Wine... oh wait I mean Whine!

Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
I am giving myself 2 hours to whine ***** and moan about whatever I want- after that I'm done!!

Why is it that my mother and younger brother think my husband is some sort of idol? As soon as I complain about one little thing my mom is all over me- he works so hard- he must be tired- you can't leave the kids with him on his only day off..... WTF? When is my day off?? Why am I not as important as he is? My brother on the other hand just constantly puts me down because I am a SAHM. Does he really think it's all lounging around and eating bon bons all day? My husband and I made a joint decision that I would stay home with the girls. His job allows this lifestyle but does not give him the flexibility to take time off if one of the kids were to get sick or during school vacations etc... This is what works for us. I understand that not everyone is able to do this and I never preach or brag about it. Why must they make me feel like **** about it?

on a different note- I hate when I need to remind my best friend that - Hey you're my best friend , now start acting like it!!! Granted he is a man- and men are ummmm.... clueless at times ;-)

Ok, 1 hour and 59 minutes left.....


  • Remind them that taking care of kids and household chores is a job too!! Also, when you leave your kids with your husband it's time he gets to spend with them since he is always at work.
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    I can relate, I am also a SAHM, my boyfriend works and makes good money so 'we' decided that it would be best that I dont get a job. My mom has different views though, she thinks I should have a job, and stop being so dependant on him. I have FIVE brothers and they all agree with her too. Its frustrating at times. Lol.
  • From one SAHM to another, let me encourage you that your decision to be home with your kids is so incredibly worthwhile! I quit parcticing law five years ago to stay home, and I have never regretted it-although plenty of days I think now I work harder than I ever did in a courtroom! It is a blessing to a family when mom can be at home.
  • - Men are awesome at all kinds of things including friendships but yes they need a clue sometimes. I envy them a lot and often because they are hell of a lot cooler and laid back than women often. But I hate to say it but that's what you get for having a man as your best friend babe :). I know- I had to male best friends throughout HS. (and generally have a lot of male friends)

    - You are definitely not alone on your mother thinking that your husband is -god-. My mother is Korean, that means she expects me to be my husbands slave. One day we went out shopping and when I returned home after a monstrous freaking Asian shopperama with my crazy mother I asked my husband to give me a glass of water and my mother almost murdered me with the daggers in her eyes, silently, but forcefully, rebuking me about what a loser wife I was for even asking my husband to do something for me. Be glad you have an American mom lol. :)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    So many people don't get SAHMs at all. We need a breather too. My husband and I used to have a system where Tuesday nights were my "night off." I would make a quick dinner and have it ready when he got home so we could eat together, and then the rest of the night was mine. I could go read a book in the tub, or leave the house, or whatever. It worked out really nice -- I got to have my time off without feeling like I had to give up our weekend family time. Of course now that we live in this little town, there's really nowhere to go, so I haven't taken my night off in months. :-/
  • Oh P.S.

    The SAHM thing- I hate that everyone I know thinks I won the lottery or something. Just like you said, sit around eating bon bons. My husband is unusual because he is super aware of the fact that in some ways being a SAHM is a sacrifice in ways. We don't get raises, praise, or quantifiable results necessarily, which can be satisfying.

    As a mother I feel like we are judged no matter what we do. If you work, you're heartless, if you're a SAHM you're a lazy mooch etc.

    People don't realize if YOU get 104 degree fever you're still taking care of your little ones.

    Being a SAHM is tough for many reasons including having to deal with people that don't even know how much effort it requires.
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    You girls will reap the benefits of being there for your children...I've seen lots of children of "career mothers" that would have much rather have time spent with them than been given material things to ease the guilt conscience..I see it now with my own stays home and the other has worked since the 1st baby was 4month old - took time off to have the 2nd and then straight back to family is sooo close - the other money driven...I'm sure you can guess which one is which.
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