Vegetarians & Pescatarians w/ open food journals

So, I'm getting tired of eating my foods, and looking up cal.'s and what not before eating, I need some more friends with open diary's to snoop through for meal ideas. Of course I could always use a little extra support too :) any takers?


  • wildbio
    wildbio Posts: 42 Member
    I'm a vegetarian that doesn't do any dairy. You're free to look through my diary but I'll confess that there probably isn't much inspiration there. hahaha! I could always use new ideas too!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    so I'm not veggitarian, but I have a open food journal and lately alot of my meals have been veggitarian (but including including eggs and dairy)
    so if you dont discriminate against omnivores you should add me! lol :)
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    i'm not a very healthy eater, but i am trying to veer towards that direction. currently i need to quit junk food and i am cutting down on processed foods.. so bump! i do cook/bake occasionally. there are a lot of easy recipes available online as well!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I'm a vegetarian that aims to eat clean 90% of the time...feel free to food-stalk my diary or message me for any of the recipes that are on there.
  • imagineaballoon
    I am a strict vegetarian who doesn't use a lot of dairy. I journal everything I eat, and make most of my meals (not many processed foods), so if you want to look through my entries, they're all open. :)
  • teramae
    teramae Posts: 78 Member
    I'm a vegetarian that aims to eat clean 90% of the time...feel free to food-stalk my diary or message me for any of the recipes that are on there.

    Can I food stalk you too?!? Haha, I want some "clean" ideas/info!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    Go for it.
  • MsSaturday
    MsSaturday Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for all responses!! I'll be snooping your journals before I have to eat again, can't wait for the new ideas :D
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Stalk-away :-D