Former Atkins-er. Lost 45, Gained 60. Now - gym time!


I was looking SO good on Atkins . . . and then I started eating like a normal person again and, well . . . none of my clothes fit any more and I am starting to lose self-confidence.

So, here I am.

I have a friend, Elizabeth who has been taking me to the gym. We've gone four times in the last seven days. I've done two miles - at least - on the track each time, and we've been doing weights and floor exercises.

I have the willpower to do this!! I will be in shape by the time I graduate college - in May.

Wish me luck!

My best - Joshua

PS, if you want, you can check out my blog at


  • gousnr
    Good Luck Joshua. I wish I lived near a gym. We live out in the middle of no where. I have a treadmill and an elipse machine. I would rather be somewhere I can be motivated by others doing the same thing...

    Think thin for that grad gown!
  • kathyvdh
    kathyvdh Posts: 66 Member
    Good luck to both of you, Joshua & Kendra. It is nice to have a reason such as graduation or your family visit to focus on. I don't really have anything special, but I work in the golf business in Wisconsin. Our course is closed until probably April and has been since November. I am hoping that all our regular customers will be surprised to see me looking so fit when we reopen. That is my personal incentive.

    Thanks for sharing yours. I look forward to reading these replies everyday since I work out of my home for the winter months and don't have much adult interaction.

    Have a great day! As I am writing this, it is SNOWING like crazy here!!! It is a welcome sight since this has been a pretty mild, boring winter around here.
  • new_Kendra
    Thanks! I've enjoyed using the board also. I'm really surprised at how active the board is compared to other sites. another thumbs up.
  • kathyvdh
    kathyvdh Posts: 66 Member

    AWESOME! That's fantastic! Keep it up!
  • bayne16
    That is awesome how much weight you have lost Kendra. Mine is coming off slower than that but I still feel great. My mom is using a similar program like this one but she doesn't have nearly as much support as this program does. I have coerced her into switching.

    Good Luck to you all and keep up the good work!
  • new_Kendra
    Thank you! : )
  • Vamperella79
    Vamperella79 Posts: 3 Member
    Me to!
    Didn't have loads to lose but lost a stone in a half and half's gone back on just in the last couple of weeks eating 'normally'.
    I'm getting back on the Atkins wagon Monday =)