I was fooled at Arby's!!



  • rlmarti4
    rlmarti4 Posts: 17 Member
    I have these books called Eat This, Not That for when I go out. Turns out they add sugar or honey to make the wheat bread taste better. They compared the Market Fresh Roast Turkey and Swiss(710 calories, 30 grams of fat/8 sat, 1,680 mg sodium) with the Arby's Melt (298 calories, 12 grams of fat/4sat, 922 mg sodium).
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    Check out "Food, Inc." on Netflix or at Blockbuster. That will give you your answer. =)
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    Check out "Food, Inc." on Netflix or at Blockbuster. That will give you your answer. =)
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Also, most restaurants use what's called "super premium" products like mayo. It uses the highest fat containing ingredients, and is higher fat than you'll ever find in a grocery store. (That's why it tastes better. Lets face it, if it didn't, you wouldn't pay for it.) Mayo, ketchup, basically anything that isn't a vegetable, think of it as at least twice as many calories as what you have at home. Same with bread, anything fried. But lets not focus on negative, you did probably make the best choice available going for the turkey. Just keep in mind, when you go out, you're really eating twice what you think you are.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Eating On They "Fly!" I am known to say that food does NOT sneak up on anyone, you made a conscious choice. Anytime we buy something from "out" to eat you must know that to "taste good", the tastes that most Americans have come to "love" and expect there will be a LOT of hidden FAT and SALT and /or Sugar; these 3 Items are the ADDICTION Trio! What's a "little mayo" and how much fat is in THEIR Brand, how much cheese, how dense was the bread (example chabatta and other rustic breads are dense and make great sandwiches, and loaded with salt as well as cheese and deli meats), what was the fat ratio in the turkey. My theme...trust Nothing not made at home, so when I go out to eat, I make my choices BEFORE hand and I am prepared to see the high price (calories and salt) and have either adjusted my caloric budget prior to eating or scheduled to reduce my calorie and sodium intake after-wards. This stuff doesn't sneak up on us, it's about preparation, because for Me it is a matter of LIFE!!!
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I watched something once that said some of the worst calorie items at Arbys were the sandwhichs cause the bread is horrible. You would have been better off with the roast beef and some fries!

    Fast food will always get you in the end thats for sure, just try to avoid it when ever possible.

    Side note: my husband works for the railroad and they get a stipend each day for lunch since they are lways at different places so they tend to eat fast food alot. well the company gave him a book that has all the national chain resturants in it and nutrition facts for all the menu items. It pretty cool. We keep it in the car so when we are on the go we have some knowledge to make good choices.
  • DKWaggoner
    Arbys is fast food! I try to stay away from anything with a drive up window :wink:
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Chalk it up to a lesson learned, and move on. Best thing you can do for yourself in the future- keep a cheat sheet or do some homework before you head out.

    Above all, keep at it and don't let this sidetrack you- if anything, you're smarter for it and won't make the same mistake again. Silver lining!! :)
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Check out "Food, Inc." on Netflix or at Blockbuster. That will give you your answer. =)

    That is a fabulous documentary! I watched it a few months back with my husband and it changed the way I look at things a lot.

    I've been tricked by food too, I'm sure it happens to us all. When I was first starting out here my hubby (who is rail thin, can eat all day but is trying to gain weight) went out to lunch with his sister so he brought me some lunch while I was at work. Well he got a chicken meal with a baked sweet potato and a side salad thinking it was probably ok. I ate it and added in the calories when I got home and I **** you not it was well over 1000 calories. I was soooo shocked but its one of those lessons you learn, I still look at some of the things in our house and I'm like "Really 300 calories for THIS? I think not!"
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I totally agree with everyone on here about fast food salads still not being the best BUT I will say that the salads at mcdonalds(ones with grilled chicken not crispy) are actually the lowest in calories I have found. They have a grilled southern salad which is really good and if you use the whole packet of dressing it comes to like 450 calories i think. BUt if you only use half(which is really all you need) you cut that down 50 calories. It's def not something to eat like everyday but once in a while I think it would be okay. Im not sure about the sodium but im sure its super high.
  • k8smama
    I made myself a cheat sheet of okay choices at all the fast food places I sometimes eat at and keep it in my purse. That way if I'm caught off-guard I know at least one meal I can eat there. Also when in doubt, order a kids' meal.

