New and in need of motivation and friends

Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello. I started MFP about a month ago, and have lost 12 lbs since I started. Some days are really hard for me as I need to get the motivation to get off my *kitten*. feel free to add me.


  • Hi there...I feel the same way you do. I have a 13 month old son, and I too want to loose weight, so I can chase him around :) Good luck, and I hope we can all movtivate each other to reach our goals !!
  • Wow! 12 pounds in one month is awesome! I just joined today and you have actually motivated me!
  • how do you add someone!! i would love to have friends on this site
  • Hi There!
    I'm new as well, I've only been online for a couple weeks now. I'm starting out slow, but starting to pick up some speed. I would love to connect with some others on MFP for encouragment and motivation!

    My name is Kathi, I just turned 45 in January. I have about 100 pounds to lose and have battled with weight my whole life. I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes 3 1/2 years ago and am really trying to do the right thing to get my blood sugars under control and live a healthier lifestyle.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know some new friends! :-)
  • Hi I'm a crazy Mom running 9 kids from place to place. This has lead to a very little time and care for myself.. I want to be health and free of this extra weight that slows me down.. This is a learning process and I welcome any and all help..
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