Need some inspiration!

madgeystardust Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I started on the 4th of Jan and have done ok so far, but need some inspiration and motivation to keep going and not fall back into bad habits! Healthy recipes anyone?

SW - 149
CW - 136
GW - 117


  • I have decided that when I reach my goal as well as small increments, I am going to buy my self something that I love and will feel great in! For my mini goal of 12lbs, I am going to purchase some new clothing items I haven't been able to wear as comfortable as I want!
  • This is a great idea, which as soon as I felt like I could see and feel the difference I did straight away. Already feeling much better about the way my body is changing. I even managed to fit into a pair of jeans I bought last year that were too tight, so very happy...

    I have now reached a plateau and it is seeming hard to keep motivated as I am now just maintaining my small loss and not increasing it. I have completely fallen by the way side with my food diary too, although I know I am not consuming lots, I'm just not counting.

    My boyfriend has ordered me a cross trainer for my birthday, which should be here in a week or so, once that arrives I am hoping to see more gains in the actual pounds lost, and I am still doing my Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred (albeit not every day!)...

    Fingers crossed I can stick this out for the long haul and get to my goal...

    SW - 149
    CW - 136
    GW - 117
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