Life After Baby.....Here I am!

Ok, I had my baby 5 months ago today. No more playing around. It's time to get serious. I have lost about 32 lbs since the baby was born...breast feeding helps....some of that weight was of course I need to try now. Wasn't trying before.

Here I am. I commit to eating healthy, not dieting, but eating healthy and being active. I want to be here for a long long time.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

I will be healthy, slender and not afraid of a bathing suit! I can do this!

Thanks for listening! :-)


  • boomstick13s
    i'm with you on not being afraid of a bathing suit!!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Welcome! You can do it. I have 2 babies ( 2 yr and 7 mo), so I am here to, to accomplish the same thing. You are off to a great start. Keep it up!!

  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Congrats and welcome! I'm a mommy too that needed to lose baby and pre-baby weight. I'm in maintaining now and it feels great.
  • kpagilagan
    I hear you ... I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. I have 3 kids (7, 5, 1) and I need to finally get serious about this, and it's working! Congratulations! Keep it up!
  • swtchrypie
    AMEN sister!! I just a had my lil girl 3 months ago and I am on the same boat as you. I want to be healthy and active, a good example for both my kids!

    Keep going, we're going to be healthy mamas!!!
  • amysol
    amysol Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks guys! So this was my 3rd child...and I have like 3 pregnancies worth of weight to lose, LOL. I gotta do this for them!

  • vickid24
    Amysol...I also had my baby girl 5 months ago today :smile: (I also have a 15yr old and a 10yr old) and I am trying to lose the extra weight (plus a little more) that I put on during my pregnancy. The other two times it was SO hard to get the weight off, but with this time with determination, MFP and support I am slowly but surely getting it off! I didn't lose as much weight as you did once my baby was born, and I know that my some of my "unhealthy" ways had alot to do with that! This is a great place for support and a wonderful way to keep you accountable for what you eat. If you would like to add me, please do! CONGRATS on your new baby and CONGRATS on getting started to a healthier lifestyle. And yes...YOU CAN DO IT! :happy: