Finding it Really Difficult to Get up and Exercise

I wake up early, but then don't have that extra little push to get out of bed and workout in the mornings. I need to do it in the mornings because the evenings are too busy to fit a workout in.

Any advice? tips? Anybody dealt with this too?


  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Just do it. After a couple of weeks it becomes second nature. I get up at 4:15 to workout and most mornings wake up before the clock goes off now.

    Plus you get to eat more if you exercise.
  • misty1208
    I dont have any advise on how to actaully MAKE you get out of bed but I ALWAYS have this problem. And i just want to tell you I finally did it this morning. And i feel great! Im ready to start my day, and just knowing i dont have to try and make time for it later tonight is motivation enought to try it again tomorrow. :)

    PS Im not even drinking my coffee this morning... dont need it! :) Have a good day, and good luck!
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    You just have to make yourself do it. The more tired you are the harder it is. So get lots of rest. That's easier said then done for me :) Good luck!
  • kate0309
    kate0309 Posts: 26 Member
    Lay out your work out clothes at night. When the alarm first goes off, get out of bed right away.

    I hate getting up early to exercise. But the morning is the best time for me to fit it into my day. I like getting it done and then knowing exactly what I can eat for the rest of the day. It feels great to accomplish something so early in the day. It's starting to feel like a great way for me to start my day.

    Good luck!
  • tonisteedley
    I agree : Just get up and do it.. I always work out in the Am, its hard at first but once you get going your fine. I always feel better through out the day when I excercise in the morning.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I have this problem every morning so to actually get up, I pack everything (clothes, food, work/school stuff) the night before and put my alarm clock in the bathroom so that i have to GET OUT OF BED to turn it off. Then i force myself to turn on the lights. By this point i'm good to go. I also have a set schedule where I know what work out I'm doing and I visualize myself doing this as I go to sleep. I know what I'm doing the next day and I also have a set rest-day so that i cant say, "oh, I'll just go tomorrow." Good luck!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I know this will sound simplistic but just do it. I get up at 5 and it was so hard at first. Having friends on here helps too because I post my exercise and if I don't others may notice. Once you get started it does become easier, partly because you will feel better and partly because it will become a habit. I won't say it easy because it's not. Are you married? Could you husband give you a shove? Feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like to add me as a friend.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I know this will sound simplistic but just do it. I get up at 5 and it was so hard at first. Having friends on here helps too because I post my exercise and if I don't others may notice. Once you get started it does become easier, partly because you will feel better and partly because it will become a habit. I won't say it easy because it's not. Are you married? Could you husband give you a shove? Feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like to add me as a friend.
  • rdy2begin
    I am the same way ...but after a few wks I have pushed myself and it makes a difference it is NOT easy but you will see how much better you actually do feel !!!
  • JudithDM
    JudithDM Posts: 2 Member
    I know exactly what you're talking about. I started a challenge with a co-worker, and have to pay a buck to a kitty everyday I don't get up. You can up it, if that's not enough motivation. The other thing that helps me is to allow myself to workout as little as possible. Many days I only do 15 minutes. It's better than nothing! And I don't want to break the rhythm of waking up early. Often, in the past, if I didn't wake up early enough to do 30 min or more, I'd forget about it. Then it's easier every day after, to forget about it. Just force yourself, and take it one day at a time. :)
  • SunnyInCO
    Here are a couple of tips that I use to keep the motivation to workout in the AM:

    Are you eating anything before you workout? Most sports nutritionist say you should.
    If working out alone try to find a partner.
    Getting to bed early enough? If I do not get enough sleep it is too hard for me to get out of bed. I also know if I do not get up I do not feel as good during the reast of the day.
    Realize if I don't workout in the AM, I probably will not be working out that day because its just too hard to in the PM
    I set some future goals for myself and use those as motivation such as a race comming up.
  • MTLumps
    MTLumps Posts: 82 Member
    You just have to do it. I usually get up at 4:15 or 4:30 so I can get at least 45 minutes in and it is sooooo worth it afterwards! Some mornings I have quite the conversation with myself before I actually get out of bed because it is warm there and I am comfy but by the time the warm-up is finished I'm really glad I got up. I have been a full-time student for the last 2 1/2 years, so evenings are for homework. I'm almost done with school but will still do most of my workouts in the morning - it really is a great way to start the day. I have better energy and am wide awake before I ever hit the shower!
  • ahsina
    Thanks for the advice!

