a little frustrated

tshahady Posts: 84 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, so I THINK weight should be falling off my body but instead it's not. My goal caloric intake for the day is 1,400. I typically workout 5-6 times a week and 3-4 days are double workouts (P90X and Cardio at the gym). Here's the scenerio: goal calories 1,400, when I workout I usually burn 500-1000 calories. I have been trying to eat at least half of the exercise calories meeting NET calories of at least 1,200. My diet is reasonably healthy until I get to the end of the night and i have 800-1000 calories remaining - so I freak out. I've eaten light ice cream and chocolate chip cookies trying to take up some of those calories. Not the healthiest thing and I can forgoe the stuff no biggie. Question - should I really be eating back my exercise calories? If I ignore the NET calories and I have actually eaten my 1,400 or 1,200 for the day am I good? My body is pretty persnickety and goes into starvation mode when I don't eat enought. Anyway, this is frustrating and I a really need to start seeing my hardwork pay off.


  • How long have you been on this?
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    yes,eat some of the workout calories but not all.you could be not eating enough and putting your body in starvation mode,you could also be over training.:bigsmile:
  • NancyQR28
    NancyQR28 Posts: 63 Member
    I've looked into this and the majority of the people here say that YES you need to eat your exercise calories. Don't remember exactly which post I read, but browse the forums and it should be there.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    How about spreading out your meals throughout the day so you're not left with 800 calories at the end of the night?

    Or eating something like nuts or fruit instead of chocolate chip cookies and ice cream in the evening?
  • You could try making an appointment with a nutritionist! I am not sure if you have one close to you but they can be very helpful when things just aren't working out the way you want.
    With me, my body seems to store any and all fat from cookies, ice cream etc. I do better if I eat leaner meats like chicken.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    plan ahead on the days i'm going to the gym , i have a large breakfast, i have Almonds for snacks and i add olive oil to my veg or salad , its does not have to be ice cream and cookies!

    Good luck!


  • frenchprairiegirl
    frenchprairiegirl Posts: 173 Member
    Like everyone, I love certain foods that I need to stay away from (ie: breads, pastas). Keep your meals small and well balanced but eat every 3-4 hours. This keeps your glycemic index at an even keel, keeps your metabolism in fat burning mode vs. starvation mode and keeps your cravings way down. It's working for me, I haven't had a bread or pasta craving in over 4 weeks! A few good reads are the Clean Eating (Tosca Reno) and Master Your Metabolism (Jillian Michaels) books. Also look up the Flat Belly Solution (Isabel De Los Rios) online. Good luck!
  • tshahady
    tshahady Posts: 84 Member
    yes, I know it doesn't have to be ice cream and cookies :smile: I agree I do have to plan better and bulk up my meals more healthily. I think i can definitely benefit from the advice of a nutritionist too. The thought has crossed my mind.
  • tshahady
    tshahady Posts: 84 Member
    Like everyone, I love certain foods that I need to stay away from (ie: breads, pastas). Keep your meals small and well balanced but eat every 3-4 hours. This keeps your glycemic index at an even keel, keeps your metabolism in fat burning mode vs. starvation mode and keeps your cravings way down. It's working for me, I haven't had a bread or pasta craving in over 4 weeks! A few good reads are the Clean Eating (Tosca Reno) and Master Your Metabolism (Jillian Michaels) books. Also look up the Flat Belly Solution (Isabel De Los Rios) online. Good luck!

    Thanks for the reading suggestions!!
  • Trish!!!! I am having the same problem!!!! The scale is not moving and I am losing my motivation!!!! I try to workout 4-5 days a week and the days I don't workout, I will only eat my 1000 calories!!!! (being 5 feet tall that is all I can have!) Doing the gym challenge, don't we get a free training session? Is Danny certified in nutrition as well? I was also wondering if the 3 cups of coffee I have a day are not helping me~! I know that back in the day I would be dropping pounds from the combo of working out and eating less! aghhhhh......so annoying, getting older sucks!
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    In your case, the weight loss (or lack thereof) may depend on two things:

    1) The length of time you've been on your current workout and diet. If you've only been doing it a couple of weeks, I wouldn't expect huge results at first.
    2) This could be a bigger factor -- you may be gaining muscle mass -- which, as you know, weighs more than fat. This is a good thing -- you're getting stronger and more fit! When I was doing a lot of weights, I GAINED 12 pounds. I needed that extra weight -- I went from 100 to 112 pounds.
  • tshahady
    tshahady Posts: 84 Member
    In your case, the weight loss (or lack thereof) may depend on two things:

    1) The length of time you've been on your current workout and diet. If you've only been doing it a couple of weeks, I wouldn't expect huge results at first.
    2) This could be a bigger factor -- you may be gaining muscle mass -- which, as you know, weighs more than fat. This is a good thing -- you're getting stronger and more fit! When I was doing a lot of weights, I GAINED 12 pounds. I needed that extra weight -- I went from 100 to 112 pounds.

    I've been tracking hard since Jan. 10th - it's been a month. This is not normal for me not to drop any weight - so I'm guessing it has to do w/ the food science of it all, etc. The first two weeks I was in starvation mode - barely eating 1,000 calories a day - NET. I diligently tried to meet my caloric intake and began losing. I can't be too too hard on myself - I am experiencing POST PMS - seriously. I just finished and I now have a pimple on my forehead and I feel like crying! WTF!
  • tshahady
    tshahady Posts: 84 Member
    Trish!!!! I am having the same problem!!!! The scale is not moving and I am losing my motivation!!!! I try to workout 4-5 days a week and the days I don't workout, I will only eat my 1000 calories!!!! (being 5 feet tall that is all I can have!) Doing the gym challenge, don't we get a free training session? Is Danny certified in nutrition as well? I was also wondering if the 3 cups of coffee I have a day are not helping me~! I know that back in the day I would be dropping pounds from the combo of working out and eating less! aghhhhh......so annoying, getting older sucks!

    I'm tellin' you Katie - this is very frustrating! I forget how I found out but yea we are supposed to get 1 free training session. I think Danny is certified in nutrition. I called my insurance company and unfortunately nutritionist are not covered as part of my plan UNLESS a person is morbidly obese and has health needs for it. I think I'll send Danny an email about the 1 session and see if I can sit down w/ him and hash this out. While I love working out - Its high time I see some changes! Funny, my husband said I should join Weight Watchers - that's how I lost 30 lbs. very easily actually. I was never frustrated like this.
  • kimistry35
    kimistry35 Posts: 203 Member
    Hello I'm Kimistry
    At nite when you still have that I need food thing, try eating veggies & fruits or the 100 calorie cookies or even the air puffs popcorn. Please what ever you do don't stress out at the end of day because you still have unused calories. and something else that might help is drink a bottled water before each meal...........good luck........:flowerforyou:
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