I was fooled at Arby's!!



  • It's mostly the bread. They're large and they'll grill them. If they grill them, it's on the same place as the burgers and they may add butter on it for toasting.

    I wouldn't stress over it too much though. Just keep in mind that anything in a fast food place is going to be high in calories. The good part is that you tried to get the healthiest option, when you could have wound up with a burger and fries. Even when you get a choice that you think is healthy and turns out more calories than anticipated, it's still better than what it could have been. So consider it an achievement that you controlled yourself even then. :)
  • the app is called restaurant nutrition and i got it for the android phone for free!
    if you have a droid or probobly even an iphone check the app marketplace

    It's available on the iPhone and it's free as well. I'm going to download it now. Thanks!
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks everyone. I think I will just stay away from all fast food places from now on. I have the restaurant nutrition app downloaded, phone was dead, that was the problem. Thought I was making a good choice, my mistake! I have added that food inc dvd to my blockbuster list, curious to watch it!!
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    My friend was trying to watch her weight and she realized her panda express meal she always ate was well over 1000 calories and I though she was going to die
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    Food, Inc. will blow your mind. I will never eat fast food again... Supersize me is mind blowing also... and have you read in the news, I think it was last week, about someone suing Taco Bell about mislabeling their 'beef' tacos because they contain primarily non-beef, and non-food, ingredients. It is disgusting really. I'm ashamed I used to eat that way... I asked myself- how much do I value myself if I am eating a cheap, processed, chemically modified 'food' product that costs a dollar?!? I mean really?!? We work hard for nice homes, nice cars, to send our kids to college, etc... but when it comes to ourselves we buy bottom of the barrel junk that isn't even real food. These fast food and processed food companies are about making $, bottom line... well- it isn't going to come at the cost of my life any more!!! I hope everyone will jump on the bandwagon and just say no to 'fat food.'
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    I agree with a previous commenter that you should watch Food Inc. Great documentary. I'll add read "In Defense of Food" and "Omnivores Dilema" by Michael Pollan (one of the makers of Food Inc.). Both excellent books!
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