


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You guys are scaring the crap out of me! I'm going to be a high school math teacher, but I want to be able to pee! I'm pretty sure all our teachers had a period for lunch and a period for planning everyday! Maybe I was wrong.... What am I signing up for?

    You do get lunch and a planning period. Don't be scared, there are ways to go when you really have to go. If necessary, I take my class for a "restroom break". I basically save my drinking for right before lunch and right before the end of the day.
  • Pee before your first class of the day. Pee at lunch. Pee at your planning period. Watch the coffee intake. Eventually, you will develop a teacher's 'bladder of steel'
  • If you work long hours and are on a budget, you absolutely must have a crockpot! I don't know if they use a lot of energy or not, but mine is absolutely essential. I (literally) throw meat and vegetables into my crockpot in the morning, while the coffee is brewing and plug that sucker in. When I get done with work, I am terribly tempted to grab fast food or some equally unhealthy alternative. Then I remember that I already have dinner hot and waiting for me when I get home, so I skip the fast food.

    And, since I live alone, I eat that meal for one or two days and freeze the rest in individual containers. I've got frozen split pea soup, chili, spaghetti sauce, chicken udon noodle soup and jambalaya on rotation. When I get up most mornings that I work until 6pm, I just decide what I want to eat that night and move it from the freezer to the fridge to defrost.

    Cheap, healthy, and easy to use.
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    I love my crockpot. It allows me to go to the gym after work and still have dinner ready on time. My 14 year old likes it because when he comes home starving from school, he can actually have a small healthy meal instead of scrounging around for a snack.
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    Great day today! First day my students finally got to play with my new macbooks....they LOVED it! Now to figure out a creative way to use them for math rather than just playing. I mean, there's tons of stuff they can do at the website provided by their text publisher...but I want them to do some podcasts, or paper slide shows, use garage band, all that fun stuff to show me what they've learned.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Great day today! First day my students finally got to play with my new macbooks....they LOVED it! Now to figure out a creative way to use them for math rather than just playing. I mean, there's tons of stuff they can do at the website provided by their text publisher...but I want them to do some podcasts, or paper slide shows, use garage band, all that fun stuff to show me what they've learned.

    Do digital stories! They can use all of the above to do a slide show illustration with a voice-over on pretty much any topic you choose. look up digital stories for more info. I can email you some of the materials i use if you want.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I went to this awesome workshop on "mindfulness in education" today at a meditation center. now i'm wondering if anyone does meditation/yoga/mindfulness stuff with their kids (of any age). it was an illuminating workshop.

    i learned i'm not very mindful as a general practice. ha. i squirm around too much and complain in my head. guess that's why i get along with middle school kids.
  • It is so good to hear there are others...middle school science here! The food, the stress and the lack of bathroom breaks...I think there is a joke in there somewhere.

    There are strength in numbers, right?
  • Oops...trying to edit a post of random thoughts....
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I've been teaching 5th grade in South Central LA for ten years. I love it and my time is balanced well.

    I teach breathing techniques and yoga to my kids. They love it.
  • sarclu8
    sarclu8 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a first year- third grade teacher!! This has been one (if not thee) most stressful years of my life!! Trying to balance school and family while losing weight is very difficult. I wake up at 4:00 AM so I can work out in the morning before school- by 4:00 PM I am exhausted...like barely have the energy to carry my book bag into the house (and it has wheels) exhausted!! I also have to eat breakfast at 6:00 because we have lunch at 10:45. I feel famished when I get home and run for the fridge!! Then I am readly for dinner at 5:00 and my hubby doesnt get home until 6:00. I can not drink the water I should be drinking at school because then I have to use the bathroom every hour, which obviously can not happen. I thought losing weight was the hardest thing I had done...until I started teaching LOL
  • LJ0125
    LJ0125 Posts: 89
    So, I feel like I have basically fallen off the wagon. I am not completely eating like crap but enough. I have been dealing with a relentless migraine since last Sunday. I made it to the gym twice in the past two weeks. I'm only up two pounds but it feels like 20. I can't seem to find my motivation. My boyfriend is as supportive as ever. I just spend my days attempting to control this migraine so I can function and sleeping. I had to get a head ct yesterday. I made a neurologist appointment. I just want to eat, eat, and eat.

    In the past week I have gotten two new students. Of course they are both on different levels. I am now up to 7 kids with 5 different reading levels, 3 math levels, and 3 science and social studies levels. Lesson planning is becoming impossible.

    I think I am done venting now...

    Wait no I am not. Money is nonexistent right now so I made sure to get my taxes done right away. There is a hold on them until Feb 14 due to some new form. Just give me the damn brown sugar pop tarts now.
  • Middle School science here, too.

    Sounds like folks are having a rough weekend. Hang in there, teachers!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Ugh. One of those Thursdays that just drains you. I've been sick forever (I think it's related to my lifestyle changes :grumble:) and I just want to take tomorrow OFF!
  • Ida13
    Ida13 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm a Kindy Teacher at a Language School and have 2 classes ..... I don't get lunch! My first free period is at 13:00 and I alternate these between the 2 classes to get valuable extra English lessons in. So, lunch, and toilet time happens at 14:00 - providing no meetings have been scheduled. I have stopped drinking water when at school! I swear I use the toilet at school maybe twice a MONTH! Right now we have mid term holidays, so I have a really balanced day..... but similar to sarclu8 I'm starved when I get home at 15:00, and will grab anything that looks like food, which normally turns out to be rubbish, because I know I have to serve dinner at 18:00!!!! I've only started working out this week, don't know how I will fit that in once it's back to school (after school there's no time with preparation and grading....). Will probably need to get up an hour earlier... damn!

    This thread has really got me worried now.... need to do some careful planning before school starts again.
  • Hang in there. The first year is crazy crazy stressful. But those who are meant to be teachers don't care.....we love what we do. It WILL get easier....promise!
  • Yes if you claimed the teacher deduction (the whopping 250.00) there is a hold. It sucks. But only a couple more days! I hope you are feeling better!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Hello fellow teachers. I always find Sunday nights hard because the thought of the week ahead and all that I need to do is daunting.

    However, for me at least, this is a 4-day week so I'm trying to stay positive. Friday is a P.A day and while I don't relish the idea of meetings discussing more school-board related "stuff", it is nice to have a break for sure.

    Hope you've all had a great week and will have an even better one next week.
  • I teach 5th grade and i need some motivation! I need someone to cheer for me the way we all do it for our students! Hope to make some support buddies on here. Any Florida teachers?
  • I teach 5th grade and i need some motivation! I need someone to cheer for me the way we all do it for our students! Hope to make some support buddies on here. Any Florida teachers?

    You are way ahead of me--you've lost a lot more weight! Go You!

    Happy Valentine's Day, teachers! Did we survive the afternoon party drama? Did we throw away the boxes of cheap chocolate when the children weren't looking. They are NOT worth the calories, and you know it!
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