4 weeks in and just introducing myself - sorry


I'm Gary, 32yo and from Scotland in the United Kingdom.

I started using my fitness pal the week after Christmas to track my usual daily food intake and was shocked to see that I was eating on average 1,500 (sometimes 2,000) calories over what I should have been if I wanted to lose weight - mostly in evil snacks. :tongue:

So 4 weeks in and having been using it on my iphone I've only just discovered the Forums, so thought I'd pop in and introduce myself.

I've lost 8lbs so far and know I have plenty more to lose over the coming months.



  • Octomonkey
    Octomonkey Posts: 72 Member
    Hey Gary, I know your not technically new but welcome!! This site is awesome and so helpful!!

    Oh and well done on your weight loss so far :)
  • catzybird
    catzybird Posts: 15 Member
    :smile: Welcome Gary, it's a great site isnt it. I know it's shocking how quickly the cals build up! Best of luck and congrats on your loss so far
  • jcwtram6
    I also have been here about 2-3 weeks. I am a married mother of 4 from Kansas. Wasn't sure what to expect on here when I joined. My place of employment is having a Biggest Loser Competition and this website was listed as one of the best resources to help lose and maintain weight! So here I go, since joining I have lost 4 pounds. I have not been totally faithful to the website, but seeing those 4 pounds gone makes me want to do more! I have learned life ain't fair and life ain't easy. I believe the same to be true when it comes to weight. So here we go on the start of a new journey and a NEW ME!!!!
  • traceyhill63
    Hi, Its my 1st week on here and like how it totals your calories for you.
    I lost 2 1/2 stones last year and did really well keeping it off till Christmas two weeks of not watching what I ate and wow 9lbs gained so easily.
    Two friends have been doing this diet since Christmas and are loosing weight so thought I would give it a go.
  • garymccord
    garymccord Posts: 16 Member
    It really is fantastic, although I can't say it was fantastic at the start - post xmas I was craving chocolate for the first couple of week, was sure I was having proper withdrawal symptoms as I'd normally have chocolate every single day.

    Even though I plan to keep using MFP, I already think I've retrained myself to know how much to eat during the day and what's good for you (and bad, but in moderation).

    Normally in the evening I'd feel even the slightest bit hungry (or sometimes not) and still raid the fridge or chocolate collection just to give myself something to do as I watched TV. Whereas now, only 4 weeks in, I don't think twice about grabbing a banana or orange to give me a small boost.

    I'm quite the convert :love: