
i have eaten ALOT of extra calories i was just wondering if i have one sort of "detoxing day" where i drink nothing but tea and fruit juice and stuff if that will help at all? or is that not safe?


  • UnpredictablyPretty21
    Lovely, I would probably opt for making your own juice if you have a juicer and not just fruit drinks because they are packed full of sugars... and you dont want that!

    But green tea and water... PURRRRRRFECT!!
  • LessBrian
    Definitely agree with Unpredictably. Also, whether or not you need to do that depends on what you mean when you say a lot of extra calories and how long you've been eating more than you'd like. If the one day helps you get back on track and you don't have any medical reason for not doing the "detox" then go for it.
  • MissLadyInWaiting
    i really just need to clean out my sistem, i have ate some pretty bad stuff + feel gross. i really want to get a juicer, i'll have to save up for one. i think i'll just drink lots of tea + water and try to stick to low calorie healthy snacks so i don't throw up haha. i've done the math of how many calories i have burned this week and i don't think i will need to detox but i just wanted to know if that could possibly be an option.
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I've heard, never have done any research, that adding fresh squeezed lemon to your water helps. Like I said, have never researched. I heard it from a doctor on a morning news show.