite clear when I wear my "man jeans" that I am absolutely a woman! Hint: for those of you with feet that are a woman's size 9 or larger, you can buy shoes in the men's department, too!

    My fondest dream is to one day shop in the department for BOYS!!!

    I do this too! :laugh: But I do it for workout clothes. I just can't stand to be seen in tight pants with writing on the butt and some silly strappy thing with a built-in bra. So I buy men's sweats and boys XL A-shirts. Of course I go to the women's section for sports bras hehe:bigsmile:
  • dmflynt
    dmflynt Posts: 196
    Trying on clothes makes me feel like a freak of nature......when I enter a store, I don't FEEL like I have a bizarre shape, but when I try on clothes I can't figure out WHO could wear some of them!!! And JEANS.....oh, God....don't get me started!:grumble:
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    any suggestions for a huge belly? by the time I get a pair of pants that fit at my waist and not under my boobs, the butt and legs are so huge, i want to scream. can't sew to fix them. oh, and no boobs. why is it that the clothes for fat girls all assume you are 6 feet tall and well endowed. I just a short fat dumpy girl and would love one outfit that actually fit. :grumble:
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    any suggestions for a huge belly? by the time I get a pair of pants that fit at my waist and not under my boobs, the butt and legs are so huge, i want to scream. can't sew to fix them. oh, and no boobs. why is it that the clothes for fat girls all assume you are 6 feet tall and well endowed. I just a short fat dumpy girl and would love one outfit that actually fit. :grumble:
    BUNNYB Posts: 91
    ahh no worries!!!
    maybe try more of a relaxed-fit pant... vs trying to accomodate your body to a pair of jeans?
    casual pants fit nice to any shape!!
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    I hate buying new pants since I'm hoping that they won't fit in 6 months. Unfortunately, I've worn out several pair thinking that. I've worn 38x34 jeans for at least 15 years! To make matters worse, pants only come in even sizes. Try finding a pair of 37x33 jeans, I dare you.

    Fortunately, fashion for men consists of pants and shirts. Pants come in jeans, khakis (or chinos) and dress pants. There are only about 3 colors (5 max). Shoes come in tennis: white, grey or black and dress: brown and black only.

    Shirts come in T, polo and button-down. Unlike some other men, I try to make sure that I match (or at least don't clash) before I leave the house. Muffin top is almost unavoidable for a man when you have a spare tire and you're expected to wear a belt and a shirt tucked-in. The only other option is suspenders.:noway:
  • asg301323
    You are not a "short fat dumpy girl"!!! Don't say that about yourself!!! Perhaps you could find a friend nearby with a sewing machine. I know how to sew but really just making some adjustments to the waist band or taking the legs in so they are not so big is pretty simple. You could do it!!! You can also buy a decent machine for about $70.00.