    @soccermom004 - i am married, but when i wake up at 5, my husband goes for the cuddle instead of the shove! not the most motivating ;)

    @AggieCass09 -i love the idea of putting the alarm clock in the bathroom. i'm going to try that tomorrow!
  • mckval
    mckval Posts: 64 Member
    Yes. I never was a morning person. I LOVED sleeping in and would hang on to every last minute I could in bed. Then all things changed...for the good. I'd started out slow, since I was overweight I didn't want to overdo it right at first. So I walked and then started hitting the gym. But it was hard to do it after work. I'd committed to not eating 3 hrs before bed, and so with that, gym trips after work would not fit. So I was forced to move my workout to the morning. And I just made it happen.

    I get everything ready (work clothes, lunch, etc.) before I go to bed. I set out the stuff I want to wear to the gym, and brush my teeth, pee, get dressed and put on a baseball cap and off I go. I live very near our gym, so I can come back home and get ready for work.

    It wasn't easy. I started doing this back in the middle of Sept. 2010, and now I have been consistently to the gym 6 days a week (4 x a week at 5:15am). Now I wouldn't miss it. I really like it. I understand it takes 6-8 weeks for something to become a lifestyle. Hang in there. You can make it happen if you want it bad enough.
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm the same way; I have to play little mind games with myself to get moving in the mornings. Try logging the workout the night before; I find that if it's already written down, I feel more obliged to go. And do you work out at a gym? Find a morning class so there's a specific time you have to be there. If I just say "I'll work out in the morning" 7am turns in to 8am, 9am, 10am before I even get out of the house. Or, do you have a dog? I started taking long walks with my dog around the same time every evening. Now, he's so conditioned to going out at that time that if I'm tempted to skip, he harasses me until I get off my butt and take him!
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    So I have a question?

    I get up at 4:45 to work out, but then what time do you go to bed? Come 7pm and I'm exhausted. I ususually aim for 9pm, but sometimes thats HARD!
  • rockabyesarojane
    I struggle with the same thing but on the days when i do manage to get up out of bed and just do it I feel so energetic the rest of the day. It makes me work faster, and better, and then in the evenings i can just do something more relaxing for the brain. like yoga or pilates. still great workouts but they dont make your mind go crazy at night when you need to be in bed.

    so hopefully just the thought of how great you'll feel all day will help get you out of bed. OR drink a glass of water right before you go to sleep so that when your alarm goes off you have to pee and then you'll already be out of bed.

    and oh yes! i swear that sleeping in the clothes you're going to exercise in helps a TON.
  • Jovannyr
    Jovannyr Posts: 108 Member
    I have been having that same problem for the past 2 weeks (due to TOM) :grumble: ...I did it for the 1st month and no scale moved along with me nicely but when I weigh myself a few days ago, i noticed it had stopped when i did....sooooo, im back to my 4:30am routine and what is motivating me is the hope to see my scale move along w/me...Im rotating my morning workouts w/ my Zumba dancing...the mornings i dont workout in the gym then i dance my Zumba at home at night....all in all, im aiming to get a lil workout at least daily....:happy:
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Lay out your work out clothes at night. When the alarm first goes off, get out of bed right away.

    I hate getting up early to exercise. But the morning is the best time for me to fit it into my day. I like getting it done and then knowing exactly what I can eat for the rest of the day. It feels great to accomplish something so early in the day. It's starting to feel like a great way for me to start my day.

    Good luck!

    I would with Kate. I get up at 4:30am every morning and I am not a morning person. Since I am not a morning person I have everything ready to go from the night before. My workout clothes are out my lunch is packed and I am ready to go. I also like to know how what calories I wil be working with for the day. After 2 weeks it is like old habit for me....I don't have to wait for equipment at the gym which is priceless...

    Hang In There Your Worth It!!!
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    I used to have the same problem when I started working out in the morning. I had one of those mobile phones where you can put a note in standby on the screen that would light up when the alarm went off. So when my phone alarm went off at 6.00 a.m. there would be a note flashing that said something like "Get out of bed NOW. If you don't you will be sooo disappointed in yourself. Sacrifice a little sleep for some self-love and hit the gym, you know how much it means to you. Be a rock star!" It sounds crazy, but every morning I read that note and it was enough for me to get out of bed. If you don't have a mobile phone that allows you to do that, write yourself a note the night before and stick it in front of your alarm clock. I also lay out my clothes, pack my lungh and shower the night before! Good luck!