P90X Starting JAN 24 JOIN ME and BRING IT



  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    So glad I found this thread, as my husband and I are on day 11 of P90X! He has lost 6 pounds and an inch and a half off his waist. I have lost two and a half inches from my waist. We are trying to keep to the nutrition plan as closely as we can and we have been drinking Shakeology for a year now anyhow, so it's easy to keep that in our daily routine. So far, I love the challenge of trying to do pull ups. I like the arms and shoulders workout a lot. The Ab Ripper X was easier for me the first day than subsequent days because my muscles are so darn sore!! Has anyone else experienced that? Today is Yoga X for us. Last time we made it through only half of it. Aiming for more today!
    You are all doing awesome!! Keep it up!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Today is yoga for us...hope to make it through of it all this time. Last time I only did 40 minutes. Hubby didn't make it that far. But my body is aching all over today...afraid I am coming down with something cuz both my husband and son have been sick. Sure hope not! Just getting into this routine.
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    So glad I found this thread, as my husband and I are on day 11 of P90X! He has lost 6 pounds and an inch and a half off his waist. I have lost two and a half inches from my waist. We are trying to keep to the nutrition plan as closely as we can and we have been drinking Shakeology for a year now anyhow, so it's easy to keep that in our daily routine. So far, I love the challenge of trying to do pull ups. I like the arms and shoulders workout a lot. The Ab Ripper X was easier for me the first day than subsequent days because my muscles are so darn sore!! Has anyone else experienced that? Today is Yoga X for us. Last time we made it through only half of it. Aiming for more today!
    You are all doing awesome!! Keep it up!

    I hate the arm and shoulder workout :) Legs and Back is my fav :) I couldn't do Ab Ripper X very well the first time but I am doing alot better at it. I did 30 mins my first round on YogaX, I hope to make it at least 45 next time. It hurts my back a bit :(
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Hey everyone! I started on Jan 18 but am doing an extra week of phase 1 so that my recovery week will be while I am on vacation! Mind if I join in the thread?!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    Hey everyone! I started on Jan 18 but am doing an extra week of phase 1 so that my recovery week will be while I am on vacation! Mind if I join in the thread?!

  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    We made it through the complete 90 minutes of Yoga X! Woohoo!!! I actually think I am gonna like it! Hubby did great this time too. And I did show a little bit of a weight loss this morning! Exciting! And I noticed my thighs and calves are really getting firm. Now if my arms and tummy would just do the same! :)
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Today is legs and back for me...definitely my second least favorite workout of the bunch as its tough on my knees. But I'll bring it and do my best. Yoga is my least favorite for sure! I've been doing some additional cardio workouts twice a week or so...will be taking my 30 day pictures soon and measurements so hoping that it all pays off. Keep bringing it everyone! Have a great weekend!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    No workout for me today (I was at a the Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference) so I am doing my workout tomorrow instead of using Sunday as my rest day. My eating was totally off this weekend but tomorrow is a new day. Kenpo here I come!
  • lesleed
    lesleed Posts: 33 Member
    I just started on Monday (the 31st). I am so excited to have made it thru the first week, but OH AM I SORE!!! I am glad to see I am not the only one!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Two week update - down 1 lb and 2 inches. Sadly 1 of those inches was in my chest! LOL! 1/2 inch in my waist, 1/2 inch in my hips.

    Still sticking with the meal plan and doing the workouts everyday! How is everyone else doing??
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I'm hanging in there too! We started week three yesterday (me and my husband). We've been very sore the last couple of days because we missed our workouts on Thursday and Friday because of dealing with our sick dog, so we decided to catch up on Saturday and did two workouts. Yikes. Sore city!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    I am hanging in there too :) I switched to the classic program because I felt Lean was a bit too easy (I am going to regret saying that aren't I?) Today was my first time doing chest and back and I had to do all the push ups on my knees :( Oh well, I will get there. I am planning on taking new measurements today :) I am down 2lbs!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I am hanging in there too :) I switched to the classic program because I felt Lean was a bit too easy (I am going to regret saying that aren't I?) Today was my first time doing chest and back and I had to do all the push ups on my knees :( Oh well, I will get there. I am planning on taking new measurements today :) I am down 2lbs!

    My husband could barley do the push-ups in the beginning....now he's doing great! You will get your strength built up! Congrats on the weight loss!!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Halfway through week 3...still doing great! Seems like the further I go with this, the more I want to do. Like now I feel like I need heavier weight, and need to push myself a little harder. More push-ups, jump a little higher, kick a little higher! I love it!!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    I lost my dvds yesterday errrrr! I found them (after I finished my Cathe Friedrich HiiT workout) under the shelf :) So tomorrow I am back on schedule! I may do Kenpo after I take the boys to Karate tonight but my body took a beating from Irish Dance Class yesterday (my shins are particularly angry) so I am going to see how I feel tonight.

    One thing I have noticed is that I don't burn as much as everyone else on the weight workouts according to my bodymedia arm band :( I am going to focus on kicking it up a notch.

    Does anyone use the pullup bar that connects to the door frame? I keep looking at them but I don't want to damage the trim...any thoughts?

    I can't believe it is week 3 already!
  • lesleed
    lesleed Posts: 33 Member
    I have a pull-up bar that goes in the door frame. It works well, and so far hasn't damaged the trim. My husband is very conscious about stuff like that, and he even approves of it. It has like padding on the areas that go against the wall and trim, and little rubber ends to tighten it down. Good luck!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    I have a pull-up bar that goes in the door frame. It works well, and so far hasn't damaged the trim. My husband is very conscious about stuff like that, and he even approves of it. It has like padding on the areas that go against the wall and trim, and little rubber ends to tighten it down. Good luck!

    That's great! I may just get one (I am still a bit afraid I will pull the whole house down with me!)
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Well how's everybody doing?? Made it to week 4! LOVED Core last night! Can't wait to do it again!! I am really suprised at myself that I am loving the workouts as much as I do! I normally hate exercise but I look forward to this every night! Still haven't lost much, but I can feel and see a difference!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    Well how's everybody doing?? Made it to week 4! LOVED Core last night! Can't wait to do it again!! I am really suprised at myself that I am loving the workouts as much as I do! I normally hate exercise but I look forward to this every night! Still haven't lost much, but I can feel and see a difference!

    I haven't lost too much either but I look better :) Even my dance teacher commented last night that I looked leaner. I am looking forward to picking the weights back up next week! I feel like a slacker!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    Woohoo I made it down almost another pound!! Yay!!