"H20" Seriously Sexy Seven pounds of Valentines Day Week 6



  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks a bunch for the challenge!! Just wanna say that the graphics at the beginning of each week are awesome! Great idea to post the chart in Google charts.

    Bru- glad yer done with the surgery and here’s hoping you have a quick and full recovery. Love the laughing gas too, but hate the drooling while yer waiting for the freezing to wear off. I also had a hard time motivating myself, but I started hot yoga and I think I’m addicted. I’m hoping to start my C25K again when the weather warms up. Single digits would be great, Just hoping for out of the negatives lol (Canada).
    April Val-congratz on the loss and hope all goes well for you soon.
    Jsecret- yer a machine girl, great job on your success.!! You must be very proud!!
    Pink-congratz on the loss and I love yer new pic!! I’m really trying to get back into running again, buts its hard to motivate myself.
    Fitterpam-yer so close!! You’ll do it I’m sure. Congratz on your success, great job on the hard work.
    Chantal yer disappearing holy moly you killed it!! Great job!
    Violet – loss is a loss congratz!! I’m a vegetarian, if you would like some veggie recipies, I would be happy to post!!
    Ceelove- hope yer gonna reward yourself for your great success!! I see new spring shoes in the mix. Great job!!
    Nurse- keep it up, youll get there before you know it.

    Thank you all for letting me be a part of it. Count me in for the next one, but I don’t have any ideas what to call it. Lol!! It’s been really fun to check in and hear from you all.

    Have a great last week everyone!! If I have missed anyone, I’m sorry, but I’m cheering you on to do great!!

    Yes, I would LOVE some recipes!! :-)
  • mrmarler
    mrmarler Posts: 121 Member
    I am so excited for the final week weigh in, I know I am close! YAY
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    No laughing gas for me, they completely knocked me out. I'm still swollen but at least I can kinda get a spoon in my mouth today. Still sore to the touch and puffy. I may not have eaten much the passed few days, but my sodium has been horrible. Of course, nothing a little water can't fix but still!

    Hope everyone is having a better week than I. *hugs*
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    April, LOL! You can keep the single digits. Really. I don't need 'em. :tongue:

    Roboray, thanks. :) It is hard to get into running! Having a playlist with sexy rockin' music helps, as well as having RunKeeper - getting the immediate feedback of how far I've gone, for how long, and how many calories burned REALLY helps me keep positive about it.

    Bru, duh. You were completely out. You don't need the happy gas. You poor thing - hope your mouth completely heels quickly!

    Ugh. I'm still at the plateau, hell, I gained 0.2 this week! I'm up to 174.6, which means for the challenge I've lost less than a pound. :indifferent: I fixed my daily cals so I'm back to what MFP first told me to do, when I was loosing weight consistently. Now that I'm more active I'm thinking my 1400something cals isn't enough for my body. We'll see! This will be an experiment for the next challenge.

    What are we naming that challenge, by the way? Fluffy Bunnies No More?
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    As part of the challenge this week, I did a little pampering by giving myself a NICE manicure last night (we're talking the $12 bottle of polish, with base and top coat, as well as a nice warm hand soak and overnight lotion). I just wanted to share b/c I felt fabulously femine while on the treadmill today every time I noticed my hands! This is in stark comparison to the flushed, bouncy/jiggly image I usually pay most of my attention to while working out, so I just wanted to share the immediate and lasting results of my pampering. Hope it inspires someone else to pamper themselves this week, too--we all deserve it, and it just might help push you a little harder this week!

    PS--the Greek Turkey Meatballs were RIDICULOUSLY DELICIOUS!!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    emilysebastian, what brand/color did you use on your digits! Polishphile here, gotta know. ;)

    I'm still excited for my first 5K at the end of March, but I'm kinda bummed out about it...it's at Knott's Berry Farm and I really thought I'd read that people loved running in the shadows of the steel giants, which lead me to believe the course went through the park. Apparently, it doesn't. The course map was published and we never ONCE go inside the park gates. Just winds around the perimeter. If it'd known that, I don't think I would have signed up for it. :ohwell:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Still achy and swollen here.. Still can't eat solid foods nor exercise (unless you count walking to the bathroom and back :ohwell: )... So, I'm not sure how the challenges will be for me, but I've decided to do the following:

    Challenge 1: Getting my drink on, Monday was horrible since I couldn't drink/eat anything til 130pm and yesterday wasn't too bad, trying to make the best of the situation.. today I was back up to 12 glasses :drinker:

    Challenge 2: IF I can, I want to try a new exercise, I have the p90x set and I haven't done more than 20min of one of the videos..never got to try out the yoga one last week, I'm considering that one for this time around...

    Challenge 3: Doing something nice for another. I have some clothes that are too big for me and I'm sending them to a fellow MFPer, all for free of course since I was gonna send them to Goodwill originally. And I refuse to let het pay shipping :happy:

    Challenge 4: Hoping to get that p90x Yoga dvd going...