    I love the cheat sheet idea, I'm stealing it for myself!!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I totally agree with everyone on here about fast food salads still not being the best BUT I will say that the salads at mcdonalds(ones with grilled chicken not crispy) are actually the lowest in calories I have found. They have a grilled southern salad which is really good and if you use the whole packet of dressing it comes to like 450 calories i think. BUt if you only use half(which is really all you need) you cut that down 50 calories. It's def not something to eat like everyday but once in a while I think it would be okay. Im not sure about the sodium but im sure its super high.

    I know not everyone has a Chick-fil-a around but they have a wonderful fruit and chicken salad that is only something like 250 calories (can't remember how much the ranch had in it but it was awesome with it), the rest of their stuff probably isn't so great considering its all fried fast food lol
  • Lazyboy09
    Lazyboy09 Posts: 190 Member
    ive got a pretty nifty app on my phone that lists tons of resturants and fast food places,thier menus and nutritional info.its really cool and helps me make the best decision no matter where im at

    Okay, I'll ask. What is this app called and where do you get it?

    I normally go look things up on DWLZ.com but that can be a chore on a phone.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    the app is called restaurant nutrition and i got it for the android phone for free!
    if you have a droid or probobly even an iphone check the app marketplace
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I've had to break down and eat stuff from fast food restaurants, and while now I hate having to do it, I've decided that it wasn't ONE fast food meal that made me overweight -- it was the thousands of them, combined with eating huge portions and THEN eating sugary desserts. So now you know -- avoid Arby's! And honestly, 700 calories for a lesson learned is really not all that bad. If only all lessons could be that cheap!

    (my rule is when I do have to eat at a fast food place, I'm going to eat something that I LOVE. If I go over, I'll workout enough to make up the difference. But I'm not going to break down, eat something from a fast food place that I don't enjoy to save 100-200 calories. I'd rather do an extra hour of Zumba and get something that is worth the "cheating".)
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Do you have the MFP App on your Phone? I use it often and can check before ordering things that I may think are good and not.

    View it this way - Lesson Learned, don't do it again.

    I carry Salad Sprinkle with me and always opt for a plain garden salad without cheese or dressing if I'm out and can't get to my own foods. I also generally have one of those 100 calorie almond packs with me too.

    I'm not a fast food fan, I view them as no nutritional value foods. My guess is on top of the bread - the meat is juiced, which means extra sugars and fats have been added to it. Unfortunately, fat flavors food.
  • inpaperclouds
    the same thing happened to me sort of.
    I got a salad from whole foods that had no cheese and no meat..
    the dressing looked like balsamic and vinegar
    So i thought this was a healthy choice compared to the other salads.

    That is above my daily goal. I was pretty upset.

    I no longer eat ANYTHING without looking it up first.
  • mapnerd2005
    I highly recommend the Eat This, Not That books. They've totally changed the way I look at restaurant and fast food places. I travel for work often, and usually don't have the luxury of being able to cook my own foods. Every now and then we'll get lucky and stay in a place with a refridgerator and microwave in the room, but that's usually not the case. So, often my only choice is to eat out on these trips, and the books have helped me to learn the best choices at almost all of the national chains, plus they have sections on what to eat at home, hidden dangers, and menu decoders.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    People think Panera is 'healthy' too. Yeah...not so much!
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Yeah, I know what you mean. I went to a restaurant the other day with my son (it was a special treat for him) and really wanted a burger so I order it, cut it in half and ordered half order of fries, and had waitress take other half of burger away

    That HALF burger and HALF order of fries was still 1408 calories!!! I about died when I came home to check out the nutritionals! That is ridiculous for a half order of fries and a half burger.