In need of some motivation

Hello my fellow MFP friends! I am in need of some motivation! I have been doing MFP since the first week of January and have lost 12 pounds so far. I am pretty proud of that but I just don't think I have it in me to get down to my 199 lb goal that I want to reach by December. I was wondering if there is anyone out that that can inspire meet that weighed what I weigh. I am 5'7" and my starting weight was 271. I am now weighing in at 258. Thank you :)


  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    I started at 285lbs, and while I'm still traveling this journey, I am down 42lbs, so I know I can do it.

    Looks like you're losing right at 2 lbs as a week, which is awesome! At that rate, you could lose another 92 lbs by the end of December. So why in the world would you doubt yourself about a measly 59 lbs? You've obviously got it in you--you've already shown that--now you just have to follow through!
  • anniepants1
    Don't give up on yourself. You've already proven that you CAN do this. Just think back over the year of 2010 and how fast it went by. You don't want to get to February 2012 and say "only if I had stuck with it...." You need to set a mini goal with a reward and work toward that, don't think about the December goal right now. By the time you reach your mini goal you will be so proud and motivated you won't question the next goal. Hang in there!
  • cheangela
    Honey, I think you are an inspiration. It takes a lot of bravery to even start on this journey, and look at you kickin' those numbers off the scale!

    MooseWizard speaks the truth. 59 pounds will fall off quicker than you think if you just toss that self doubt out of the window :-).

    I lost 75 pounds in 2005 and I thought the ENTIRE TIME that it would be impossible to reach my goal. What you're going through is perfectly normal. It's really important to visualize success... mine was crossing the finish line of a major race... figure out a healthy passion of your own and chase the heck out of it. You're worth it!