Do my numbers seem high for P90X?

kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I just got a new sportsline s7 hr monitor..I'm wondering if my numbers seem high? Has anyone had problems with this monitor? A couple days ago I thought my numbers were low - It read 391 for shoulders and arms w/ arx. Yesterday it seemed high 700 cals doing cardio x (inc. a little extra time after the video was done to get at 700). Today 860 cals with legs and back w/ arx ( don't have a pull up bar so I did push ups instead for those...extra time also because I had to try to find things to entertain my 10 month old so she could get off my ankles!)


  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    If it doesn't have a chest strap it may be inconsistent. Wait until you see what it says the next time for those workouts.I would burn about 700 during that programs cardio at 80-90% of max at 5'10 170lbs. I use sportline Duo
  • jram70
    jram70 Posts: 91 Member
    I just did cardio X yesterday and got about 400 from it. I have logged 800 or so in legs and back before. I will say that I have varied tremendously on a couple of occasions since it has gotten cold where I am (I guess dry skin). Like sometimes AbripperX only according to my HRM burns 20 calories which I know is wrong. I don't think your results are out of line if you are really working it and not in the best shape (i.e. you burn less the better shape you are in).
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    My P90X calorie burns were about the same as you. I felt that they were high, but I really had nothing to compare it to. Sometimes I think my HRM is inconsistent, but I always take them with a grain of salt.
  • I've done parts of P90X-very intense, but the seconds tick away on the clock even during instruction and between sets. You may want to adjust your input time accordingly.
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    ok.. first of all, keep in mind a HRM is ONLY looking at heart rate. you will have lower burns for strength training & ab workouts. secondly, if you are not in the best shape... cardio workouts that are about 40-60min will give you anywhere from 400-900 calorie burns.

    i burned the MOST with P90X plyo and it was at max only 470. i am very fit though, and just finished a summer of training for a half marathon which i finished in 2:05. i'm 31 years old, and about 150 lbs.

    for the other cardio P90X workouts i ranged between 300-400 with my polar HRM. for the strength workouts i was around 150-200 and legs would give me about 300 (it was the highest). ab ripper was low... like 100 - 150 maybe?

    i now have a bodymedia fit which is basically the same as a bodybugg and i am much happier with the readouts on calories because i feel like it's a more accurate picture since it has 4 sensors. it does NOT take into account heart rate, but i feel like the other measures mean more... and now i do get a higher burn for strength training because my new device senses heat flux, and sweat.
  • chellis76
    chellis76 Posts: 36 Member
    I have personaly burned 600 doing the legs and back but that day I was BRINGING IT!! lol Mine does vary and I have a chest strap but there are days when I am definelty more awake doing my workouts and get a better workout then. I get up at 0345 to workout and there are days when i am just tired!!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I just got a new sportsline s7 hr monitor..I'm wondering if my numbers seem high? Has anyone had problems with this monitor? A couple days ago I thought my numbers were low - It read 391 for shoulders and arms w/ arx. Yesterday it seemed high 700 cals doing cardio x (inc. a little extra time after the video was done to get at 700). Today 860 cals with legs and back w/ arx ( don't have a pull up bar so I did push ups instead for those...extra time also because I had to try to find things to entertain my 10 month old so she could get off my ankles!)

    As you get more fit your HR and calories burned will drop. P90X suggest the average burn to be 600.

    FYI: push ups do not work the same muscle group as pull ups. push ups do chest and pull ups work the back, if you don't have a pull up bar you may want to use bands, it is important not to overwork one muscle group (chest) and ignore another (Back)
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    Yeah I was using a band that I have but I wasn't getting enough I thought I'd to push ups so that I'm doing at least something.....I understand though...guess I'll have to bug my husband some more to put the pull up bar up.
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks for replying to my post. I guess I am not the most fit. I mean I am 5'3 124 lbs. but not fit. I lifted weights for about 6 months 3-4 days a week before I had my daughter (10 months old now). Then just recently started lifting again in November and p90x just in the last 2 weeks....but no cardio before that. I'm definitely working hard when I do my workouts. I do my best to keep up, use 12 lbs. weights on most exercises and also use them even when they aren' heart rate is pretty high the entire time..I guess I'll just have to monitor it as I keep going.
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    I bought a diff. hr monitor with a chest numbers were definitely too high on the other one..this one seems more accurate!!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    My numbers were higher when I first got my heart rate monitor because I was much less fit. Now workouts that used to challenge me, don't really do so at all. I remember the first time I did an Insanity workout and barely got through the warm-up, I burned a bunch of calories. Now I can do the whole thing (more or less) but my calorie burn is not nearly as high because I am much more fit. Being more fit means your body is more efficient at using its resources, hence you can work more and longer with the same number of calories.
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