    I hope you all are having a much better week than I. I plan on visiting my Grandmother, cousins, aunt and uncle this weekend with my mom and brothers and if the weather is right, I'm still planning on a 5k (virtual 5k via Facebook). We e-filed our taxes and are getting back much more than we expected..while the majority of it is going to bills since Nick will be laid off for 2weeks (starting Monday), we are setting aside a small amount for each of us to buy what we want or need. I plan on buying clothes that I need. I'm sick of wearing the same exercise pants around the house and Nicks tshirts.. *if* we ever go out, it's the same jeans and sweater. It's long over due, just no clue on how soon that money will actually show. But at least we have them done. Enough rambling for me, enjoy your week/end all, time to attempt sleep for the 3rd time tonight :indifferent:

    :heart: Bru

    Oh, and as for the next challenge here's some random things..Easter or Spring, either way..
    H2O's Spring out of 10 lbs
    H2O's 15 Chickadee Jamboree
    H2O's Rascally Rabbit Challenge (no pound amount specified, we could all make a pledge on how much we want to lose instead of a set amount..)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Anyone wanting some good homemade recipes for the week, check out Gina's Skinny Recipes (www.skinnyrecipes.com)... I'm havnig Greek Turkey Meatballs tonight, and have some Chicken Avocado Soup in the freezer for lunch sometime later this week. Really great MOSTLY healthy recipes that your non-slimming family members will like, too :happy:

    psst....the website is http://www.skinnytaste.com ;)
  • roboray
    roboray Posts: 73 Member
    emilysebastian, what brand/color did you use on your digits! Polishphile here, gotta know. ;)

    I'm still excited for my first 5K at the end of March, but I'm kinda bummed out about it...it's at Knott's Berry Farm and I really thought I'd read that people loved running in the shadows of the steel giants, which lead me to believe the course went through the park. Apparently, it doesn't. The course map was published and we never ONCE go inside the park gates. Just winds around the perimeter. If it'd known that, I don't think I would have signed up for it. :ohwell:

    I signed up for my first one in April. Let me know how yours goes, I'm terrified!!

    good luck!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    roboray, thanks, good luck to you too! I'm nervous as well but we're going to rock our races! And because I can't get enough torture, hubby and I are going to do the Warrior Dash the next weekend after the 5K. If you don't know what it is, google it, it looks ridiculously fun and ruckus!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I re-weighed today and I'm at 173.4. Better!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    roboray, thanks, good luck to you too! I'm nervous as well but we're going to rock our races! And because I can't get enough torture, hubby and I are going to do the Warrior Dash the next weekend after the 5K. If you don't know what it is, google it, it looks ridiculously fun and ruckus!

    I am doing the Warrior Dash in June. It does look like a lot of fun!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am doing the Warrior Dash in June. It does look like a lot of fun!

    Yay! We're Warrior Dash twins! Are you going to wear any kind of costume? I'm thinking of wearing a leopard print hot pink tutu and fishnet thigh high stockings. :laugh: Gonna get nutty!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member

    pampering.. ive been eyeballing these purses for over a month.. finally got the green one in I wanted.. :) yay! so I got it.. pampered myself.. :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member

    pampering.. ive been eyeballing these purses for over a month.. finally got the green one in I wanted.. :) yay! so I got it.. pampered myself.. :)

    April that purse is ADORABLE! It is such a cute color. Nice pampering!!
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Pink_and_Shiny... thanks for the correction on the website--doh! Oh, and I'm not sure of the name of the color of the polish, but it is Rimmel 10-Day (bottle is pretty all on it's own, all thick glass and super posh looking), goes on super smooth, and it's a classic burgandy/red color--perfect for v-day, and it hasn't chipped yet! Also, I don't know if you've ever seen them or not, but I have a few Konad stamps (Google them if not--super cool!), so I put little white hearts on my pinkies as well.

    BrunetteWife... hope you are feeling better!!! Also, great names for the challenge :) I vote for the Rascally Rabbit one... maybe we could decide on a certain percent vs a # of lbs, so it is "equal" across all participants???

    April... LOVE the new purse :)
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Oh, and as for the next challenge here's some random things..Easter or Spring, either way..
    H2O's Spring out of 10 lbs
    H2O's 15 Chickadee Jamboree
    H2O's Rascally Rabbit Challenge (no pound amount specified, we could all make a pledge on how much we want to lose instead of a set amount..)

    I kind of like the Chickadee Jamboree idea! It's cute!
    I like having a set amount so I'm challenged by an "outsider" personally. We could always have a "15 pounds...or your goal" type situation ???.... IDK. How many weeks will this one run?
  • roboray
    roboray Posts: 73 Member
    I re-weighed today and I'm at 173.4. Better!

  • roboray
    roboray Posts: 73 Member

    pampering.. ive been eyeballing these purses for over a month.. finally got the green one in I wanted.. :) yay! so I got it.. pampered myself.. :)

    very sexy!!! I'm jealous!! I'm so happy you are treating yourself!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member

    pampering.. ive been eyeballing these purses for over a month.. finally got the green one in I wanted.. :) yay! so I got it.. pampered myself.. :)

    April that purse is ADORABLE! It is such a cute color. Nice pampering!!

    Thank you.. I love it.. perfect color.. :)