Lost 70 lbs...gained some back...wanna lose it again :)

Kelnurse Posts: 145
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone!
I am new to this site and am excited about refocusing to lose the 20-30 lbs I gained back. A few yrs ago I lost a total of about 70 lbs, lost my motivation for awhile and gained about half of it back :-( I'm committed to getting rid of it again and keeping it off 4 good! Who's with me?! :-)


  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome to the site, its great here and you will knock off that weight in no time, I am trying to lose the weight I gained over the last five years myself. Good luck in you journery, if you need a motivational friend, you can give me an add.
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    Good for you!!!
    I just ordered the Total Body Transformation set from Zumba...How do you like the workouts? I have never done them but I am so excited to try and honestly I love dancing...I don't want my exercise to be a chore I cant wait to finish...but a fun thing I cant wait to begin!
    Let me know!
  • sosamantha
    sosamantha Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also with you! I just joined the site, too, but I think it's going to be of great help. I lost 70 pounds about five years ago, and I've gained about 15 of them back. I'm now ready to re-lose those 15 pounds and keep them off for good. Best of luck to you!!
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    I lost 60 pounds. Quit smoking and packed 25 back on in 3 months. :(

    P.S. Zumba is awesome! It's fun and a great card workout. I have the tapes for when I can't make it to my class. Enjoy!
  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    Thank u sosamantha, ChelDM, and BigBeaver! Its nice to know there are other people out there with the same goals! ChelDM- I love zumba because its fun and feels like ur learning a dance routine. I agree, zumba doesnt feel like a chore at all and I think thats why I enjoy it so much. I've been takin classes at my gym 4 almost 2 yrs now but dont have any dvds at home. U'll have to tell me what u think of the TBT set when u get it, I've seen them advertised on TV and look like a blast! Sosamantha- congrats on losing all that weight and I know we can both get those unwanted lbs off again! Best of luck to u too!! Big Beaver- Thank u 4 the welcome!! My sister told me about this site and am SOOO glad she did! I definitely need the motivation...my big reason 4 gaining some of the weight back is due to my portion sizes and so I have to work on that haha!
  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    Hi reccher, nice to meet u!! I have to be honest...I am a smoker and have tried quitting a MILLION times!! I know how extremely difficult it is to kick the habit so a big CONGRATS 4 that!! I think a big reason why I dont want to quit is because I know I will pack on lbs! Its crazy to think like that I know, because smoking is so bad 4 my health. I figure I'll focus on one thing at a time 4 now. I'm glad to see there are other zumba fans here! Do u enjoy the zumba dvds??
  • Hi,
    I just joined this week also. I too had lost 80lbs...unfortunately I gained almost all of it back. I let the negative take over again. Im here to get myself out of that rut, and get healthy! I'm going to stop focusing on my failures, and working on my successes! :)

    I love Zumba too! Im starting a class next Wednesday, i can't wait! :)
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    Wow....I am so excited now for the Zumba workouts...
    Kel-I will let you know which DVD's I like best...They raved about this in my pre-op class...I know it is a big deal here in LA. I will definitely keep you posted.
    Sam- I am really impressed that you are buckling down and not procrastinating!
    Rec-I quit too and it was horrendous weight gain...good for you tackling it!
    Ursula-Good for you coming here and working on it....Think positive!
  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    Hey Ursulaann! Nice to meet u!! I love ur plan on weight loss and intend on copyin that attitude!! We can and WILL do it!!
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    Agreed! Ladies...We WILL do this!
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