I eat healthy and gain

roo71 Posts: 8
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I don't know how this happens but I go n diets and I actually gain weight does anyone know how this happens.


  • rachel41
    rachel41 Posts: 354 Member
    I would like to know to!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    When you first go on a diet:
    Do you drastically reduce your calories?
    Do you take less than 1200 cals?

    If so then you probably send your body into starvation mode so every little bit of food you do eat your body 'holds onto' the calories

    Do you give your diet enough time to work (there wont be results overnight??)
    Do you stick to weighing yourself once a week?
    Do you eat regularly?

    Do you exercise?
    Do you count calories properly? Or guess / estimate?

    Once you indetify where you are going wrong you can begin to look at that in more detail
  • mcphtm
    mcphtm Posts: 26
    There is a lot that goes into it....

    What are you eating?
    What proportions are you eating?
    Are you exercising?
    What exercises are you doing?
    Do you have cheat days?
    What are you drinking?
    Are you drinking enough water?
    How late at night do you eat?

    lol... I am sure there is even more into it than that, but those are the basics :)
  • As a former fitness instructor, what I've learned and experienced is that you are eating healthy but the weight may be a gain in muscle from a strength / toning training. When we do strength training we will gain more muscle mass Don't get scared, you won't beef up like a man, but will get stronger and the muscle will get denser. As a result, muscle mass weighs more than fat (believe it or not). At the same time, as muscles gain mass they use store fat as a "fuel" the more you keep using and strengthening them. So you will start to lose INCHES but you may look as if you are not losing WEIGHT because you have now gained muscle mass. Incidentally - this is what you want because you look leaner with more muscle mass and will have less fat to contend with. So don't stop eating healthy, but do continue or begin a toning/strength training routine in addition to cardio. You'll see the difference, trust me. :wink:
  • If it's your first time really going to the gym/lifting/ (even intense cardio) you're probably just seeing noob gains :)

    It'll be about 5 lbs and then you'll plateau for about two weeks then you'll start to see the scale go down - but don't worry, the fat loss is there the whole time :)
  • roo71
    roo71 Posts: 8
    I did just start however I just notice everytime I do go on a diet I weigh in like 3-5 days just to see if I atleast lost a pound and it tends to tell me I gained. This time around I gained almost 5 pds since Monday. I am actually doing it right this time due to this website, it helps me keep good track and motivated.
    I drink water (not as much as I need to, but building) hot tea like ginger and detox tea, and coffee. As far as food I eat either a piece of fruit for breakfast or a yogurt. Lunch maybe a spinich salad w turkey egg and avacado, and dinner whatever it is I am making but less. Like yesterday was chili. I am staying under my 1200 calaries but close enough to it.
    Exercise I been doing more this week I have in 2 yrs. I am doing kickboxing, dancing, zumba
  • Let me see your diary if it's pretty accurate.... I'm pretty sure you're seeing noob gains but I'll be able to tell if you're doing something wrong or if you just need to be patient for the scale :)
  • make sure you weigh everything that goes into your mouth, if you dont you cant get accurate calorie count

    make sure you add every bit of excise you do.

    have yo set your activity level too high and are eating too many calories?

    are you eating enough calories?

    good luck
  • surley staying under 1200 cals is not eating enough?
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    dont go on diets! just eat the right foods and leave the bad ones behind!...if you do it correctly then you should lose
  • I think I have been logging in now for about 5 weeks and so therefore watching everything I eat and exercising min of 4x a week with every other day of weight training and I have actually gained 3lbs. However I measured myself at the start and now I'm down 3" in my waist. My blood pressure is down dramatically, I have more energy and I'm feeling stronger. So I know it's working, just not seeing it on the scale yet. I don't like weighing myself every week, I think that can be disappointing. If your watching what you eat, logging everything here, in the long run you will do fine. Your body needs time to adjust. The weight wasn't put on in a week it will take longer for it to come off!
  • roo71
    roo71 Posts: 8
    My dairy is accurate. Can you just look at it or do I have to send it to you? Thanks
  • Well you can make it public by going to settings in food > you can make it friends only and add me as a friend... whatever your fancy is
  • Well you can make it public by going to settings in food > you can make it friends only and add me as a friend... whatever your fancy is
  • roo71
    roo71 Posts: 8
    Thanks for all the help, ideas and support. As for 1,200 calories that is what it gave me when I started the diet on here. My sister said I should do the Adkins but it seems so confusing to me. Besides I heard if you go back to carbs you gain it all back
  • Yeah don't do anything crazy. You're on the right path but I'd like to see a little more protein. If you have 8-12 oz of chicken, turkey, lean ham, shrimp, fish you'd be able to hit 90g with would make your macros WAY better.

    That being said, just keep doing this and you will lose weight, it will just take a week or two to get over the noob gains. Losing weight takes time it's not a sprint, so just try to make it a part of your life and not a constant battle :)
  • roo71
    roo71 Posts: 8
    OK Thank you
  • mcphtm
    mcphtm Posts: 26
    Maybe you should try more of a walking/jogging routine instead of the classes... such as; going outside and walk/jog a couple of miles OR 30 minutes a day on a treadmill and/or an elliptical. The classes are a good workout, but walking/jogging is straight cardio and will help you drop the weight faster. Just in my opinion: I would lose some of the weight first, and then try doing the classes to further my workout and help tone up. You don't want to start toning before losing the weight you don't want.

    And of course, drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before, during, and after your workout :)
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