South Beach Diet



  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Cluster it with any other diet that can't be followed the rest of your life...such as the people on this thread are testament to.
    Following the South Beach diet for a a month until you can't take it anymore, will not.

    Just out of curiosity, how do you, personally, define "South Beach diet?"

    Yeah, that's what I figured.

    I couldn't follow phase 1 for the rest of my life, but fortunately, no one ever asked me to. It was more boring than difficult, and was only for two weeks. The South Beach I'm on now - the phase 2 as outlined in the book - is not so different from the so called balanced, restricted calorie diets I tried to follow in the past, only with much clearer guidelines. I do eat carbs, I've just learned to differentiate between instant oatmeal and the real thing, and between whole wheat bread and whole grain bread. Do it right and South Beach teaches you to eat real food. That's a bad thing?

    A lot of folks seem to use phase 1 as a short term crash diet, and are even more restrictive on carbs than the book calls for. The man tells you to eat a minimum of 4.5 cups of vegetables every day. He tells you to never let yourself get hungry. People who ignore that advice and abuse the diet deserve what they get.

    Can I follow it for the rest of my life? Well, I fully expect to slip up from time to time and eat something I know isn't good for me. But I can certainly make it the backbone of my diet for the rest of my life.
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    Exactly right Laura, I think that most people think that phase 1 is where it ends. Phase 1, can even be skipped, it's simply getting your blood sugar under control.

    And it is a diet that is achievable for the rest of your life. I lost 75 pounds on the SBD and kept it off for 5 years until I started eating burgers and fries for lunch every day. Not because of the diet, but because I CHOSE to eat unhealthy food. Any diet plan, or way of eating would be destroyed by doing that :).

    Healthy eating is just that, healthy eating. There doesn't need to be a label, but what works for one won't work for another. The SBD principles work for me, I love veggies, I enjoy eating fresh foods, and I can generally use it's guidelines to make a good choice in a restaurant situation. And it even allows me to eat dessert when I want. It's helped me figure out why I can't eat just one donut (white sugar and white flour are a really bad combination for me) and make the choice to not eat them so I don't crave food later. It's not a cure-all, it's a tool, and just like any other tool, is only as good as the person using it.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I've read the book twice, once when it first came out, once just last week. Here are the main points I got out of it - eat lean protein, vegetables, whole grain carbs and good fats. Oh, and eat until your body tells you that you are full. The part I'm not sure about is Phase I. I am really thinking about starting at Phase II. I don't have that many cravings for carbs any more anyway.

    I hope you are able to find success in whatever you decide to do!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    And it is a diet that is achievable for the rest of your life. I lost 75 pounds on the SBD and kept it off for 5 years until I started eating burgers and fries for lunch every day. Not because of the diet, but because I CHOSE to eat unhealthy food. Any diet plan, or way of eating would be destroyed by doing that :).

    Oceanrose, you are right on the button! I lived on SBD for years, and still follow what I learned religeously! Nothing WHITE (except cauliflower!!!), GOOD oils, protein at every meal, fill up with as much fiber as possible, and try to have 3 moderate meals plus 2 or 3 healthy snack every day! And this way of life came about because Dr Agatston was working on a healthy way for his heart patients to live and be active. While developing this, his staff discovered those who were trying his plan were losing weight! It was NOT initially developed as a weight loss diet! If properly followed, one should feel healthy and alive!

    My departure happened when, after years of overdoing my daily exercise routine (race walking, aerobics, weight lifting, zumba, plus almost any new discovery), I wore out my hip and required a replacement. The hospital food was not a problem: it was simply inedible! But 2 weeks in rehab...typical institutional "comfort" food...and my weight and tastes started to backfire, plus no more 5-7 miles of speedwalking daily, and no more gym, and over 3 years, I gained around 40 pounds. At 40, one has time to get back in shape. At 80, it becomes crucial for one's health. My Dr said to cut calories. I did! I gained more weight. I was really feeling desperate when one of the staff in my Dr's office said "You need our nutritionist. You are in starvation mode" and she set up an appointment.

    I am now on approximately 1200 calories a day, and here My Fitness Plan is like a miracle, because it tells me exactly WHERE I'm messing up! I journal evry single day. And basically, I am eating South Beach Diet rules, and there are things I simply cannot get myself to eat---especially WHITE ANYTHING! Nuts are great snacks, 1200 calories keeps me very full, but I force myself when I'm able. Once we are in our 80's, doctors are a frequent occurence, and on days I have "procedures, I often don't eat enough,, and the scale will NOT budge down!

    So do not eat less than 1200 calories a day. In SBD, it's OK to skip the 2st 2 weeks. They often cause constipation, and they are merely a kick-start for the impatient! Just read the rules, understand the what and why of SBD, and think of it as a truly healthy lifestyle.

    It took me 3 years to recover my strength after the hip surgery, and I ended up with the new hip being higher than the other, so my entire walking gait has changed. I now prefer walking to a Jane Fonda or Leslie Sansone DVD, under a fan in my air-conditioned comfort. Sometimes that's necessary anyway, in Florida. But I find I cannot consider eating stuff unacceptable on South Beach Diet, and ;though at my age, it's much more difficult to lose pounds, I gladly settle for the ounces going down!
  • pentafive
    Check out the videos in here, they talk about a low carb diet and why/how it helps.